for me, its been the last couple weeks of flowering, lol. heavy defs, it looks like to me. all of a sudden alot of the leaves on my elite genetics have that ripe banana look to them, yellowing with brown spots.
ive been using my own blend of organic soil, which is pretty 'hot'. i start out with mgoc potting mix, then i ammend it with bloodmeal, bonemeal, potash, and fish emulsion. then i mix that with 50/50 with 30/20 organic perlite/organic vermiculite, the perlite provides aeration, and the vermiculite provides capillary action, which is important, because i have been bottom up watering/feeding throughout the entire grow, flushing from above periodically, say every 3-4 weeks. havent root pruned or transplanted once so far. when they were under 12/12 but not showing sex yet i was feeding them 1 tsb of fish emultion with 1 tbs of blood meal to one gal h20. each 4 trays of 4 plants gets aprox 1/4 gal per feeding. then once sex showed, i switched over to a 10-20-10 schultz liquid fert, 2 tsp per gal, and fed the same regimen, which was one feeding every 3rd watering. hadnt had any issues at all up untill this point, when bam, i got heavy defs on all my best bitches with 3 weeks left to go... it might be a soil ph issue tho as i had noticed recently that some fo the ladies were not drinking as fast as they had been and my stoned ass was still feeding them like they were thirsty and ravenous....