400W MH Grow.

This is my current setup, pretty cheap.
2 bagseed plants, 2 1/2 weeks into flower.
look sativa dominant.
id say there 4 months from seed lol
first grow didnt know how to flower them aha

anyone know why the one leaf is so yellow and dying?
i just started running nutes i cant remember what tho basically organic until now



Active Member
nice pics/plants ..

you should look into getting some literature like the bible..
it has tons of pics for problems just like this one with the yellowing leafs..
the info is on here too but you know you can also have it all at hand rather than wait for some reply..
theres actually only one leaf that is yellowing, and its the one thats half dead, the other ones look like that because of the camera, there actually a real bright deep green color.

+rep for 1st rep tho (:


Active Member
i think N deficiency starts at the bottom so that yellowing might be over fertilizing .. since thats the one thing you recently changed.. was it yelllow before you started feeding nutes?


Active Member
you could also get mylar on the sides to reflect more of your light back at the plants rather than waste light .. or flat white paint if you can use a corner of the room...
which ever you use, if you use any at all. place them 6-12 inches away for best reflection.

flat paint reflects better than glossy if you do go paint shopping.

(this info is from the bible, just so you know it is effective)
i have mylar coated styro foam aroun half of the walls, then the other is brick.
and yeah they started yellowing during flowering so most likely nute prob.
and i tied the lower nodes down also to increase light to them


Active Member
Definitely get the walls painted next run white. Worlds of difference in reflection. You will be amazed :o


Well-Known Member
do u achieve white frost weed ( the TYPE that BARELY show green, mostly white) using 100% MH lighting?

HPS seems to be 100 % genetic. some are green, some are frosty.

frosty, is of course, way better
I honestly have no idea, most likely though because my plants are so fucking frosty already, not even 3rd week of flower yet. it doesnt show well on the camera but in two pics it does
do u achieve white frost weed ( the TYPE that BARELY show green, mostly white) using 100% MH lighting?

HPS seems to be 100 % genetic. some are green, some are frosty.

frosty, is of course, way better