400w kush grow,pics

30bucks and ill take pics etc when i get it attached to the back of the veg room this weekend.
well i orderd my ph test after finding out my ph was bad,and casuing the sorta minor problems i've had but hopefully not to much damage has ben done,but it's my first time who cares.
i got a Ph test kit,3-way soil tester for moisture,light,and soil ph. Items are here
Discount Hydroponics - Soil Meters & Testers
Discount Hydroponics - Soil Meters & Testers
Discount Hydroponics - pH Test Kit.
also huge construction this weekend,but ill keep it a surprise and post everything saturday along with pic updates hopefully ill have sum nice pistol pics for u all
dam, you already had a digital pen.
give me the brand here and i`ll look for somehting for ya.
i am sorry i have not yet,although i have dedicated this weekend purely to growbox needs so that+more will be uploaded by sat.sorry for the lag btw things just ben busy around here lately
oh well no worries. like i said the one you are getting is all i have relied on for a long time now.
well i ph'ed my water down to 5.0ish the test vial indicates.
although i stuck my soil probe into the dirt before i water and it read 8.0-7.0 can't really tell to much exactly since it's a needle.
But this morning i waterd and checked soil ph 7 hours after watering and it still read between 8.0-7.0..=/ what do i do advise plz
should i lower water ph more?then test water run off next time i water?or idk but i need this fixed
to start with the ph of your water or nute mix should be between 6 to 6.8
if you dont have anything to raise it then use backing soda to get it up there. it takes time to adjust. doing it fast hurts the plants.
you may need to add something to the soil to level it out
really?they got like 2-3nodes.
and i think sum of it might of ben the temps,but i got a 8,000btu window air conditioner,so ima run ducting from it,into a y-joint and have it go into both boxes after that hopefully ill have temps alot better this way
reason why i think temps cuzz one of the plants is kinda canoeing which is a result from heat stress yes?
Yeah man at 3 weeks mine were 12 to 16 inches with like 6 or 7 nodes, they're now on thier 16th day of flowering, now 2 feet tall or a little less. They must have been stunted by the heat.
add what suggestions?it states it already has lime to balance ph but that didn't seem to help lol.
and i strongly belive the heat issue i had before had a huge part in stunting/hurting my plants.
if i manage to grab a ounce off these 4plants ill be happy cuzz it my first time all about trial and error.
next batch of plants get started next weekend so hopefully there be alot better.ill take pics 2mar also
ok here have a read on this.

What is pH, and what do the terms acidic and alkaline mean?
The acidity or alkalinity of the soil is measured by pH (potential Hydrogen ions). Basically it's a measure of the amount of lime (calcium) contained in your soil, and the type of soil that you have. A soil with a pH lower than 7.0 is an acidic soil and one with a pH higher than 7.0 is considered to be alkaline. A pH of 7.0 is neutral.

Adjusting your soil pH:
Once you have determined the pH of your soil with a good tester, you can amend the soil if needed to accommodate the plants in your garden using inexpensive materials commonly available at your local garden center.

* Adjust soil pH slowly over several days time, and check pH often as you go. Radical changes in pH may cause osmotic shock damage to the roots.

Raising soil pH: (to make it more alkaline)
It is generally easier to make soil mixes more alkaline than it is to make them more acidic. The addition of dolomite lime, hardwood ash, bone meal, crushed marble, or crushed oyster shells will help to raise the soil pH.

by MisterIto
In soil: add dolomite limestone to the soil; use small amounts of hydrated lime.

Raising hydroponic pH: (to make it more alkaline)

In hydroponics: use potassium silicate, provides silicon at an effective doseage.
In bioponics/hydro-organics: add small amounts of sodium bicarbonate or lime.

Lowering soil pH: (to make it more acidic)
If your soil needs to be more acidic, sawdust, composted leaves, wood chips, cottonseed meal, leaf mold and especially peat moss, will lower the soil pH.

by MisterIto
bloodmeal/cottonseed meal during vegetative; bonemeal during flowering.

Lowering hydroponic pH: (to make it more acidic)

In hydroponics: use nitric acid during vegetative; phosphoric acid during flowering.

Contributed by: Spiritual.Fa

Stabilizing pH with Dolomite lime

The best way to stable PH is by adding 1 ounce of Dolomite Lime per 1 gallon of planting soil.

Dolomite Lime is available in garden nurseries. Buy the fine Dolomite powder (There may be several kinds of Dolomite like Rough, Medium, Fine)

Dolomite Lime has been a useful PH stabilizer for years, since it has a neutral PH of 7 when added to your soil it stabilizes your soil at PH 7.

Mix the dry soil medium and dolomite together really well, give the mix a good watering then after the water has had chance to settle and leech into the soil a bit give the mix a really good stir. Then water the soil/lime mix and give it another stir

Best plan is to mix fine dolomite lime into your mix before planting. Fine Dolomite will help stabilize your pH; however, if the ph becomes unstable or changes, you can then use Hydrated Dolomite Lime. Add some of the hydrated lime to luke warm water and give it a good stir then water your plants with it. Give the plants a good watering with this hydrated lime added and your PH should fall or rise back to 7

Other Benefits of Dolomite Lime

Dolomite lime is also high in two secondary nutes that can often be overlooked by fertilizers; dolomite is high in both (Mg) Magnesium and (Ca) Calcium.

Source: Smokin Moose
wow man that should be in the faq,thats a huge help im about to do that water with the dolomite lime to get it back to netraul,then after that watering ill keep my water at 6.0 as the test vial indicates.Sounds good yes?