408 day ban

After seeing how Ythan likes to retain and then publicly post privacy compromising information I won't even be looking over the teks on the site anymore. Ythan is either an asshole who is one step away from blackmailing people he doesn't like or a complete fucking moron. Either way I wouldn't trust him or his forum with the time of day.

There is a good lesson in all this however.

Assholes like Ythan are why maintaining OPSEC is important. If time had used a pseudonymous overlay network and a dedicated email account then the information posted would be useless to anyone. It would have been the IP of an exit node and an email account that can't be linked back to time's truename.

Maintain good OPSEC and people like Ythan will be unable to use the information they gather and retain to put you at risk. Don't maintain good OPSEC and people like Ythan will get you busted. This is true on or off the internet.