400W MH/HPS grow!! BagSeed! Ghetto!!!


Active Member
Hey there everyone I said I would create a Journal so here it goes.
The Specs:

-400w Mh/Hps built in ballast
-12" oscilating fan
-Cheap Walmart Dirt with 1/6 Worm Castings

That is all I can think of for now. I have no nutes yet and also nothing to test PPMS in soil. Anyone have any recommendations for organic nutes for veg and flower? Also I am building my own box to grow in I'm going to go 4x4x6 Im looking for some input here as well on how much Ill need to vent and if anyone thinks maybe 2 inline fans would air it out enough.

Currently they are in my basement with a stable temp at 78F and 60%+ RH which i know is high and I am trying to bring down below 60% RH currently I am using a dehumidifier and some damprid!

I am just really wondering what people think I should use for nutes and maybe some nice PPm meters that may work with soil. Maybe even some fans/ventilation help as well. Maybe some cheap online places to get some fans/ventilation.

Here are pics of hopefully my girls:20120621_024633.jpg20120621_024716.jpg The two on the right are 6 days and they one on the left is one week.

20120621_024721.jpg this one is the week old.

Tell me what you guys think. Do these look like they should for week one?

full of purple

Well-Known Member
Get miracle grow moisture controll and also go to the doller tree and get some 3gallon plastic buckets and put 3 or 4 holes on the bottom
for drainage


Active Member
Get miracle grow moisture controll and also go to the doller tree and get some 3gallon plastic buckets and put 3 or 4 holes on the bottom
for drainage
Hey I guess I do not understand fully is miracle grow moisture control a type of soil? I actually have 3 gallon buckets for transplant as well. Either that or I am missing out on something here..


Active Member
Hey I guess I do not understand fully is miracle grow moisture control a type of soil? I actually have 3 gallon buckets for transplant as well. Either that or I am missing out on something here..

Do you think its time to transplant??? I read a bit about the miracle grow moisture control. Unless you think my plants are being over / under watered I do not see a use in it. I am trying to control the environment in my basement area.


Active Member
Quick Update Switched the pots I was using with some new Ones have them in some new soil. The tranplant took a day or so to recover from but they seem to be going good now. Here are some pics I just took:20120627_172600.jpg20120627_172611.jpg20120627_172620.jpg20120627_172626.jpg
The first single plant picture is actually a few days older than the other two. The other two are surpassing this one. The first one has been threw hell and back it seems it had some heat damage I actually had to cut four leaves of the first set of razor leaves (fighting to remember the scientific name) from the last picture and the first single plant picture. I did not know if I had watered the leaves and they fried or what but I cut them anyways and they new growth on each plant looks good so far.

Any suggestions would help please only constructive replies. This is my first actual grow and things are still in the making. I am in the process of making a 4x4x7 box and still need some ducting and some fans. Maybe even a portable a/c to control the environment a bit better than I am now. Currently they are just out in the open. Which sucks for privacy and such. I am also Looking into making some super soil any suggestions here would be welcome as well.


Active Member
Hey Everyone. Just decided to post another update. Today is week 3 for all of them. I am having some issues with some of them I have pictures Below. I am also in the middle of a project I have a room built 5x5x7 Well the frame anyways I also have some pictures also. If anyone could give me any help with my plant problems that would eb awesome maybe some organic ways to fix them. I just purchased a ph tester kit and noticed my ph was 8.0+ which i know is too high. My question is will general hydroponics ph up and ph down mess with the good microbes in my soil? I know it is know super soil but I do not want to destroy the little bit of life I have. I really want to know if people think I should just get some hydroponics chems and just do that or maybe some organic top dressings or teas I can do.

Here are the pictures from today:20120705_212354.jpg
20120705_212312.jpghere is a shot of my temps they are very high and am in the process of bringing them down just waiting for the cash for a portable a/c and some more for my new box.
20120705_212301.jpgthis one here is actually the oldest. This plant popped a day before they other two and seems to be the worst off definately does not like my conditions. I am wondering if this maybe deficient maybe phosphorous?
20120705_212250.jpg this one is also doing OK I guess some yellow spotting on the leaves. this one is actually in a mix with some cheap walmart dirt, Perlite, Vermiculate, and some EWC just on the top.
20120705_212240.jpgThis one is my Favorite becuase it does not seem like it has anything wrong with it except some little brown patches and I tried to snap those down below can barely see it though.

Any tips, suggestions, comments, feel free to shoot my way. This is my first time. I really want to keep it all organics but if i have to go with chemical fertilizers I am sure Ill be fine.


