400watts And Runnin' | Grower Witta Aditude

You put all that time into getting a good amount of lumens 400 watts a go cheap on soil no disrespect but go with a soiless mix like sunshine or pro-mix bx an line the bottom of the pot with clay pellets for the best airation possible. bigger root ball means bigger plants. when using a soiless mix you are always going to have air hitting the roots even if you over water. Switching right over to a HPS you will have some stretching. that is why it is good to have a ballast that can use metal halide as well as a hps for the first two weeks you can use MH to reduce stretching an keep the internodes tighter. Than switch to hps for nice big dence buds. I use a 400 watt system in the summer. I bought a bulb made by ushio it is a super hps 55000 lumens an has red tinge to help stop stretching man it is bright compared to a regular philips or sunmaster as far as controling stretching I have not used the bulb long enuff to tell yet. but with a super hps keep it away a little further then a regular hps. As for feeding I use mother earth super tea grow an bloom an suplement with atami veg an bloom. It gives me the taste an weight I need an no phing. Nice gro sicc hope some of this info will help you PEACE
how things goin sicc?

Going good, i posted pics a couple days ago, but ima Update again tomorrow.

You put all that time into getting a good amount of lumens 400 watts a go cheap on soil no disrespect but go with a soiless mix like sunshine or pro-mix bx an line the bottom of the pot with clay pellets for the best airation possible. bigger root ball means bigger plants. when using a soiless mix you are always going to have air hitting the roots even if you over water. Switching right over to a HPS you will have some stretching. that is why it is good to have a ballast that can use metal halide as well as a hps for the first two weeks you can use MH to reduce stretching an keep the internodes tighter. Than switch to hps for nice big dence buds. I use a 400 watt system in the summer. I bought a bulb made by ushio it is a super hps 55000 lumens an has red tinge to help stop stretching man it is bright compared to a regular philips or sunmaster as far as controling stretching I have not used the bulb long enuff to tell yet. but with a super hps keep it away a little further then a regular hps. As for feeding I use mother earth super tea grow an bloom an suplement with atami veg an bloom. It gives me the taste an weight I need an no phing. Nice gro sicc hope some of this info will help you PEACE

Thanks for the info Indy, good to have ya along :D
You put all that time into getting a good amount of lumens 400 watts a go cheap on soil no disrespect but go with a soiless mix like sunshine or pro-mix bx an line the bottom of the pot with clay pellets for the best airation possible. bigger root ball means bigger plants. when using a soiless mix you are always going to have air hitting the roots even if you over water. Switching right over to a HPS you will have some stretching. that is why it is good to have a ballast that can use metal halide as well as a hps for the first two weeks you can use MH to reduce stretching an keep the internodes tighter. Than switch to hps for nice big dence buds. I use a 400 watt system in the summer. I bought a bulb made by ushio it is a super hps 55000 lumens an has red tinge to help stop stretching man it is bright compared to a regular philips or sunmaster as far as controling stretching I have not used the bulb long enuff to tell yet. but with a super hps keep it away a little further then a regular hps. As for feeding I use mother earth super tea grow an bloom an suplement with atami veg an bloom. It gives me the taste an weight I need an no phing. Nice gro sicc hope some of this info will help you PEACE

mh will cause stretch, as plants reach for warmer spectrum of light, just like in veg. +rep
I use t5 fluoros for vegging warm an cool. IF YOU CAN AFFORD TWO BALLASTS THE BEST IS TO RUN A MH AN A HPS DURING VEG SATGE BUT THIS SEEMS TO BE A BUDGET GROW SO FOR THE LEAST AMOUNT OF STRETCHING USE A METAL HALIDE DURING VEG STAGE AN THEN A HPS IN BUD STAGE. SORRY ABOUT THE CAPS DAM BUTTON. That is why most ballast come now with the option to run either a mh or a hps. And the ushio bulb iam using hAS EHANCED BLUE SPECTRUM TO HELP WITH STRETCHING NOT RED LIKE i SAID ABOVE peace SORRY about the caps. iam getting use to this laptop
Ok, here's the update, i got a lil lazy yesterday lol

We'll start things off with the Group shot





Next are the SCxNL's



HH on the left, MBS on the right



After that is two NL Fem's, im starting these off for a friend, hes gonn take them in a couple weeks


Here is the Triploid NL, same batch as the last two youngin's, but those two were planted a couple days ago


Here are the other two HH's, doing ok, kinda weird lol, i have another one going, but its weird as fuck, just gonna let it live for now haha


JTRxMBS, getting nice and big


Then my same friends Special Queen, i said Space queen last time lol,
and the Super Sunk


Lookin good sicc! You should buy stock in party cups, that group shot looks like a party waiting to happen!!
Lookin good sicc! You should buy stock in party cups, that group shot looks like a party waiting to happen!!

lol i should just take over the solo cup industry

I believe your 'triploid' is a wholed phylotaxy.

oh ok, well whatever it is, its still a freak lol

Just wish it didnt get stunted, but shes starting to pick up, i didnt think she would even do anything at first.
ahh shit lil bitty babies one day gonna be fat whores you pass around the room =D mine should be sprouting today or tomorrow
super skunk is one nice plant to grow indoors it gets BIG. Outdoors in Ontario Canada we can pull two pounds off of SS an 14 feet tall buy the middle of october. If you have not grown super skunk before you are in for a treat some of the stoneist tastiest stuff I have ever smoked an grown. I just dont see to many peeps using it anymore. I think iam going to get some from the sensi seed bank. That is where we got it 1991 an grew as a staple for 10 years an then lost it. . I need a memory card for my camera I will start a thread an show you some pics of my mental floss white widow an Chronic indoor grow using a 400 mine are two weeks into flowering. hopefuly I can starta thread tommorow. Yours are looking strong an ready to produce keep up the good work Sicc PEACE.
i wonder if you clone the triploid if it will continue to grow as a triploid? possibly consider breeding this? looking good bro.