Damn, Boneman, It looks like I am going to have to pick it up. Your Kali and my Kali are almost the same age and yours appear bigger in those pics. I will take some this evening and post them if you promise not to laugh. Beautiful plant. I beleive you said this was your first time growing Kali and you are in for a treat.
Mine are scheduled to chop around March 28th and 2 more are scheduled to come down on April 4. It's going to be a great 420. I will toss out a few pics of my Kali tonight.
By the way, are there going to be munchies and drinks on this train or do I need to bring my own? Hell, I will already be carrying about 1/2 pound of my finest and a 30" ROOR so I don't know that I can lug a cooler too!