400W hm/hps+T5-SleestackxSkunk,OG18xSkunk,HashplantHaze,PinkKush


Active Member
Date: feb 12 2010

Genetic: Sleestack x Skunk (Attitude/DNA), OG18 x Skunk (Attitude/DNA), HashPlant Haze (DNA FEM), Pink Kush (bag seed)

Plant Age: 5 days from seed

System: veg/clone room 3'Long x 4' High x 2.25' Deep. veg/flower room 3.5'Long x 7.5' High x 4.25' Deep.

Grow Medium: Rapid Rooter plugs, transplanting into small square pots with 70% potting soil/ 25% perlite/ 5% +- Hydroton

Lighting Conditions: Veg with sunblaze 24" 54W T-5 HO Lamp with 2 6400K bulbs and one T-8 18" 15W 18 000K bulb. then 400W digital cool tube Metal Halide.

Flower with 400W digital cool tube HPS. so far i don't have the cool tube hooked up to venting and heat hasn't been an issue. the fan disburses the heat well.

Cycle: 24/7 seedling, 18/6 veg and 12/12 flower.

Temperature: seedling temp - 79F.

Humidity: 50% RH.

Ventilation [out]: dual 12" in/out fan. 60W

Ventilation [in]: passive from another room with open window.

Heater: Hydrofarm seedling mat

Air Conditioner: 60W Air conditioner with Humidifying chiller.

Odor Control: ONA auto dispenser, ona Pro spray, ona Pro Blocks, Carbon sheet on vent out fan.

Water Conditions: Room temp

H20 Type: Zero Water Filter - 000 ppm

pH: Kept between 5.7 and 6.5

TDS content [PPM]: 000 (for now)

Feeding Solution

Nutrient Solution: Veg: GH Flora Nova Grow (7-4-10)

Nutrient Solution: Flower: GH Flora Nova Bloom

Additives: GH Floralicious Plus (2-.8-.02), SUPERthrive(veg), Green Planet ZYME, Green Planet PRO-CAL, Green Planet MASSIVE (1-1.5-2.8),Green Planet Finisher (0.0083-0.011-0.0505), GH Liquide Kool Bloom.
Additive Levels: a little less than half recommended

Foliar Feed: Veg: GH Floralicious Plus, Flower: Green Planet Brix+

Water Control: GH Flora Kleen, Technaflora PH up and down.

Tools: Truncheon Ecostick EC/CF tester, Hanna Mini pocket PH tester, HMD TDS Tester. GH PH tester solution, 5 ml syringe.




Active Member
day 6 ends and all the seedlings are in the square pots and seem to be happy about it. temp and RH seem to be stable at 78.8 and 53%. i also added a small amount of the Zyme ( http://www.mygreenplanet.com/products/plant-food-and-additives/zyme/zyme-100-caps ) to the soil less mix before putting the seedlings in. i also weigh the pots wet and dry to help make it even easier to know when to water. so far dry they are around 450 g and after watering they are over 800 g.

nice fuzzy roots

the light is A LOT brighter now that the T-5's are side by side.

grab a fat J and lets what em grow.



ink the world

Well-Known Member
Very nice start.

Im growing out the Hashplant x Haze too. I have a couple clones now in flowering. I can share some info about the strain w/ you.
The strain clones easily, when they go into flower they really stretch and really take off. Everything else in my closet is more Indica dominant, so to me the sativa qualities of the strain are very prominent. They tripled in height in 3 weeks flowering. From now on I'll be topping and pruning in veg to produce a little more of a bushy profile.


Active Member
Very nice start.

Im growing out the Hashplant x Haze too. I have a couple clones now in flowering. I can share some info about the strain w/ you.
The strain clones easily, when they go into flower they really stretch and really take off. Everything else in my closet is more Indica dominant, so to me the sativa qualities of the strain are very prominent. They tripled in height in 3 weeks flowering. From now on I'll be topping and pruning in veg to produce a little more of a bushy profile.
great info man. i'll prolly be using this one as a mother so i can take a bunch of clones. good to know that she will stretch, hopefully a fast healer too as i will be bending and lolly popping. cant wait till she gets bigger.


