4200 watt vert grow harvest time!


Well-Known Member
Tree style grow in 18 and 20 gal pots of promix. Nute I use gh bloom and micro and koolbloom. There were 3 1000 watts and 2 600s. Temps were stable at 76 with lights on and 68 off until the last 2 weeks being 64 Thank you cold weather! Lol flowered for just under 9 weeks. Strains are purple me nice guy, purps x master kush, lemon deisel, and 2 purple chemdog which only turned a little purple dispite the last 2 weeks night temps being 64. Just started chopping today. more pics and final yeild will come in the next few weeks. I'll update every couple of days. I know there's all kinds of leafs on the ground, those normally arnt there the past like three days I've been in the going like Edward sciccorhands! Lol I'll clean once there all out of there and being trimmed



Active Member
Happy harvesting. Looks like you let them mature properly as well. How were the trichs when you chopped & how's the smoke?


Well-Known Member
Trics were about 10 % amber a few clear and mostly cloudy. The smoke is great from all of them except for purple chemdog I don't know yet it's my first run with it. I'll do a proper smoke report when I get a chance


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I'm glad to have a bit of a break. Everyday having to be there to water and tie buds up and there is no room in there once the plants are done with strech. Most of the time I have to kind worm around on the floor to get to each plant and water and check the bud to make sure they arnt to close to the bulb. Next run I will have a fully automated watering system and cages 24" from the light so the buds can hold themselves up and easier then tying string to the I-hooks in the ceiling

sativa indica pits

Active Member
I will lay a peice of copper wire along the stem and tie it on with bread ties. works awesome for increasing yeild and also makes the branches easy to bend and hold their shape. away from the light, towards the light away from other branches... think i have pic??IMAG0216.jpg nope lost it but found this in the archives.