400W Nirvana JockHorror/Attitude NY Diesel


What's up this is my first serious attempt at growing. I've gotten almost all of my information from this site :clap: and some magazines. This is simply a grow for personal use to help me with my anxiety. Thanks for checking it out!

My setup is a
400w HPS w/ 6in reflector.
2 1700lumen CFL's (for some blue spectrum).
Room is lined in 2mm Mylar.

My seeds are germinated in Rapid Rooters and placed into Fox Farms Ocean Forest. All they are getting right now is distilled water with lemon juice and 1/4 teaspoon Superthrive.

Currently growing
1 NYPD from Attitude which is the oldest.
2 Jock Horror's from Nirvana. About 5 days apart.
Seed's are feminized. All of the seeds were planted around Oct. 25.

Week 1 Pictures.
View attachment 1258141- - - NYPD

View attachment 1258142- - - JH 1

View attachment 1258143- - - JH 2
Photos taken on Nov 2.

Week 2 photos coming in about 10 minutes...


Well-Known Member
Sup grower,
Set up looks good, Plants are lookn healthy

Nirvana makes some good seeds there JH is dam good! But the autos arent always autos with em I hear.

How big you going to grow em ?


Well its pretty much ceiling height so I guess as long as I'm patient enough to let them grow. I had planned to let them veg for at least Nov. and then see what size they are by then. I'm really in no hurry and more concerned about the yield.

And these are just feminized JH.

I'm going to transplant them to 5 gallon buckets so their set for their life cycle tomorrow night if I can finish up working on my car in time to get more soil. I'm gonna pick up the FF nutes as well.

Could somebody tell me what the reasons are for topping? I fully understand how to do it but a little confused as to what it does and if it would be beneficial for me.


Well-Known Member
Toping makes the plant grow into a bush with several main buds, stead of a xmas tree shaped natural plant. It can increase yield cause flower hormones are distributed evenly to the extra tops. An instead of one big bud an lots of small buds youll get Lots of medium buds.

The only draw back to it is it slows your plants vertical growth awhile why the lower branches grow out an be come the tops. Which is why people like to use Low stress training (tie branches down).

I wouldnt top em tell they get 5-6 sets of leaves.

But the real way you an double yeild with topping is to clone the top you remove.
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Week 3 Pictures

Transplanted the 2 Jock Horrors into 5 gallon buckets last night. They have showed a little stress but nothing serious. The NYPD will be transplanted in the next couple days when I have time to get more soil. Also will be adding FF Grow Big & Big Bloom this week.

(-any brown/yellow on the left side leaves is just reflection from the HPS)

DSC00028.jpg- - - NYPD

DSC00025-1.jpg- - - JH 1 (topped on 11/13)

DSC00031.jpg- - - JH 2
Photos taken on Nov 14.

How much longer would you guys recommend I veg them for?


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1270364

Your optimum lighting is between 6 an 21 inches, pluss a few for the stem.
Based on my experience you should veg the untoped ones tell they are about 16-18in, she will stretch another 4-6 in flower. Or about 5-6 weeks ish?
Give the toped one a bit more time to catch up to the natural ladies if you can.


Thanks for the info Scar but I really don't have a problem with my light height. I have it about 16 inches from the tops! The lighting article was pretty interesting, I believe I've found my "sweet spot" though.

This past week the ladies have been fed FF Grow Big twice. Both times have been heavy feedings
(4 tsp per .5 gallon). Some of very bottom leaves have experienced some burn. Although i think this may also be due to the fertilized water being poured on them by accident. But, I haven't been concerned at all because all of my main branches and leaves are healthy, green, and growing wonderfully. :clap:

Pictures coming in a minute...

If you take the time to look don't be afraid to leave a comment! I intend to maintain this journal through harvest. :leaf:


Week 4 pictures

DSC00032.jpg DSC00037.jpg - - - NYPD

DSC00040.jpg DSC00042.jpg - - - JH 1 (topped on 11/13)

DSC00044.jpg DSC00045.jpg - - - JH 2

Photos taken on Nov 21.


Active Member
Hope the topping works for you! LST is the way to go imo. Less stress and you get to pick how the plant will grow.

This is looking wonderful dude! Can wait to see the plants in the future!

GL and HF


Thanks for the input and advice guys! I did lower the 400w another carabiner so it's about a 12 inches from the tops and 6 inches from the CFL's now. Here's pictures of how i have the room set up...

DSC00047.jpg DSC00046.jpg


Hope the topping works for you! LST is the way to go imo. Less stress and you get to pick how the plant will grow.

This is looking wonderful dude! Can wait to see the plants in the future!

GL and HF
Thank you I'm hoping it keeps up that way. I decided to top just one Jock Horror because I wanted to compare the yields between the two.


I was set on vegging for at least the month of November but now I'm probably going to veg another 2 weeks since they have really taken off the past couple days. I'll probably be posting pictures twice a week since the growth from day to day is getting to be quite noticeable. :-P


Week 4.2 Pictures

- - - NYPD
- a little burned, I accidentally overfed her. Although her leaves above the burn look good and she is still growing fine. She also is the smelliest of the 3 so far.

- - - JH 1 (topped on 11/13)

DSC00051.jpg DSC00052.jpg DSC00053.jpg
- - - JH 2
-This girl has taken off the past week.

Photos taken on Nov 23.


Week 4.3 Pictures

DSC00075.jpg DSC00077.jpg DSC00083.jpg
- - - NYPD

DSC00089.jpg DSC00090.jpg DSC00092.jpg
- - - JH 1
(^ topped on 11/13)
DSC00085.jpg DSC00086.jpg DSC00088.jpg
- - - JH 2
-I believe the burn on her outside leaves in just some nute foliage burn but if anyone believes it could be anything else let me know.

Photos taken on Nov 25.

I'm thinking another week of vegging? Maybe two? Some input there would help a lot!