42 watt CFL or 26 watt CFL 1st grow


Well-Known Member
I am going to start my first grow very soon... in a closet ... 3 plants ... in a box lined with aluminum foil.. Should i use a 42 watt light or a 26 watt light? Please help me any advise would be GREAT! Thanks


Well-Known Member
The plant will do a lot better.
I used 24 when I started then about 2 weeks into it I went to 18/6 on my first grow.
I notice more new growth when I switched to 18/6.
I think it is because it is closer to what nature would provide.


Active Member
you're going to need much more than one 42 watt CFL for 3 plants dude. You would need more than that for 1 plant.


Well-Known Member
yea ... i agree .... i was going to use 2 to start.. The seeds are germinatng now and it seems to be taking forever... Anything i can add to the wet paper towel to speed up the process (germination solution)?


New Member
put the towels in a bowl with a flat bottom then put plastic wrap over the bowl... once you do that place the bowl on a heating pad. make sure they are in a dark area


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info... But will my babies be ok for the first week or so with 2 42 watt CFLs?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info... But will my babies be ok for the first week or so with 2 42 watt CFLs?
Sosure -
For the first few weeks it should be ok.

Try reading the grow faq's on this site, there is some really great information
enough for anyone to get into growing.



Well-Known Member
i hear that you should use 2700k spectrum (red/orange) for flowering and 6500 spectrum (blue) for Vegging.. Is this true... if so where do i find the different spectrums?
yes thats correct 6500k for veg and 2700k for flower.
you should be able to find these pretty easily at any home depot or hardware store.
if you have three plants you probably should have about 2 per plant untill they start actually showing size.
you could also grab Y-splitters to save room, this will allow you to plug two bulbs into one socket. or get the adapters to plug into an electrical socket and just set up a power strip (surge protecter) that holds about 5 lights and hang above or put on the sides of your plants. good luck. check out my set-up if you want. the links at the bottom of my post.


Well-Known Member
1. you need to use at least 2 42's per plant if you want any sort of sizeable harvest.
2.Use 5500k+ for veg and switch to >3500k, I use 2700k
3. Get or make reflectors for them, $7 at home cheapo,
4.DONT USE TINFOIL, the krinkles create hot spots from the light reflecting or some shit.
5. Mylar or just plain white paint is said to have ample reflectivity.
6. Be creative with your light placement, make sure the sides and lower branches get plenty of light, more light=more buds
7.You dont have to use them all at once start with 1 then add as they grow


Active Member
well let me ad mt 2c if i can cfl are good for seedlings and clones u can harvest a crop but buds will not reach their max. if u buy all those cfl you have just spent the money, that could have bought you a hps or mh. think about it do it right the first time. even if all you can afford is a 250. get it keep the cfl for short time veg 1 to 3 weeks .