400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy


Well-Known Member
She's the clone only. I want to cube her to come up with a good representation of her from seed. S1s can be fire, but there's a lot of variability.
Fruity Chronic juice is her name, keeping people stoned is her game. vgikqs.jpg Got 12 oz off this beast under my 400w with a scrog in a 2x3 room.


Well-Known Member
Top Notch buds there Jonamon, not long to go now
All plants are supposed to be 50-55 day flowering times according to breeders info so we'll see.

I'm expecting to harvest around day 65 of 12/12 around 58 days flowering. But that's not set in stone.

It depends when they tell me they're finished.



Well-Known Member

a little video of my girls tonight


Well-Known Member
Day 45 of 12/12.

Around 38 days flowering.

Fruity chronic juice cola

Critical+ cola

Fasciation fruity chronic juice.

Fasciation or polyploid cola is at the bottom left of the pic. Looks like there is a double set of leaves around it.



Well-Known Member
Please tell me you have a clone of that plant.
Like I have said before.

I now have a single room and no time to dick around with freaks.

I grow, I harvest, I smoke.

Its pretty simple really.

I don't want to be spending months learning what a poly wants to be grown like.

This plant has 1 decent cola. The poly cola and even that isn't massive.

Then there's things like a greater risk of mould due to formation of the cola which would mean I would have to run my dehumidifier more costing more money again and increasing my costs per grow.

Unfortunately energy in the UK is expensive.

I pay around £0.24 per kwh. That's around $0.38.
