41x24x50ish grow area lighting

CFL or LED for small grow

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So, I have been thinking and reading a huge amount on LED light..
given that the area would rock out a set of LED lights I would really really love to try them. Problem is I don't know if they will do better then the CFL's I am using now.
Factors that I am considering:
Space needed
Cost to run
Overall Quality of Product

So, what I know.

Heat,-- About he same as CFL's depending, but overall not that much different. I will not! use HID lights. its not even in the picture.
LED +.5/CFL +.5
Space, --LED win.
LED + 1
Cost.-- I have found crazy deals more then once and its a bit higher but light degradation and such puts it at about a tie if I get a quality LED lamp that last.
LED +.5/CFL +.5
Cost to run-- No clue, but I imagine to reach the level of effective light its going to cost more to run CFL. Plus CFL lights on, is going to cost a fair amount more than a single driver turning on.
LED +.?/CFL +.?
Overall Quality -- I don't know, I never grown anything with LED
LED +.?/CFL +.?
So why did I post?
I need some one who has seen the switch to help me out. First hand experience is what I would like to hear from. Maybe a finished tally for the LED +.?/CFL +.?
Thanks a bunch


Active Member
Cheap LED = bad spectrum blending (PAR) for the most part.

For small grows, California Light Works (CLW) makes smaller units like the solar flare that work great. Stay away from the larger Solar Storm it pricey and I didn't like the end results, low yield and very little canopy penetration.

BML Horticulture makes the Spydr 600 which is one of the best I've found, made by the same guy that designed the NeoSol it's just a better design on it IMO. LED you normally get what you pay for meaning cheap price = cheap light and bad spectrum. Now that doesn't always mean expensive price = great light, case in point CLW Solar Storm (800w) vs CLW Solar Flare (250-400w).

The 2 BML Spydr 600s I run draw about 320w each and the 2 harvests I've had have been about 95% the yield of what I got with 2 1000w HPS. Cost will be your biggest deciding factor, LEDs are not cheap, but worth it in the long haul.

Don't know what to tell you though about CFL vs LED. CFL more broad spectrum LED more dialed in narrow spectrum. LED you want 5w and above diodes on whatever you get. Heat is not an issue really. Cost CFL are way cheaper than quality LED.

Mine have 3yr manufacturer warranty you can replace individual rails if they go out and life expectancy is between 80k to 120k hours. Hope this helps some


Well-Known Member
I did not know that l.e.d. Could produce that much.So 320 w of l.e.d replaces 1000w hps?


Active Member
I did not know that l.e.d. Could produce that much.So 320 w of l.e.d replaces 1000w hps?
Depends on the drivers (an LEDs "Ballast") efficiency... and it really varies from make to make. Example - the illumitex neosol 1000w replacement pulls 520w and the BML Spydr 1200 pulls around 700w.

When looking at lights don't just judge by electricity alone... the PAR/PPF output + the efficiency of some of these LED are getting to the point that they can really outperform some HID lighting (though I'm still on the fence about this I am becoming a believer).

Princeton University just finished researching a heads up comparison of LEDs to traditional HID units as well as each other. BML and Neosol outperformed all other LEDs and the BML Spydr 1200 out performed a 1000w Gavita Pro in PAR per Watt (Light/Watt).

mental note - BML 1200s are not on the market yet... Damn it...


That is one hell of an address.. However, I am thinking of putting 2 of these on a mover (to get more canopy penetration) Any thoughts?
With LED grow lights being still a relatively new technology, or in its infancy, with out empirical data the only way to know is to try... There are 100s of knock off overnight seat of the pants operations putting out lights and lots that aren't worth anything.

I have that exact UFO that you are talking about, bought it 2 years ago and the only thing i've put under it was a plumeria last winter and it didn't like it at all. Spent most of this year recovering and didn't even flower this year. I don't know if it was the spectrum or if it just didn't adjust well to it coming from outdoor to indoor. Normally every year it drops its leaves and goes dormant for the winter, when I put it under that LED it had this funky camo thing start on the leaves, where the chlorophyll was trying to adjust to the new spectrum, anyways didn't drop leaves but didn't really grow any the spent the next 6 months stressing.

Also some plants just stress under different lighting conditions... Like I said don't know unless you try it.


Depends on the drivers (an LEDs "Ballast") efficiency... and it really varies from make to make. Example - the illumitex neosol 1000w replacement pulls 520w and the BML Spydr 1200 pulls around 700w.

When looking at lights don't just judge by electricity alone... the PAR/PPF output + the efficiency of some of these LED are getting to the point that they can really outperform some HID lighting (though I'm still on the fence about this I am becoming a believer).

Princeton University just finished researching a heads up comparison of LEDs to traditional HID units as well as each other. BML and Neosol outperformed all other LEDs and the BML Spydr 1200 out performed a 1000w Gavita Pro in PAR per Watt (Light/Watt).

mental note - BML 1200s are not on the market yet... Damn it...

With LED grow lights being still a relatively new technology, or in its infancy, with out empirical data the only way to know is to try... There are 100s of knock off overnight seat of the pants operations putting out lights and lots that aren't worth anything.

I have that exact UFO that you are talking about, bought it 2 years ago and the only thing i've put under it was a plumeria last winter and it didn't like it at all. Spent most of this year recovering and didn't even flower this year. I don't know if it was the spectrum or if it just didn't adjust well to it coming from outdoor to indoor. Normally every year it drops its leaves and goes dormant for the winter, when I put it under that LED it had this funky camo thing start on the leaves, where the chlorophyll was trying to adjust to the new spectrum, anyways didn't drop leaves but didn't really grow any the spent the next 6 months stressing.

Also some plants just stress under different lighting conditions... Like I said don't know unless you try it.
I would have to say its the indoor change, taking a plant away from the sun is big deal for the plant i have only seen one or two bad results on youtube from led's and one of them was an idiot dude attempting a grow without any idea what cannabis needs to grow. I am just going to have to save up and do a side by side cfl verse led my self. Thank you all for the input.


Lets not forget about a three year warrantee on very new tech. My partner and I can see the major benefits of the spydr 1200. It's gigantic progress will change the way we grow very very soon. Just like DE bulbs and fixtures started with very few companies and high prices, we have decided to wait just a little longer before jumping on the band wagon with LED. If one ore more than one goes out its not just a easy exchange to get it fixed and three years warrantee for three grand per light just isn't good enough. I will want 5 years at that price.