400watts And Runnin' | Grower Witta Aditude

All i got is some party cups left going under CFL's i started them when i had those clones flowering, i got two plants going of one my crosses, HHxJHxSLxHJ and one White Berry I Pollinated with my Trainwrek x Early Skunk i crossed into it. Once these finish im going to move, then get another grow going. But for now ima wait for these to finish, then get things moved in to my homies crib, then shit should pop off, but we'll see how things go in this next month or two.
Yeah shit should be way more legit, but we'll see how it it works out. Ima be movin in with my homie, the main fool i do shit with so its all good. We should be able to expand this shit but we'll see how it works out.
[QUOTE="SICC";5103645]Yeah shit should be way more legit, but we'll see how it it works out. Ima be movin in with my homie, the main fool i do shit with so its all good. We should be able to expand this shit but we'll see how it works out.[/QUOTE]

2 growers in one crib i smell some good shit..
Naw more like its one grower, and one fool who slangs MAD shit haha

My homie hold its down tho, me and this fool been doing shit since like 7th grade, he aint kno too much bout growing, well he do, but its all knowledge from me haha. He my only "real" homie i say. The one nigga i can get wit to do some real shit, aint no bullshit, we keeps it real. I got peeps i Kno, and my Homies, him and two other fools i call homies, the rest of the nigga's i kno, and we keeps it like that. They coo, but you gotta keep the real niggas behind you.