400w HPS Fruity Chronic Juice & Critical Kush SCRog Grow


Well-Known Member
just did a bit of lookin around and ive just seen wicked reports on seedfinder for: automatic ak47 (lowlife), diesel ryder (JD) and supersonic cristal storm (samsara)

debating on wether to go for the trans siberian (ive seen a few reports but they all had some kind of issue or another so may not b a good representation)
would you recommend the Hi-Jack potency wise, or would u say its average??
Think the afghan kush ryder will be making an appearance too :) :leaf:
Low my very first grow was JD Diesel Ryder, that shit was off the hook brother also a nice yield. I did two autos D.R and G13 Norther Lights auto under two 125w cfls and a 2'x4 T5 pannel and I got around 50g from each plant, and that was my very first grow. NL smells neutral but the D.R better have some good carbon filter bcuz it stinks like a motherfucker.

Low as for the Hi-Jack hell yeah I would recommend it! nice freaking head buzz (sativa dominant strain) kinda speedy high but I loved it, not a night time smoke. After hitting few hits you want to go do something lol run. clean the house, cook or whatever comes to your mind. ;)


Well-Known Member
oh and my avatar pic is fruity chronic juice. if you want Acid i can drop a couple photos of my harvest so some of the ppl looking at the FCJ can see some end product.

I do have to say...the FCJ is some knock your socks off shit....so far so good, i gave a friend of mine a little bit and he called me a few hours later giggling like a little school girl i couldnt even talk to him. and this dude is smoking from the minute he gets out of bed.
Shit Matt you're more then welcome to post some pictures of that FCJ, you don't have to ask, and you rite maybe some people will search for FCJ and can come across your beautiful specimen :weed:

Can't freaking wait to try that FCJ :weed:


Well-Known Member
And Acid, what do you have a web cam setup in your grow room so you can acess it remotely? that is fucking awesome man. i should get with you and get some instructions so i can do the same since my plants are not even in my house it would be a great addition to my grow room.
Matt all you got to is hang the webcam inside the box, run a usb cable to your box (computer) download a software called Yawcam if you use windows box and we can go from there, you can access the cam from inside your home network or you can view the camera remotely from the internet, if you want to view it from outside the home network all you got to do is forward the port on your router and you are in business, there are couple programs for that, but I find Yawcam is best for what I need to do ;) there's also software called WebcamXp I used it before it's also a good software just more flashy ;) more eye candy ;)


Well-Known Member
Shame on you :P as my sensei you should keep an close eye on my grow ;) j/k of course on keeping a close eye on my grow :P
haha man i swear i thought u subbed up but must not have. was starting to wonder why the hell you werent updating. Im so glad that CK sprouted for you i hope its a great pheno.


Well-Known Member
Matt all you got to is hang the webcam inside the box, run a usb cable to your box (computer) download a software called Yawcam if you use windows box and we can go from there, you can access the cam from inside your home network or you can view the camera remotely from the internet, if you want to view it from outside the home network all you got to do is forward the port on your router and you are in business, there are couple programs for that, but I find Yawcam is best for what I need to do ;) there's also software called WebcamXp I used it before it's also a good software just more flashy ;) more eye candy ;)
I want to setup a cam with motion sensors so if anyone enters my grow while im not there i can see what they are doing. like i have said a million times already i dont grow at home and where my grow is at its not locked so it would be nice to know if theres any "tampering" going on.


Well-Known Member
I want to setup a cam with motion sensors so if anyone enters my grow while im not there i can see what they are doing. like i have said a million times already i dont grow at home and where my grow is at its not locked so it would be nice to know if theres any "tampering" going on.
Matt in that Yawcam software there is an option for that, the web cam will come on if it sense any motion in near facility, same goes for the webcamxp it has also that option.


Well-Known Member
haha man i swear i thought u subbed up but must not have. was starting to wonder why the hell you werent updating. Im so glad that CK sprouted for you i hope its a great pheno.
Shit I was so stoked when I saw that little head popping above the soil ;) she's on day 13 rite now and growing crazy fast ;)


Well-Known Member
well heres my fruity chronic if anyone is interested.

8 weeks flower time, harvested friday.


sorry for so many pics....enjoy :joint:

first pic is blue cheese that managed to sneak his way into the photo shoot. my b


Well-Known Member
I got a freebie of FCJ and I killed it because I'm a nub. I also killed one this time around from the same shit. I've lost 2 to tamping off. My goal next time around is to get them all to make it to flower LOL.

I'm clearly subbed up!


Well-Known Member
I got a freebie of FCJ and I killed it because I'm a nub. I also killed one this time around from the same shit. I've lost 2 to tamping off. My goal next time around is to get them all to make it to flower LOL.

I'm clearly subbed up!
yeah i have my share of bad luck with trying to tune in the germination process. i think we make it too complicated because we want every seed to make it. i just started putting my seeds in soil and on a seedling heating mat and seems to have great results


Well-Known Member
yea. I've had 100% germ rate but seedlings just hate me. I'm super excited to see your scrog. I was tossin around a moveable scrog but I think I'm just gonna do LST because it's way more mobile and I'm not trying to yield a 1000 lbs. Though that would be cool as fuck! I just want enough to pay for electricity and to get my high ERRY FUCKIN DAY!


Active Member
yeah i have my share of bad luck with trying to tune in the germination process. i think we make it too complicated because we want every seed to make it. i just started putting my seeds in soil and on a seedling heating mat and seems to have great results
ive always had 100 % germrate from the old wet papertowel and keeping then in a tiny plastic container like a Gameboy game case just germed 20 wonder woman all 20 germed best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Telling you the zip lock bag works. Take a paper towel soak in warm water add a drop of Superthrive fold up put under something warm. Cable box, playstation, pc water ever, I put mine in a flap of my cfl box in the mylar above the light 24hrs later all popped. Works everytime.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha shit WE make this germination process so freaking complex lol..it's just seed some will pop some will not, I think it's just nature.
As for my germination method I just put a seed into a shot glass cover with a coffee cup and off to the oven till they drop to the bottom, when the drop to the bottom off to the pots they go. Can get any easier than that ;)


Well-Known Member
Hahaha shit WE make this germination process so freaking complex lol..it's just seed some will pop some will not, I think it's just nature.
As for my germination method I just put a seed into a shot glass cover with a coffee cup and off to the oven till they drop to the bottom, when the drop to the bottom off to the pots they go. Can get any easier than that ;)
That does work as well I have tried it.


Well-Known Member
Yes sir it does ;) so I'm just gonna stick to what works for me, everybody has their own method and opinion on how to germ their seeds. I found that shoot glass method works for me the best lol , "why fix something when it's not broken" ;)