Active Member
plants are looking happy on day 7

HashPlant Haze

OG18 x Skunk




Active Member
thought I would just show ya how i water my plants. let me know what u think guys.

step 1: make sure the scale is at zero with the measuring cup on it.

step 2: weigh the plant to see how much water it needs.

step 3: water the plant and double check it is not over 900.





Active Member
pics from last night, they look like they are happy i fed them even tho it was only 100 ppm solution.

pink kush

Sleestack x Skunk

OG18 x Skunk

HashPlant Haze

not so happy with the Sleestack's but im sure they will come around. the OG18 and pink kush are looking amazing, and the hashplant haze is doing alright id say.



Active Member
these pix are from last night, i was to busy to upload the pix.

the for shortest plants

and the taller ones

things are looking good. one of the sleestack x skunks are looking kinda yellow and is growing really slow. we will see what happens but the other 2 seem to have come around.

i am very happy with the OG18 so far.

and my water calender




Active Member
plants got fed and put under the 400 MH bulb last night. temps seem to sit around 80F and RH around 30 (need to get that up alittle). i will slowly lower the lighter over the next couple weeks.




Active Member
after 24 hours with the MH light on (still under the T-5's) temps sit around 77 and RH at 30-36. the 400 MH is still very high, more than a meter away from the plants as they are still young and i dont want to burn them.




Well-Known Member
Looking very good. Are those 5" square pots going to be the final pots or are you planning on transplanting into bigger ones once your plants grow a bit?


Active Member
Looking very good. Are those 5" square pots going to be the final pots or are you planning on transplanting into bigger ones once your plants grow a bit?
i am totally going to transplant, those are only 1 gallon pots. i will transplant into 2 gallon pots for cloning and then 5 gallon pots for mothers/flowering. all pots are square also.


Well-Known Member
Looking really nice so far. I would move the light down as close as possible using the back of my hand as a heat guide. They are established well and are ready for the "bright lights" :hump: you will notice rapid and lush growth.


Active Member
Looking really nice so far. I would move the light down as close as possible using the back of my hand as a heat guide. They are established well and are ready for the "bright lights" :hump: you will notice rapid and lush growth.
its on its way, i wanted to make sure that the temps where stabilized. didnt wanna cook things after getting them threw seedling. they are pretty happy.

should be lowering the lights this weekend and the soon enough using those T-5's as side lighting.



Active Member
I cant wait to see them take off....Great job Dev!
i watered last night and added some bio gold by green planet.

Bio-Gold is a storehouse of rhizospheric microorganisms that colonize the root zone creating an un-paralleled environment for healthy plant growth.
When plants are in an environment that favors their roots, they grow faster and more efficiently uptake their nutrients, which means they can better handle stress, and better produce bigger flowers and fruit. Bio-Gold’s blend of microorganisms that will increase vitality and yield in all plants. Plant root mass will increase, as well as nutrient absorption, creating bigger, healthier plants.
How do I use Bio-Gold?
Add Bio-Gold directly to nutrient reservoir or mix directly into growing medium.
When do I use Bio-Gold ?
Use Bio-Gold from the moment of germination (seeds) or when rooting occurs (cloning) and then continuing throughout the life of the plant.
What will Bio-Gold do for my plants?
Bio-Gold will introduce a live culture of beneficial bacteria and fungi that protect the plant's roots and secrete natural growth hormones such as cytokines and auxins.
Where will I see the results?
Increased root mass and overall appearance of plants.
Why should I use Bio-Gold?
Use Bio-Gold to ensure that roots are healthy and free of biological root diseases, to increase root mass and overall health of the plant.

and i will be using some sacred oil soon.

Sacred Oil has been used for centuries by the people of India. Neem Oil is 100% natural and free of water and additives. It is also biodegradable and considered an organic product.
Sacred Oil is an effective insecticide that works on contact, yet is safe to use on produce until the day of harvest. Sacred Oil is a great choice for gardeners looking for natural types of insect control. Sacred Oil is absorbed by the pests and interferes with reproduction and feeding for a steady decline in population.

  • Broad spectrum insecticide/fungicide/miticide
  • Controls insects and mites including whitefly, aphid and scale
  • Controls fungal diseases including black spot, rust, mildew and scab
  • For indoor/outdoor use on ornamental plants, flowers, vegetables, trees, shrubs and fruit & nut crops.

