400w hps 1 month 12/12 clones


Well-Known Member
alright guys heres the setup up

-400w hps
-homemade cool tube
-passive intake and 6in exhaust 250 cfm i think
-pro mix soil
-MG nutes (every other watering about a pinch per gallon)
-store bought water jugs. the purest haha

the small clone is about 3 weeks 12/12 no veg and the big one is about 7 weeks 12/12 vegged for about 3 weeks. so why such the smaller buds on this big plant. i aslo have a pretty bad nat or fruit fly problem but im gettin it under control. im hoping im not missing any info but i would love any comments or critisism and some help to make it go better. i have 8 clones waiting to flowerView attachment 1311785View attachment 1311786View attachment 1311787View attachment 1311788View attachment 1311789View attachment 1311795View attachment 1311796View attachment 1311797View attachment 1311798


Active Member
lol no one is commenting because if u actualy tryed to look for answers and ways for you plants to grow and not well do that then u would probly find ur answers in about within 5 minuetes probly too quite a few of the questions you would have instead of waiting maybe days for someone to tell you

john pickle

Active Member
wow man you butchered that thing haha..

but.. the one you have tied over bansai style. That has a really healthy looking stalk, but the branches and buds not so much. For future reference include topping in your tying.

I dont know whos doing more damage, the flies or you. Whats in the "pro" mix soil and whats the NPK on the MG youre using. also with the MG whats the recommended dose? If you just told me the names of your soil and type of MG i could do that too.


Active Member
Yeah..........sorry grower but their kinda right. Time to invest in a book, Jorge Cervantes does a good job " Indoor Marijuana Horticulture." You'll get so much conflicting info on the internet it will make you crazy. Pick one guys book & start a new plant, then hit every grow shop in town til ya find one you like. They want to help you & keep you coming back. Believe it or not these things want to grow....until we get in the way!


Active Member
Well instead of being a prick and running ya off like the rest of the above jerks Ill try to help..Looks like you have burned them up with MG nutes. Using MG you should prolly use once per month at most, it is very strong chemical. Flush really well then allow to completely dry out before watering again with only straight water. Good Luck


Active Member
See what I mean man, it could go on like this forever. Stay here & get absorbed in the culture. If you start now you'll have a new seedling or clone rolling in 2 wks & that will suck people into your thead. I've done this a long time & I still wake up a 3am with a question, pull my book off the shelf, then fall back into a peaceful sleep.
Hogg is right........flush that thing good & let it finish, but chances are you have multiple issues here.

There's nothing like a couple of guys going back & forth to energize your thread hoss! Any other hot shots out there wana piece of me..........tehe