400watts And Runnin' | Grower Witta Aditude

Damn Sicc hope that strawberry Cough turns out a Girl..... cuz thats one my new Favorite strains ... Good Video hope all goes well... +Rep
Hey "Gumball", you're not growing your girls, in "Metal Coffee Cans" are yee ? "Plastic"--- ummmmmm--- Ok, but "Metalic" cans, of ANY sort, not good bro..... has the ability, to transfer metals-minerals, that aren't neccessarily good for the plant, altho "RUST" is a form of IRON ! They DO use the mineral,but it's recommended to get iron in a three-part solution, called "Cal-Mag".Containing Calcium, Magniesium,Mangonieze(sp.?)and of course, Iron. The Calcium, helps keep your P.H. in check,and gets rid of those "Red Stalks & Stems". B. T. W. Gumball, I'm using 5 gallon "STERILE" paint buckets, Lil' on the heavy side, but "No transplanting" throughout the entire grow....
Best of the BEST of luck to ya Gumball !
(Here's dirt in yer face!)
Nice vid sicc the plant's are looking bad ass I wouldn't expect anything else though. Dude anyone ever tell you that you sound like violent J. Well just stopped by to say hello hope all keeps rollin for ya.
Damn Sicc hope that strawberry Cough turns out a Girl..... cuz thats one my new Favorite strains ... Good Video hope all goes well... +Rep

Yeah same here Homie, SC is in my fav strain list, right up there with Bubba Kush ;)
The grower i got the seeds from said all the ones he has grown has been female, him and one of his friends both got all fems, So hopfullys that will be the case, but either way, pollen or buds im excited :D

Looking good brobongsmilie

Thanks OG :eyesmoke:

Is there a door on ur cab?? how do you vent it?? Lookin really good man cant wait for HPS blastoff

Yeah there is a door, its like a wooden portable closet, no ventilation, all i got is a rectangle sized hole towards the top of the cab so the hot air will rise up and out the back.

Here is a pic i took before


everything looks to be on schedule.

Yeah so far so good, things are going ALOT smoother then when i first started up.

Nice vid sicc the plant's are looking bad ass I wouldn't expect anything else though. Dude anyone ever tell you that you sound like violent J. Well just stopped by to say hello hope all keeps rollin for ya.

Haha naw thats a new one. Good to have ya along :leaf:
Did everybody receive their orders? I just got mine today. God I love all the choices.
Yes and no???
I got my first order ASAP! But I screwed up and forgot to order http://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.u...rthern-lights-x-skunk-feminized/prod_808.html
So I re-ordered again one 3 pack of N.L. X Skunk; they shipped

I emailed Rachel,
this is our correspondence, enjoy!

Dear Rachel

I'm sober right now, why does your company screw up my orders?
Is it because I'm a quarter Scotts Irish? I am 50% English you know!
I've met and vacationed with my English 3rd cousins twice!
Hell! I was born in New England, Connecticut in 1959.
I don't know why we have problems, is everybody at the Attitude Stoned?
This would explain everything, it would be all good if this was true?
Please fix this, thanks...;-)

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 7:57 AM, <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi there

Thanks for your humorous email in light of mistake number 2!

I am just shipping these again to you right away.

Many Thanks


The Attitude

You just have to love this company!!!

Yes and no???
I got my first order ASAP! But I screwed up and forgot to order http://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.u...rthern-lights-x-skunk-feminized/prod_808.html
So I re-ordered again one 3 pack of N.L. X Skunk; they shipped

I emailed Rachel,
this is our correspondence, enjoy!

Dear Rachel

I'm sober right now, why does your company screw up my orders?
Is it because I'm a quarter Scotts Irish? I am 50% English you know!
I've met and vacationed with my English 3rd cousins twice!
Hell! I was born in New England, Connecticut in 1959.
I don't know why we have problems, is everybody at the Attitude Stoned?
This would explain everything, it would be all good if this was true?
Please fix this, thanks...;-)

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 7:57 AM, <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi there

Thanks for your humorous email in light of mistake number 2!

I am just shipping these again to you right away.

Many Thanks


The Attitude

You just have to love this company!!!

LOL. Thats hilarious. Ive never had a problem but hear some people from time to time complain so maybe they are all stoned. F@@@in hilarious bro.
I didn't have a single problem with my delivery. I got it in about a week. I bet she hooks you up with some nice freebies :) hope you get this delivery.
My replacement seeds are on the way.
I do not expect any freebies...:leaf:
I'm just so happy, this company will
fix a problem... :-P
Thanks again Attitude!!! :clap: