420discreteseeds.com anyone order from them?


Active Member
The seeds seem all good got a 70% germ rate. Hopefully they will have good genetics and grow well. I've ordered some more


Active Member
I ordered the mixed 100 seeds on the bulk page and recieved 46 + 20 free and they were not the strains on the page. I wanted the ones on the bulk page as i grow autos and there is a good selection on there. What i got was alot of different normal strains which isn't much good to me. I have emailed them this morning to sort it out and will let you know how i get on.


Active Member
I ordered the mixed 100 seeds on the bulk page and recieved 46 + 20 free and they were not the strains on the page. I wanted the ones on the bulk page as i grow autos and there is a good selection on there. What i got was alot of different normal strains which isn't much good to me. I have emailed them this morning to sort it out and will let you know how i get on.
The guy got back to me in a couple of hours. Apologised and said he would send out the correct order straight away. He also said i could keep the ones he had already sent. So i got 164 seeds for £60. Have to say i'm impressed and have 14 out of 20 germinated in my tent from the last order. Will Let everyone know how they grow.


Well-Known Member
I had a account there for a while but received an email today stating 5 seeds each from any 5 strains available +20 free ak47 (45 total) for 19.99 as a special for the next 5 days for current members. I sent him what I would want and am awaiting a reply. This will be my first order with them but I will post back here with how the experience goes.. 19.99 is an amount I am willing to lose and not sweat it. Wish me luck.


Well-Known Member
As an update, he has been really quick at hitting me back through Email. Between a day and an hour depending on the time I respond. Says they are going out tomorrow. Hopefully within a week I'll be starting up a 5 strain auto garden. Should be a nice variety of personal.


Active Member
hi have had no probs with this site took 3 days to get to me brought 10 auto white russian 10 auto blueberry an 10 blz bud an 10 aks an he gave me 60 white russian for free all germed no probs an the auto's were auto's an regular strains were regular all were fem an had none go hermie am going to order the 25 jack herer next as was well impressed with strains plus emailed me back with in hours to stat what was happening i give this site 10/10 all the way no probs on any of it


Well-Known Member
These seeds are very good i got 10 ak47 auto 8 germinated got 11 oz dry bud not done my freebies yet also check out skunkmasters.com :)


Active Member
These seeds are very good i got 10 ak47 auto 8 germinated got 11 oz dry bud not done my freebies yet also check out skunkmasters.com :)

Im emailing this guy about amazon code payment you think he will rip me off or not?


Well-Known Member
anyone else have a report on 420discrete? I am waiting on my beans and will report when they arrive....if they arrive


Well-Known Member
beans came today....4 days to the usa!! now just have to wait for the current grow to finish then germ these. will report back once germed


Well-Known Member
Took 11 days from order to arrival. Custom order of 5 auto strains but he threw in the last auto I wasn't getting for free + about 20 ak's. Custom order, custom payment, quick delivery in an untampered package, I'd do it again. Germing 36 now.


Active Member
Ok so I click buy now on the auto ak and it takes me to the login screen but im already logged in .......Can anyone help.


Well-Known Member
just ordered from there sister website SKUNKMASTERS.COM will my first grow journel :)!


Well-Known Member
So, I actually planted 37 seeds and so far (3 days from placing in oasis foam) 17 have pushed above the foam and shown roots. Waiting on the others. Kept between 80 - 84 F in a humidome tray. Things look promising though


Well-Known Member
just put 18 seeds from 420discrete in rapid rooters after 24 hr soak..couple were already starting to crack


Well-Known Member
So far out of 18...7 have popped and one more looks like it will show its head today. I also put 6 more directly in the rapid rooter without soaking them. ANyone have a report on the beans they got from 420discrete?