400w Querkle Grow


Active Member
I might give it a short air dry, then immediately put it into a jar and burp as needed from there. trying to keep bud shrinkin minimal, while getting out most of the water, and not letting it mold either. At least thats how it works out in my head.lol. i dont care if it doesnt way a ton as long as the structure of the bud stays some what the same off the plant.
Yeah I think I did dry a bit too long. After being in the jars for about a day, the RH is about 73%. I typically like to be in jars at at least 80% and then slowly drop it from there. Still, considering how dense it felt on the plant, I'm really disappointed in how fluffy it is now. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed about the hash, I think it's gonna be some good stuff. Plus the stalks on a lot of the resin glands were dark purple so that would be fucking bad ass if I got some purple tinted hash.

I purchased this strain as personal stash due to great looks, taste, smell and quick finishing time. The site I bought from indicated 55 days flowering, however, Sub cool listed 60-70. The one thing that is really killing me is the slow vegging. I have 1 bag seed (looks very sativa) that has a 10 day head start on my Querkle and it is towering above them! The Sativa was 17.5 when put into flower and now 10 days later and she is 24" tall (with large spaces between middle nodes). My Q measure between 7.5 - 9" tall after 35 days. I haven't topped them, but I did repot all three so they might be recovering from that. I'm using 400 MH and have been light on the nutes, until recently, so we shall see if things pick up. My point being here is, I hope the smoke is worth the effort of this slow growing, low yielding strain. I guess I wouldn't worry too much about it if I had the perpetual grow well up to speed, but I don't, so PATIENCE is my biggest antagonist.
Yeah the site you bought it on is full of shit, but that's what seed vendors do. No way these would have been ready at 55 days. Subcool likes to harvest when I do (some cloudy resin glands and very little, if any, amber) so for this first grow I found his harvest window of 60-70 days to be accurate for me. If you like to harvest with about 25% amber like a lot of people seem to do, I would say it would probably take more like 80 days. He does have a strain... I think 3rd Dimension... that he claims is a 55 day.
Honestly, I'm not planning on growing any more querkle after the one I just put to flower. It takes me about 10 weeks from taking a cutting to veg it to a decent size and then about 10 weeks to flower... just not worth it for what I got out of it, even if the smoke turns out to be incredibly good. I just took some pics and weights, so I'll post that up in a bit.


Well-Known Member
Already addressed that on page 12. I enjoy experimenting and base my methods on botany and science instead of the myths most growers repeat without even understanding why they are doing what they are doing.
if i could rep you i would, that is one of the marks of a good grower, experiment, and make your OWN deductions from there great job!!!!! that querkle

looks like some dank
im subbd


Active Member
Ok, here's some pics....

First, here's everything from the harvest:

The two jars on the left and two tupperware containers (didn't have enough big jars) are all the popcorn, small buds, and trim. Each one of those 4 containers holds about a gallon. The two sad little jars on the right are all the buds I kept and trimmed from both plants.

A closeup of the popcorn/trim. It looks like a lot of little buds, but they're just too fluffy to bother trimming. There's about 8.5oz total of this stuff. I'm hoping to get around 2.5oz of ISO hash out of it (that's maybe being optimistic, but it's so damn frosty).

And here's the trimmed buds. First pic is from plant A, second is from plant B. The plant B stuff is a bit more dense but A is a bit frostier. Just under 2oz total here :-(


Active Member
Unless this next run of querkle grown as a bush turns out a lot better, I'm probably not going to grow it again. Shame I bought 10 seeds and only used 4... should have got the 5 pack. Oh well. Live and learn.

Just ordered some KC Brains Northern Lights Special for my next grow. This breeder has amazing prices and is recommended by a grower I respect immensely (riddleme).


Well-Known Member
theres no such thing as extra seeds....

take a hike lol... literally =)

and you got some jars bro, welcome to the jar club =) lol that shit in nice an purple whats the flavor like?? =)


Active Member
Wish there was a place to grow them outdoors around here... doesn't help it's cold as fuck... I hate michigan. Limited space inside so gotta be picky but I'm sure I'll find a use for them eventually.
Haven't smoked any yet. Actually, I quit mj completely about a month ago cause I got really sick and it was making it worse. Honestly don't know if I'll ever start back up again. Seems everything I try these days makes me either lazy or anxious.
The wife choose this strain and she's giving me all kinds of hell about letting her have some but I just have this thing about drying/curing for at least a couple weeks before sampling. Just seems to get so much better at that point and I feel like having any before that is just wasting it. I let her have the gram or so of scissor hash to tide her over until then (plus we still have plenty of blue cheese so it's not like she's deprived of weed, haha). She said it has that old school purple flavor and heavy grapey smell.


