400w Northern Light with pics


Ok Got myself a nice mother, its a real nice NL from Nirvana and I know its real nice from growing white russian, durban poison, Jack hearer, and my own cross of WRxDP in the past.
None came close to the strength, yeld, and sweet sweet smell of this beauty. The original seed plant is smoked :weed: and was awsome stuff tbh really surprised me for first grow in 5+ years

ATM im at the early stages of the first batch of clones of the mother, she is doing fine in a little tent that still needs maylar.

Growing in soil canna terra pro, using Advanced Hydrophonics Nutes, organic Mother earth tea. for both mother and flowering plants.

Results first time around were excellent so I kept everything as is, food, soil etc.

I stoped taking photos for around 2 months judging by photo dates, due to a little incident that had my balls in my stomach for said amount of time...

Ok the Pics,

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Photos are of the flowering original seed plant up until around 3-4 weeks of flowering, then the 2 month gap brings us on to the mother and clones up until the most recent with 14 clones just 2 days in the flowering room.

I didnt take double the amount of clones needed this time, just 15, 1 culled for space left around 8 good clones and the rest vary from just ready to could of done with another week but O well maybe next time :clap:

Clones got 4 weeks all in to root and veg, around 1 week veg time 3 weeks rooting, healthy white roots from most in 3" rockwool cubes after 4 weeks and the 8 good clones had well started growing, some doubled in height.

Will be updating, Feel free to post comments, suggestions and criticise

Thank you


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Well first I need to get this out of the way.... PUPPY!!!

::ehem:: Sorry. Dogs are my weak spot.

Beautiful plants. I feel like such a failure compared to you. :p

I hope my next bunch of girls looks half as good as yours.


Well-Known Member
Loved the taste of Nirvanas NL.
Looking good grower.

I have a dauchsund puppy grow partner, Im hoping hell double my yield!


Heh yea the staffie in the background just eats my fan leaves as he sees fit, I guess he has to be paid in some way for protection hehe, Im pretty sure hes happy with that as hes normaly first up to check on the babies to see if there ok.

Weird tho he seemed to hate it, turn his nose up etc for months then one day I rubbed the mothers fat stem for a good smell and let him smell it, he kinda breathed in the smell from my fingers, froze for 2 minutes and has not stopped eating it since lol.


Ok were into week 2 of flowering from a 3 week cloning period and a 1 week veg (For Half anyway), I added some mother earth bloom to them @ week 2, just a small amount 1mill per liter.
I believe feeding @ week 2 with bloom Nutes, even tho the plants give the appearance of having everything they need from the soil, is a great yield booster I could be wrong just something I thought I noticed.

Here is some pictures,
As you can see the plants are at 2 differnt looking stages as I only had enough clones to plant and just 1 to spare, I couldnt pick from weak and strong clones I will next time tho.
Also what is the way to go for max yield, let the weaker clones under the light or just focus on the strongest plants and let them got there full potential?
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Here is the mother,
shes now massive with many potential clones on her, as you can see its at the top of the tent now and no more space left to move the light.
The plant shows no signs of stopping I put her in 25 liters of soil or near 6 gallons
any idea how big she will get in that?