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Hi again everyone does not seem like a whole lot of people are interestead but i am still going to post some pics.
Here are my girls:

The one in the middle is the only one in flower and I believe it is 3 weeks from signs of preflower. They are looking good so far the one on the left is the mother plant of the 4 on the right. There are also 2 blue mystic seeds both sprouted. I am having an issue with the one that is flowering. Here are a few pictures of my issues:
The issue has not seemed to spread above the 2nd node. But I would like to see if i can prevent this from going up further. I was thinking a phosphorus deficiency but I have no idea. This is my first time ever flowering so any help would be nice. My PH is steady at about 6.5 going into the soil is exactly the same coming out. I am using some shitty chemical ferts called might bloom so far I have only used about a gallon of mixed nutrient solution thus why I think it may be a phosphorus deficiency. Here are the buds on the flowering plant by the way the genetics I believe are from mexico :) I hope it is not as shitty as the brick it came from LOL.



Active Member
Here is my lady little better bud shops compliments of my sister:


You may notice some clawing on some of the earlier growth I am pretty sure I messed up the PH for a second there.
looks good dude your sister defo takes better pics ;) what nutes are you using ? it could be worth using a ph stabilised nutrient like ionic bloom or advanced sensi if your struggling to keep it in check.


Active Member
I am using some mighty bloom. Thanks for the advice on the nutes that does sound like a good idea are they organic nutes by any chance? I hate the nutes I am using but I am planning on using a compost tea made of worm castings and molasses also for my next flower probably going with some bat guano.


Active Member
Just a little update here are the girls two weeks from the last picture post.This plant here has been on 12/12 light schedule since august 14th and are three months two days from seed:

This one here was put into flower the day the nirvana blue mystic sprouted which was the first of september, this plant has also been cloned which I really dont even know why I cloned it to tell you the truth it was the runt did I not have proper nutrients I really do not expect much from her but we'll see what happens:

This is Nirvana's Blue Mystic two weeks one day this one I am hoping to clone and feed all organic nutrients:



Active Member
Yep I cannot wait this will be my first time with an actual flowering plant :) They are however bagseed. Some seeds were from some good bags but mostly mexican bagseeThe THC levels are prolly pretty low but it is a good start IMHO. Thanks everyone!

Also does anyone have any suggestions for good AACT that maybe stronger since I do not have any super soil yet?? I have seen a few in organics but maybe I overlooked a few. Also anyone want to guess the dry weight of top pictures? I am hoping for an Ounce but I really am not expecting anything.


Active Member
Too soon to tell, but looks like she's not quite done and has some weight to pack on. A comparison and updated pic would help though, hold a lighter up to the bud to give us an idea


Active Member
Well I chopped my first plant down I think it may have been to early but that's OK I guess I can make a few mistakes right? Mrtokenpuff I wish I would have checked earlier to see your post I may have kept her up a little longer. Here are some updated pics of the girls:


The one in the blue bucket is the blue mystic shes growing good I topped her for the first time about a week ago. I will top for the second and third time sometime soon in order to make four main colas. I am having a little issue with the blue mystic I have her in some Happy Frog soil with some extra worm castings and thats shes had for nutrients and it looks like the tips of the leaves are burning. Is Happy Frog soil strong or is my ph off? I have been giving her the same water I have been giving the other girls and it seems to be burning her I was just thinking happy frog might be on the strong side. The thing that gets me is this started on newer growth. Maybe I was not feeding enough? Feel free to give me some advice here :)

The girl in the middle is the one I call droopy cause before I put her into flower she would not stick out straight as soon as I put her into flower she started looking really good I may have to change her name. Now she smells FUCKING AWESOME!!!! Has way more crystals than the one I cut down. The last one is a clone of droopy topped and LST'd kind of beat up but what do you expect for a ghettoperation.

Here are some pictures of the drying plant:

WOOT! My first ever complete plant!!!! Although I shouldn't have chopped her.

My next couple of purchases will probably increase my yield. I am going to get another light probably going to be a 1000w with digital ballast(are all digital ballasts switchable MH/HPS?) and I am going to complete my grow room. Currently my 5x5x7 is being wasted by just being a dark room. I just go a new job and will be finishing the box need some plywood or dry wall for the outside some more 2x2's and also some sort of reflective material mylar or panda film have not decided yet as well as some insulation. Any suggestions here would be awesome as well.

Thanks everyone for checking out my grow journal and I will continue to post pictures in this thread until I have my box built and everything to make my grow as good as it can be. Subscribe like and rep and I'll +rep as well :0


Active Member
Here Is a little update:
this is the blue mystic

I think there was an issue with heat they where about 6 inches away from the 400w HPS with no ventilation in a huge room. Temps never got above 85 though would that stress this out that bad or is this a different nutrient problem? I want to say it is nutrients now because of these pictures but I am not sure I have only been giving the girls AACT which is made of: High N bat guano, kelp meal, humic acid, worm casting, and un-sulfered black strap. I am using FFOF soil with only this tea brew. So i really think it maybe some micro nutrient maybe?