400w hps 3 strains. soil. 1st journal


Well-Known Member
hello. thanks for clickin so far. this is my first post. im not gonna ask any questions quite yet but i do have what seems like alot. lets get to what im workin with

3 strains. 1 of which ive been cloning for a couple years, 1 is an auto-flower, and 1 is a bag seed.
veg room consists of 4 4' flouros and a few random cfls
flower room is 4'x4' bout 7' tall 1 400w hps light batwing reflector
botanicare nutes. happy frog soil.

i am currently on week 2 of flowering with my 2 big girls. the auto flower is almost done standing at a staggering 12 inches lol. ive takin cuttings a few weeks ago and they have rooted. ive got a perpetual grow thing goin but this journal is going to be dedicated to my 2 girls in flower right now up until harvest and end weight....thanks for reading thus far.

i do have questions

id like to remove the lower 5 branches on one of them (the bag seed one), is it too late now that im almost in week 3 of flower?
temps reaching 90 degrees, how bad?

thanks again for reading. heres a few pics. pic number 1 is the bagseed. lucked out and its a girl. pic 2 is my main strain girl. been clonin for a few generations, or "harvests" if you will. anyway heres a pic of the nutrients i have at my tips. thanks again. ill be doin some readin and post some pics when i got some good pre flowers showin.8)



Well-Known Member
Try to get them temps down to Atleast 80 but if it hasn't messed with them yet it might not. Cloning the auto? That's not a good idea causes stress and takes away from the time it need to form flowers and grow in that little time it has. Everything sounds good besides that. Good luck Happy growing


Well-Known Member
cloning an auto is not progressive anyways as it is going to finish its cycle and be done, you cant really re veg them.

temps are a bit high, you definatly want to get them down to mid 70's is ideal a little lower or higher is fine.

you can cut them branches off its not going to effect anything, if they are lower popcorn branches it will actually increase the yeild of the other flowers on the plant.

im subbed up looks like a noice grow man


Well-Known Member
yea 90ish is to much, try to get it down under 85F atleast, 78-82F is best, about lower branches, sure you can, tho after week two of flowering they tent to get stress pretty easy, so maybe take one ot two at the time and give it a few days before moveing up.


Well-Known Member
sorry for the confusion i did not and would not clone an auto-flower. i meant i took clones from my 2 girls in flower right now. i took the clones 2-3 weeks prior to flower.

i raised the lights so hopefully that changes my temps a little bit. the high temp is only under the light. otherwise its between 75-85. i will rearrange my venting as well this weekend.

thanks for following. tomorrow pics.


Well-Known Member
few pics.

one is the setup.

one is the exhaust/intake setup

then some bud porn of the auto i cut down. a wild cat hair appears!

ill get clone pics up here in a few. i tried a foliar feed on one of em tonight and im anxious how that turns out. thanks.



Well-Known Member
heres the clones i took.

1. is my reliable ak strain. keepin those genetics goin.

2. is the "other" strain. very healthy

3. looks like my ak strain. im stupid for not labeling them earlier

4. lookin like a runt, but it is alive

5. this little guy has looked like this for a month.

any input would be greatly appreciated. there is so much info on this site i feel stupid for asking questions when the answer lies somewhere. i get lost in grow journals man....tripped out



Well-Known Member
any good additives i can think about adding soon here? i usually like to keep it simple and stick to the liquid karma and bloom juices. but if there might be something i could go and add to my arsenal that would increase productivity that would be great. been readin alot about homemade organic teas.


Well-Known Member
the best additive is nothing.....you already seem to have a good nute lineup dont go overkill man

a good tea is pretty easy to make and can be as advanced or as simple as you want to make it..
tea is never a bad idea


Well-Known Member
So I'm doing a little experiment. I started a tea brew containing earth juice bloom and liquid karma. Also 2 handfuls of happy frog soil. I'll see how it looks tomorrow. Air stone as well. Does this sound kosher? I didn't want o use the earth juice Shit but It said it has all sorts f rganc Shi in it plus molasses. It seems like I'm half assing it so I prolly wont use it.


Well-Known Member
Well (no pun intended), I'm thinking my water is already or going to cause problems. I use well water, softened. I believe I have a spigot before the softener where I could gather water. I do have some calmag but if I remember correctly that sit is for distilled and ro water. I tried hydro awhile back and used strictly distilled water, that got too....annoying. there is talk that we may have an RO system installed at work. Thatd be awesome.

Anyway anyone have advice? I know my first step would be finding out what is in the water around here. I good water info link would be ideal.. I'll be searching in the mean time.

Btw why is the mobile app a friggin dollar? And the mobile site is....not working correctly


Well-Known Member
if you run off well water you might have to ask your landlord for a water test, if you own then you will have to get one done yourself.

i have always used my water right out of the tap (well water as well) and never had any issues but if whoever controlls the well adds chlorine you will want to let it sit.

you seem like your creating problems before they happen, you should relax and wait for a problem then find a fix. calMag is a good idea and from what i understand epsom salts (not sure of quantities) will give you the cal/mag you need. if not i know general organics has a CalMag+ you can pick up and use it with your feedings.


Well-Known Member
thanks man for the advice. my house is "family" owned, so i pay a rent but i also take care off everything and anything, such as adding the chlorine tablets to the well.

the thing that bugs me about my grow, my leaves are not a healthy green throughout the grow. maybe its the strain but when comes time to harvest their is very little green and very little foliage at all left. i will take pics of course and in the mean time im going to try and find some old pics of a harvest so i can show what im talkin about. do some strains have those traits? i was told this is ak-47 meaning afghani kush. from what ive read kush strains stay small bushes. my old man took a cutting and put it in the ground and it didnt grow more than 3 ft tall. just as wide tho. thanks. if i could narrow down which strain this might be that would be awesome.


Well-Known Member

aight heres a pic of i think the last harvest of my star strain. its a blurrish pic but you can kind of see how sparse leaves n shit are. yielded a little over 100 grams dry.



Well-Known Member
i think its just the genetics man, you shouldnt complain as long as the buds are nice that saves a hell of alot of time on trimming :)

it is extremely common for cannabis plants to shed lots of leaves at the end of thier life cycle almost like a deciduous tree in the autum.

at least this is my theory/knowledge i may be worng and you may have a problem but seems like the buds on that plant are nice and green and were not growing to harvest leaves right :P


Well-Known Member
He'll yea thanks man. No complaints here, just concern. 4th week of flower comin up here, nute feeding tonight. Preflowers lookin good, I'm seen some resin production now.


Well-Known Member
check this shit out. my friend took a clone with him a few months ago when he moved a few states over. heres the pic he sent me. now this is my same strain in the ground. stays small and bushy.



Well-Known Member
I concur.

So last night I topped one of my clones and kinda fucked it up. I think. Let's see if this phone can use the uploader. U can kinda see the luck up with these close up before and after shots. Was goin for a fim/top.

