Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info which I already fully understand about exudates etc. I also full understand about the casparian strip and the endodermis if you'd like to give a science lesson about that too?
All I'm saying is that with chemical nutes if you closely monitor what's being fed to your plants and don't overdo anything then there is no need to flush. This is from experience not from a book.
If you pile your plants with countless amounts of chemicals containing high levels of P and K for example 0-50-50 for prolonged periods of time this can have a negative effect on the plant and cause bad taste.
I personally use a 6-3-8 the whole way through from start to finish with added Ca and Mg along with some silica and a couple of hits of PK1314 at the right time.
Coco being an inert medium is easy to monitor your feed going IN vs your feed OUT to stop any reverse osmosis in the rootzone.
Granted not everyone monitors this way.
But if you do it stops you from over feeding which stops the reverse osmosis in the rootzone which most people suffer from with chem nutes because they don't understand how they work.
certainly wouldn't mind giving you a lesson, if you need one let me know...
if you had read the 'lesson' then you would have understood that i'm not saying shit about your flushing, i have an issue with you saying that whether grown organically or chemically the same things are taken in by the plant...if your science is as thorough as you claim, then you wouldn't be saying that...maybe you do need another lesson or two...
and if you've clearly stated that you don't feel the need to flush due to experience, suggesting that to inexperienced growers without as much enlightenment as you've got wouldn't be the best thing to do now, would it...