~!!!420 woot!!!~

Yeah!, Who's up for 420? I can't wait til april vacation on Tuesday, me and my friend ive known with my whole life are getting 3 ounced of some skunky chronic. :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:

We have it all planned out, were gonna smoke til we literately drop, even if we have to smoke the whole 3 ounce in one night. That's what were planning on, it's gonna be a one nigher, it might be a waste of weed but me and my friend do it every year and save up some serious cash.

We're gonna get wasted to shit. Are you ready stoners....

Cuz 420 is coming:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:bongsmilie:blsmoke:

Happy holidays.

EDIT: im smoking up like a huge 2gram bowl right now! woot 420 im high


Well-Known Member
im doing the same thing as OP, just not 3oz of skunk

me and my friends pool our cash, get a fat sack and smoke untill only one stoner stands haha