didnt look like it turned to much purple either, but it also might be the camera. that is gonna be a shit load of hash though.lol. the more i have been reading the more i get into making hash. its awesome to take small unwanted bud and trim and turn it into something that is amazing and powerful. how is the other querkle looking? and let me know how that hash turns out, peace stay green


Active Member
Yeah it's so-so as far as purps go. I've seen stuff waaaaay more purple than this. Maybe there's other phenos that are more purple. Pushing it with making the room colder maybe would work too.

I definitely recommend making a solvent based hash. It's cheap and easy to do. And every grower ends up with super high tolerance so it's nice to have something that can put you on your ass in a couple hits. I'll post some pics when I make it.

My next plant is finishing it's 36hr dark period tonight. How's yours doing? Almost a week into 12/12 by now, yeah?


Lucky.lol. what tree is comin down now? i havent seen mine since i put it into flower unfortunately.lol. Recently i have been traveling alot and havent had a stable place where i would be comfortable taking this hobby on, so i have a great buddy of mine who also shares the same hobby letting me use a little bit of his space. Sunday will be one week since i put it into the flower room, but i didnt give it a dark period or anything. so pistils might not be showing up yet. i count flower day one when i see some tittie hairs poppin.lol. ill be changing water/nutes and snappin a few photos for ya. plus i like to document the growth


Active Member
Nah, I'm not harvesting anything else, just putting the next one to flower currently. I don't have anything else in flower right now so it'll be another couple months before the next harvest.

That's cool he's letting you use some space. I was gonna check and see when mine started showing pistils, but apparently I didn't write it down. I can't tell on my 1 week pics cause I didn't take closeups, but in some pics from 11 days of 12/12 I see a definite flower response and quite a lot of pistils.

Can't wait to see the pics and find out how much yours grew in the first week.


Active Member
This strain is crazy. I measured the plant at 18"H x ~28"W before 36hr dark period. Just measured it when lights came on and it grew to 20"H x ~31"W.



First I gotta give you rep for having such a clean room. it looks amazing! Second that plant is green bushy and very healthy!! Great job all around, and it grew 3 inches just in the dark period?lol. i hope it doesnt stretch anymore and just start fillin in. psyte querkle.jpgpsyte querkle 2.jpg It also looks like it has gotten way bushier also since the dark period.


Active Member
Thanks, man. Yeah I totally didn't expect that much growth. I actually trimmed off a lot of the undergrowth right before dark period for better airflow and to make it easier to water. I guess it loves the dark... fuckin vampire plant or something.

I can raise the light another 10" or so and if I have to I can take it off that metal shelf and that's another 4". Hopefully it doesn't grow more than that.
i got 4 Querkle clones set into a DWC system with 2x600w agrosuns on lumateks over them. my pheno (keep in mind i havent started 12/12) looks similar right down to the leaves and the branching frequency. but i have all the components of a proper grow in line. Co2, fresh air, RO filtered water, digital ballasts with upgrade lamps. DWC owns all other hydro so thats in place as well. i wonder if i can expect 4-6 oz plants?? thats my usual standard. if a strain cant put down 4-6, its out. do you think its reasonable to hit 4-6? or even bigger?


Active Member
How big do you plan on vegging them (keeping in mind this strain vegges very slow)?
I don't think this strain is considered much of a yeilder, but I would think with a setup as good as yours that if you veg topped bushes to at least 18" tall before putting them to 12/12 that 4-6oz is a reasonable expectation.


Active Member
I can't see the pics for some reason. I just see text links and get a "Invalid Attachment specified" message when I click on them.


Active Member
Damn! Lookin good! How much did it grow? It looks way bigger than that pic from like a week ago.


DSC00622 (2).jpgThis first pic is from a week ago, right before it went into floweringDSC00626.jpg and this was a week later. It definitely bushed out a shit ton like yours. It also looks like it gained around 4 maybe 5 inches of height. its been drinkin the bucket and external resovoir every 5/6 days. makes for a good res change easy and simple. The nodes are kind of far apart so im not expecting huge nugs, which sucks. Should have some pretty decent sized ones. All the popcorn and trim which there will be a lot of, will all go into making BHO