400w HPS Closet Grow (Purple Jems, Himalaya Blue Diesel, and Auto Great White Shark)


Active Member
thanks homie... Big-ups.

now that everyone has pictures, what do you think?

I lowered the lights, and turned the timer and fan on. 4 seedlings have sprouted! Will update the count tomorrow, as I will consider that "day 1" for this whole grow.


Active Member
alright... So I'm deciding to leave my lights on 18/6 from now on, due to my schedule.

so far, all 8 seeds that I planted on the first day have sprouted! 2x HBD, 2x GWS , and 4xPJ.

still waiting on 3x short mix, 3x HBD, and 1x PJ.


Active Member
upto, do you think I gave each plant enough space to grow a female in each pot... Assuming I got a better cooling system and replaced the 150w with a second 400w......

15x females under 800w... What do you think? Is 53.33w/ea enough?

p.s. I have a feeling we will be seeing some of the short mixes tomorrow, judging by the size of their taproot when I planted them.


Active Member
okay... So today is day 1 for my first 8 ladies, for all intents and purposes we are going to call them [group1]:leaf:

once 50% of the other 7 pop up I will consider that day 1 for the other group [group2]:joint:

hella excited... I am on the same sleep schedule as my ladies. Can't shake it either... It's weird.

I got up at 8 when my lights came on, and couldn't fall back to sleep... So now I'm smoking that sour diesel from the other picture and watching "SBTB: The College Years", "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air" is on next.

gaaaaah... I wish there was more to update on...

Oh actually, surprise surprise, that 9" fan isn't really cutting it. My 400w gets SOOO hot. I unzipped the bottom 3' of the panda film and now there's a nice ghetto intake/exhaust.

okay... Now I'm out of updates.


Active Member
okay wait... There is a little bit more.

6 of my sprouts(2xPJ,2xGWS,2xHBD), are green and standing up straight... I have the 150w about 10" above them. The other 2 sprouts are just barely cotyledons, so I sprinkled a TINY amount of dirt back over them and am allowing them to finish germinating along with the 7 I planted yesterday.

this puts 6 healthy babies under the 150w and 9 seeds which are finishing germinating under the 400W.

now that those 6 have broken soil, I immediately stopped keeping their soil so moist... The seeds which are still germing are being kept in MOIST soil....

how much water should I be giving these little sprouts?

I think they may be showing a small amount of nute burn from the FF:OF, but it's nothing drastic, and somewhat normal from what I have seen.


Active Member
good call... Yo MJ, how far do you recommend I put my 400(germing/sprouting) and my 150(seedlings) from their targets? They like it as close as possible without getting burned right?

i heartmj

Active Member
good call... Yo MJ, how far do you recommend I put my 400(germing/sprouting) and my 150(seedlings) from their targets? They like it as close as possible without getting burned right?
yeah but the thing is.. at the seedling stages they are really delicate. I make sure that the fan is blowing directly under my HPS to blow all the heat away. it's easier for me with ventilation cuz I just have them in an open room.. I don't have a tent. stick your hand right above the plants and if it's a bit hot for you then it's too hot for the plants. but I guess a rule of thumb is about 18" from the top of your plants will be ok. when you spray your water mist on the soil make sure that you don't mist the plant itself or you will have lamp burns galore.


Active Member
yeah but the thing is.. at the seedling stages they are really delicate. I make sure that the fan is blowing directly under my HPS to blow all the heat away. it's easier for me with ventilation cuz I just have them in an open room.. I don't have a tent. stick your hand right above the plants and if it's a bit hot for you then it's too hot for the plants. but I guess a rule of thumb is about 18" from the top of your plants will be ok. when you spray your water mist on the soil make sure that you don't mist the plant itself or you will have lamp burns galore.
18 inches seems so doable for the 400w, and thanks for the tips on the lamp burns. So as long as I can comfortably rest my hand at their canopy, I should be fine?

thanks kalen


Active Member
ok... No big deal yet, but i'm seeing a dilemma I may run into in the near future:

I'm not the only person who lives in my house... One person knows what I'm doing, and the other one doesn't. To vent my closet I have to open the sides... That lets 550w of HPS come screaming out. This person definitely can't see what I have going on in my closet without some serious repercussions.... Other than keeping this person out of my room entirely, and buying an entire ventilation system(buying one after this harvest anyway... Before I buy the seeds), what can I do?

and how moist should I be keeping the soil of the seedlings?


Well-Known Member
Whats up 150w. Set-up looks good. I got my plants 8'' from my 600w light. Its an air cooled hood and then I have a fan blowing between the plants and the lights. Absolutly no problems at all with burns. They seem to flourish that close to the light for my. Buds everywhere. You just want it moist, once you get it moist let it dry out before you water it again.


Well-Known Member
i just spray mine everythime i look at them the first 2 weeks (this = alot of spraying lol) dont ever need to water them and they do fine. you sure you gonna be able to keep a roommate out of your room for an entire grow? thats a few months bro..


I cant get the big group shot to load I will try again later but the 37 are under 2 1000wt hps ligths , at 7-9 days old 20/4 on the ligths , seeded in the bucket there settin in under same ligth sch. the clear picture is 1 of 10 purple jems that was a mixed patch under my ol ladys ligths , going outside . try posting more later the starting my own journal if someone will help me start it , most of these popped 4/20 :lol: others 4-21-22


Active Member
i just spray mine everythime i look at them the first 2 weeks (this = alot of spraying lol) dont ever need to water them and they do fine. you sure you gonna be able to keep a roommate out of your room for an entire grow? thats a few months bro..

well I didn't think it was going to get so hot TBH... I shouldve heeded all the warnings. I know now that my cooling/ventilation system is so fucking ghetto... It's practically nonexistant.

I have my fan blowing the air in from the right side of the panda film, unzipped about a foot, up toward a new tarp zip I added at the far top right with some waterbottles holding it open, the opening is about 2'x3" vertical... I'll have to take a snapshot for upto to post for me again.


Active Member
right now I'm just worried about getting all my babies to sprout, and making sure it's not too hot...

it's really warm when I'm in my closet, but I can hold my hand about 5" above the tops of the soil/sprouts comfortably.... I think that's a pretty good buffer while they are in their "delicate" stage.


Active Member
okay... The official count is 9 babies.

I'll get pictures up in about a week. I'm giving it time so that there's actually something to look at.