400w HPS Fruity Chronic Juice & Critical Kush SCRog Grow


Well-Known Member
Low oo yeah they smell like crazy haha but I don't smell them unless I open the door to the box and that's only once a day. I got a web cam in there so if I want to look at them I just open my web browser and I can look at them when ever I want with out opening the box.

But I still got like 4 weeks if not more on the FCJ and a bit longer on the CK, but I'll get there sooner or later ;)

Low dude you be set for the summer when this grow comes to the end :weed:

I got do one more grow of photos and maybe if there's time one grow of autos before summer time temps. arrive, and then I'll be set for a while (I think) ;)
Because summer time I wont be able to grow anything in my house, it's just to god damn hot..... but I'll worry about that later on.
I can't stop. I'll figure out my heats and then BAM! it will be like jesus!


Well-Known Member
Day 23 of 12/12

Both of the plants are very easy going plant's they don't need much ;) Both of them are getting full strength of Fox Farm Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom every other watering, FCJ is getting watered every two days and CK every three days with about 3/4gal each. So far so good. Also starting to get some nice trichomes coverage on both girls. Hope you guys enjoy the pictures.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah man they look teriffic!


Well-Known Member
man they look HUGE!!! nice buds forming too. which one is which? theres alighter colored one and a darker on

lighter = FCJ
darker = CK


they came out great, how you like the LST tek?


Well-Known Member
DAmn. I wish mine were that happy. My plant is a sad mother fucker... I'm not sure what is going on ever with her. But she is a lot better than she was (kind of) but I'm just gonna keep chuuuugin along.


Well-Known Member
man they look HUGE!!! nice buds forming too. which one is which? theres alighter colored one and a darker on

lighter = FCJ
darker = CK


they came out great, how you like the LST tek?
Matt yeah the lighter colored plant is the FCJ and the darker one is CK, FCJ is the one with more bud sites but if all goes well as planed the CK should have some nice freaking buds.
Two of the CK's branches a much taller then the rest and those two look like they going to form a nice foking colas. Today when the will come on I'll try to band and tie those tow branches that are sticking out above the rest. CK has some nice trichomes production even at this stage. Both of them stink very very nice! But I think CK has a more powerful smell or I'm just used to it lol


Well-Known Member
DAmn. I wish mine were that happy. My plant is a sad mother fucker... I'm not sure what is going on ever with her. But she is a lot better than she was (kind of) but I'm just gonna keep chuuuugin along.
Bumps your plant's are looking sweet, I don't know what you talking about :) stop looking at them every other minute :P Bumps buddy I think I'm just lucky with my plant's this is my third grow as you know so I ain't no growing GURU yet ;)


Well-Known Member
Yea I hope she perks up. I want her perfect! PERFECT! This is going to have to be my redemption grow. I can't get hermies and I can't not yield well and I can't not have a good pheno. This is my only female out of 5 seeds and this is the strain that I was the most excited about so I need it for me and my wife to be perfect and she doesn't act perfect. i'm sad.


Well-Known Member
bumbs maybe you set your expectations to high m8. keep you chin up and just grow her. lower your expectations and your grows will get better and better with experience.


Well-Known Member
I know man. Of all the traits that I could have inherited from my dad. It wasn't his drive, focus, or self starting ability. No, I had to inherit my mothers "take life as it comes" and "everything has to be fun" from my mother but inherited the "perfectionist" from my dad. Imagine someone that isn't really drivin to try super hard at things but expects perfection?! THAT'S MY LIFE!!@! YOU DON'T KNOW MY STRUGGLE. (sarcasm btw)


Well-Known Member
yeah i kinda do man, im the same way. i want the best for the least effort sometimes...i get frustrated quick and end up 1/2 assing shit and then am pissed at myself when it didnt come out as well as it could have if i had just stuck with it.


Active Member
I've been ignoring my plants a lot this grow and have been having the most success wit them (thus far). Despite a rocky start.

Because I'm lazy and busy.. (sort of a contradiction).. i've kept the grow really simple this time..

I've done all dry amendments only.. and I'll brew the occasional AACT for 24-48 hours every 2 weeks... so far so good... hopefully it keeps up!

Great grow by the way Acid.. I found my way over here from Matt's journal.. I'm subbed up and along for the ride.

I assume you trained the hell out of those ladies?


Well-Known Member
I've been ignoring my plants a lot this grow and have been having the most success wit them (thus far). Despite a rocky start.

Because I'm lazy and busy.. (sort of a contradiction).. i've kept the grow really simple this time..

I've done all dry amendments only.. and I'll brew the occasional AACT for 24-48 hours every 2 weeks... so far so good... hopefully it keeps up!

Great grow by the way Acid.. I found my way over here from Matt's journal.. I'm subbed up and along for the ride.

I assume you trained the hell out of those ladies?
What's good Ottawa? and thanks for stopping by :)

Not really to be honest, I was just tucking them under the screen until a certain point, I think only like two or three branches are tied down the rest were just tucked under.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Some info on their bulbs and their claims, will see ;)



Well-Known Member
I've heard those Revolts are good ballasts and good buys..

I asked about training as you got a nice selection of bud sites... nice bushy ladies
FCJ is bushy plant, short and compact with like you said bunch of bud sites, same with CK but that plant is much taller and strachier ;)

As for the ballast I read good things about it, plus they got 3 year bumper to bumper warranty and Gotham Hydroponics are good people, great support staff like no other did business with them in the past can be happier ;)


Well-Known Member
I wanted to go with 600w but after thinking it over that would be to much for my box plus I can only fit two plants in there and 400w is just perfect for two plants 200w each.