*400w MH/HPS White Rhino,Big Bud,Sativa Spirit,Bagseed**


Active Member
Hey everyone!
This is my first journal on RIU. ive been on this site reading and doing some research for a while, but just recently started my grow.
i germinated the seeds about 3 days ago. Any Info/ Suggestions/ ideas would be very helpful,
as for the lighting situation i have 1 CFL bulb, not sure specs haven't looked it up yet.
i just bought a a 400w HPS with ballast and a 400 MH and a spare 400w HPS from HTG, there under the CFL 24/0, i had them under the HPS but wasn't sure if it would like burn them up so i figured i should wait till there a little bigger and throw them under the 400w, like i said i am new to growing, but very open minded to all ideas,
the list of strains are
White Rhino
Big Bud
Sativa Spirit
Silver Haze
and just bagseed from sum ultra dank (the test subjects)
the box is about 3.5ft x 3.5ft x 6ft
i haven't decided on the soil yet, open for ideas.

Thank you

ps- sry for the mess lol

this is my roommates grow box, he took a different approach and i think it was a good idea, as u can Clearly see he does happen to like anime and like the matrix and has all the stuff lol i swear hes not like 11 lol

thank you for ur time, any info would be helpful


Active Member
oh man i didnt realize that they were in there, the seeds in the pots with soil are uhm i think basil/tomatoes/ peppers and catnip ( when we went to homedepot we went a little crazy on the growing lol)but its the seed starting soil from MG, i wasent sure if we shuld use that one, i was gonna do something more custom,


Active Member
i think like 8/12 so far popped out of the seed but only 3 popped thru the cube and only 1 white rhino is already like 1-2in tall lol


Active Member
so far im having a serious heat issue, my cheapo therm says its like 120 in there,with the 400w i got a few fans, but thats wayy too hott..im designing a new grow box to fit both my new room and the heati issue, any info would be awesome, thank you


Active Member
so im having a serious issue with my heal, and it killed all of my seedlings, so im thinking about downgrading to a 150w maybe or a 250w anybody have any experience in the 150w's or the 250w's with the heat? i was over 120 degrees with the doors open and the fans on.and i have to put it in a smaller box, so i think the 150w or the 250w would be better for that situation, but is there a major difference in the outcome of the bud? any info would be very helpful. thank you


Active Member
In the small space you have, it will be very difficult to keep it cool enough...maybe impossible. I'd go with a CFL (coily flourecent substitute) and LED combo. They both produce very little heat and can both be placed very close to your plants (within inches) without any harm. This allows for bushier growth and the LED's prevent the typical stretching that occurs with some CFL grows, shorter bushier plants are also more ideal for your small space. The led's are cheap ($35 a panel of 225 on ebay) and emit only those light spectrums (blue + red)used by plants. The CFL's are cheat to and with indivual reflectors HID's like HPS's and MH lamps have there place but unless you've got a relatively large opperation or large space, the heat really detracts a lot from the yield. In fact, if your able to keep your room between 70 and 80 degrees (74-76 F ideal) you will experience spongy firm "bc" type buds even more dense than HPS type systemsexpect from a well opperated HPS system. My oppinion...Buy This: good nutrients dutchmaster or fox farm ($60 or so), 2 panels LED's($35 each x 2= $70 ebay shipped to your front door), 12 CFL bulbs in 6 reflectors as high of wattage CFL as ($) possible but 23W are ($2 per bulb X 6=$ 12 and will do the trick), six 10 inch reflector ($6-9 each= $45), and a "Y" splitter ($2 each x 6=$12) for each reflector allows you to put two bulbs in each of your reflectors put your lights within 3 inches but NOT touch the CFL's. Lets review, that gives you 276 watts of CFL's, 2 LED panels and all the nutrients to spoil your babies, make sure youdont over use the nutrients, keep your temps low and watch in amazement, if you give 3-4 weeks veg to keep them kinda small, 2 months flower--they'll get nice and bushy, yeild 1-2 O's per plant 1 plant per sq foot makes them work for light and get even fatter---CFL LED Combo, simply the way to go, if I didn't think talkin about this stuff online is a bit sketchy i'd post pics of this same type opp a freind of mine built, he used a rubbermaid DWC hydro setup though (look in the FAQ's for design). Good luck freind, sorry for getting lengthy on your thread here, and enjoy the BB and WR, cross them and get a beautiful treat...cheers