guess i hit a nerve with that one lol, whats the word on the nutrients, ie: what will you be using next time, i grow in soil and ff was very reasonably priced compared to some of the stuff by Advanced Nutrients so that sold me, ive never nuted with much strength b4, always just threw some blood and bone meal in my mix and was usually pretty good to go with just an all purpose 7-7-7 like every 3rd watering
glad for the headsup though, these bad boys may be put to use on my real vegetable garden this coming season lol, ill save whatever high octane i get for my girls
You should put a couple more plants in there. You have at least enough room for 3 moreHere is my 400w pride and joy
Currently hosting OG Kush
My pictures can be deceiving. My room is only 3'4" tall and those 600w lights are only 10-12" away from the girls. Generally people think my room is bigger than it is. And trust me, Im using the space effectively. Ill post the harvest in here when the time comes. I am a former member here, just upgraded to the 600w's this round. If it makes you feel better, here is the original pic I posted here of my 400w with White Widow under it.integra21 nice setup but its 400w get your veg room pics up! id have so many more plants stuck in that room lol. and the lights way closer.
Your puttin your hopes a little too high there. 8 ounces last time and expect to double it this time? More plants does not equal more bud! Unless your doing an SOG. And a pound off a 400 is very high expections. It can be done but takes a lot of work to get that dialed in perfect.heres some pics of my 400w grow. got to love em. you can pull just as many lumens from them as some people get from 1000w. lol if only people really understood! a few pics from my last harvest and 2 pics of my current grow of 10 plants. pulled 8 ounces from 4 plants last time. this time hopefully will get 1.25 grams per watt. what do ppl think the max is? i know im getting 400 grams at least. but idk whats possible. so im shooting for at least a pound
Obviously reading isnt your strong point. That was my last harvest under my 400w light. It too was my first grow. It was only 5 plants. I was more so pointing out that I wasnt going to take rookie advice from a below average grower. Thats all. And If you had been in this thread for more than a week or two, you would have seen all of my old post and the people saying to keep posting here with the 600w light upgrade, since everyone likes to see pics of good buds. So start stepping up and talking when you can grow better and have pics to prove it.i was using a quarter of that room last time. with 4 smaller plants. a gram a watt isnt pushing it. integra why u even bragging bout your 600w harvest. no1 cares. its a 400w forum and that was my first grow. so many mistakes were made to diminish that harvest. jus like every1 elses first grow. the hindu was chron. but i liked the blackberry kush a little more. skunks arent my fav high. more for yield id say. im running 10 plants in 3 gal pots. they will be about 2-3 feet tall at finish. your saying i cant get 1 1/2 ounces off each 1. lol. so far its looking as if ill easily get 400 grams. so many more bud sites then last time. i kno its not even close to impossible. i have friends do it every time in a smaller room not running sog. jus putting em in there. and letting em go. i wasnt questioning that at all. i was questioning 1.25 g to 1.5 g a watt.
I dont want to get into an online pissing contest with you. Those pics are old and clearly documented in my journal. That grow had a ton of problems as well, and thats what I got out of it. The link is in my sig, if you want to check it out. Keep up the good work on your current grow and I really hope you get the numbers you want out of this run. That would be really great. I knew if mine haddnt had so many issues, I could have probly gotten 12ozs out of it, but thats where I figured I would top out at. Thats why I upgreaded to my dual 600w's, in the hopes of getting the numbers I wanted. I'll be keeping an eye on your grow and hope the best for you. And please, If you have any doubts about my pics and weights, feel free to stop by and check it out. You might even find some useful info to help you reach your goals. If you dont want to read through that one, I have a shorter personal journal that doesnt have as many user posts in it and the read goes much quicker. Just ask for a link and I'll send you not gonna go back and read all your posts. dont have the time bro. theres jus no need for you to start talking shit. u got 14 jars from 1 400 huh. im sure dude. thats bs. i guess u have to act big somewhere. might as well do it on the internet huh bro. rollitup is cool but theres to many people like you trying to act bigger than they are. why cant ppl jus fuckin smoke and stop bickering about everything. jus grow up man im not gonna continue this arguement with u.