400w hps 3 strains. soil. 1st journal


Well-Known Member
did you guys know there is currently 225 pages in the organic section? im on page 8. im giving up the bottles for sure. i saved a few bucks this week and im headed to the store on the weekend. any advice? im for sure grabbin a satchel of soil. probably the same shit, happy frog. i cant say i have a problem with it but im just not totally content with the discoloration my "reliabble strain" gets when in flowering. that is one of the main reasons im going organic and leaving bottled nuts in the past. but like said earlier it may be the strain......but i would like to try and manipulate it to where it stays green longer. ya know,rule out the fact i may be fucking up the nuting "schedule"

ah this leads to a question!

how do i prepare "used" soil for a new grow? as in i understand how to amend soil, but what about ridding old trace nutes? i was thinking of watering it heavily and then perhaps let it sit out somewhere to get bone dry, and perhaps repeating this a few times. ive read the phrase "baking soil" but do not have a clear understanding of what it actually is. thanks. ANY input is appreciated and read with an open mind.

edit: i may also pick up some of that coco coir bullshit i read alot about. input?


Well-Known Member
Coco is almost another form of hydroponic growing, you need all kinds of equipment to be sucessfull with it like PPM ECW meters, PH meters, PH up and down........

i use this stuff http://www.espoma.com/p_consumer/tones_bulb.html its about 7-10 bucks for a good sized bag and it seems to work well along side my general organics nute lineup.

i wouldnt concern yourself with trying to get rid of trace nutes but thats my opinion. when i re use my soil i just mix more of that bulb tone in and call it a day.....


Well-Known Member
I was goin to use the coco as a perlite substitute. And I was thinkin od doing a coco grow to use up the rest of these bottled notes. I've done 3 successful hydro dwc setups without checking ph or ppm. I'm in no way trying to brag but I pulled 3 dry ounces from one plant, under a 400 w hps.. The botanicare nutes level my tap ph to 6.8ish. I didn't keno that at the time tho. And as far as ppm I always nuted lighter than the recommended dose.


Well-Known Member
Fucking right man if you got it down then go for it. Sorry i just met you on here so not really sure experience level or anything just spitting out the same shit i tell everyone.

looking foward to seeing it, was almost thinking of doing a small DWC setup see how it works, buying soil gets expensive. and i have PH up & down and a lil dropper test kit.....want to go full hydro eventually but need to get a few nice harvests and with this 1000w i just got im hoping the next harvest is weight and quality.....have had some bad luck with having to chop early due to random shit


Well-Known Member
O man try it. It's so easy and your plant grows 3x faster in veg. 3g buckets worked perfect for me. I'm an inexperienced grower compared to some of these setups ans techniques I'm seeing, but I have tinkered around and harvested perpetually for a couple years. The thing is all these hydro shops startd popping up, and more "shit" is accessible. I don't live in a medical state and it's amazing how these shops stay in business.


Well-Known Member
a little update for yall

it is day 40 since flip. all seems well. my "reliable" strain doesnt quite have a smell until u touch it and smell your fingers. the "bagseed" doest smell all that great to be honest, but the buds are dense as hell. lots of sugar on both plants. my temps peaked at 81. seems a bit high being as it snowed for the first time today, just a few flakes. clones are all doing stellar. all repotted to their permanent containers. but as i think now i may have to do another transplant because they are not going into flower until my other girls are out. ill get some pics on the next post.

i didnt go to the hydro shop this weekend so that means what? ill tell you what. it means i repotted my girls in dr shultz potting soil. judging from the bag, this shit is worse than miracle grow soil (according to some). i did read a post on here and some guy was saying how MG soil is some of the most powerful soil out there because it has ammonium nitrate in it. he even posted pics of his grows in MG soil and they looked BOMB. get it? ammonium nitrate.....bomb....heh heh heh

anyway im not too worried about it. and anyone following this thread will see second-hand the effects. hope i can help people out there rather than just using this site for my own knowledge n shit. thanks!


Well-Known Member
n heres the next batch. i tried a super crop on 1 (pic attached) but im not sure i honestly heard it snap when i did. i thought i did. anyway here they are.

oh yea this raises a question!!!

i noticed on the bag seed plant, it was pretty symmetrical. as in the branches of the main stem were perfectly opposite of each other. BUT in the clone i took of it, the branches are alternating. there is little mention of this trait elsewhere. something about mature clones? any info on this subject would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
gave up my PS3 cuz i didntlike PSN

about to give up my 360 because i dont like paying MS for services i already pay for (Netflix)

for gaming i use the PC


Well-Known Member
aww man ps3 is the shiiit. and i feel ya on the xbox live shit. i used to play alot of world of warcraft and its gonna be a long time befor i pay to game again....thats the glory of PSN, its FREEEEEEEEEEEEEe. dood, play the campaign on black ops 2 its fuckin raw.anywaythe plants are doin great. the veg is just veggin and the flower is just flowerin. another few weeks befor harvest. im not too sure when exactally i am going to throw more into flower. i know this kind of sounds like a noobish question BUT, roughly how big should a plant be getting in a 5 gallon bucket? i cant say i have ever witnessed a "root bound" problem. ive seen some big ass plants stay healthy in small ass pots. i had an auto in a 1 gallon container grow bigger than an auto in a 5 gallon bucket. it was hard to explain....actually i never got an explanation.(sometimes i guess auto-flowers will have different traits?) it was probably that. ill hit yall with some pics here soon.


Well-Known Member
yeah your size difference on the auto was simply genetics man.

5 gal pot should keep a plant growing at it max potential for around 2 months of veg (and be suitable for 2 months flower after) the general rule of thumb is 1 gal per month that the plant will be in the container so essentially a 5 gal pot is good for 5 months, its about 10-12 weeks for flowering by the time they make the transition and go for an extra week or 2

i play World of warcraft... right now its only game i play.


Well-Known Member
looking great man wish i was there right now. im on about day 10 after flip and still not much going on in there. definatly starting to get some pistols popping out but no buds yet....soon hopefully


Well-Known Member
I think my bud sites were clearly visible day 16 er somewhere right around there. Its a beautiful thing when they do tho.


Well-Known Member
ueah i flipped mine a bit early so i dont think they were fully matured yet so they will take a few extra days to kick it in gear. wanted some x mas bud but not sure if thats going to happen