43days Flower Dying Leaves, Flowers Ok

Ok she is 43 days in flower, been in Happy frog/perlite mix for like 50 days total.

I just flushed with water ph'd around 7 yesterday. *my water has been high ph the whole time* I have fed it before with 15-30-15 at about half Table spoon/gal three times total with about 5 days in between.

I'm not sure if the problems were JUST PH or what.

any help?
The buds are still healthy.... I would like to keep them that way as I believe they only have a few weeks left.




Well-Known Member
Looks to me like they could use a little more time. I'd give them one last powerful yet not dangerous fertilizer treatment, then just water with plain water until the end. The buds look good, but their are a lot of white hairs, so you can end up with more bud if you wait and let it flower longer.


Well-Known Member
That dose look like it is deficient in a few nutes, you say you already fed them three times before but i dont understand this bit of your thread so please explain their fertilizer schedule so far. Could be ph locking the nutes out but i will reserve judgement till you tell me more.
They have been fed 3 or 4 times in flowering. It has been right around 5 days since last feed I believe. I was not sure if the dieing leavs were a result from over feeding or a PH lockout. This is my first run around the block and it was dumb for me to not PH my water, I would know if it was PH or deficiency then.

That was my dilema also... if it is deficient or just a PH lockout. I think it is a combination since the soil is around 50ish days old. I started the feeding around 30 days. Started with a very low strength feed and haven't increased it much. I believe I fed it last on saturday or sunday.

I'm thinking I am going to give it a feeding tonight with ph'd water. Hope this clears up the feed sched some. What do you think?


Active Member
you need to water, water, feed... dont just feed when you think they need it, use a schedule. also you say you been pHing around 7? thats a lil high I think. I use happy frog also, seems to me, that soil will ph itself back to normal, I didnt even check the level this last go and didnt have any problems. with the water, go to walmart and get some ph sticks for pools in the garden section, they work fine, I use rain water so it has a ph of like 0 lol, but putting nutes in it will raise the pH so check it , if it is high, add a lil vineger to drop it down, not much just a drop or 2 will work ( in a gallon of water ). me I try to keep it all around 6.0 for ph in the water with the nutes in it, the ph in the soil will always go up after you feed , this is tring to keep it around 6.5 or so , any higher than 6.7 can cause lock out, or if it is to low.
here is a chart for pHing, soil or hydro

View attachment 1588491

I use a simple kit to nute with, it works good for me, http://www.wormsway.com/detail.aspx?sku=TSK400 .

hope this helps ya out some, and have a good grow :)


Well-Known Member
Well since this is your first grow id say dont get too technical, you want to solve this problem so you wont have it again next grow. They look like they are in quite big pots for the size of plant, are the roots poking out of the bottom a lot? If you have only fertilized a little each time maybe they are hungry but i think i still like more info, how do you water them? do you get some runoff? how do you tell the plants are needing a water?

I would say that yes they could be hungry for nutes or even worse the ph is off but maybe it is overwatering or somthing else, just can't tell at the moment. I don't get a lot of ph problems in soil but if i did i'd flush with ph'd water. Hold your horses though as i can't say what the problem is yet? More pics please. Thanks
I don't think I have noticed any roots poking out the bottom... I will check later tonight and get a few pics for comparison. I water with a cup? lol not sure what you are asking there... I do get some runoff and I water every other day usually. I went two days no water and she drooped down before so I don't believe she is overwatered. I flushed with ph'd water because I realized the water I had been using was very high... well over 8. <---- THIS is what caused me to not be sure if I had a nutrient lockout problem, deficiency problem OR both.
also the pictures really only show the bottom 2/3rds or so. That is the only part of the plant so far affected. It began at the very bottom and has moved up.


Well-Known Member
the watering part seems strange, if my plant has filled a pot with roots i water the whole pot in one watering then wait 5/6 days for the soil in the pot to go dry again and need another watering, so if you water every day when dose the soil get a chance to dry out in between waterings?? Why would you water every day??
I water every other day... and thats strange cause if I wait too much longer in between watering it starts drooping down. Maybe I have too high of a perlite mix in the soil and it causes it to dry/drain faster?


Well-Known Member
Well its things like this that will give you problems in the long run, too much perlite is a bad mix for soil, i water every week on average and thats how long it takes a smaller pot to dry out, 2 days is too quick, try just 10 percent perlite for the next grow. I feel like this might just be one of the problems if the soil is dry after 2 days.
ya I do believe that there is too much perlite.... I took a few more photos.. the roots are NOT sticking out the bottom. The plant didn't seem to look any worse than yesterday so I guess that is good.


Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
The 1st two pics are nute burn.

The 3rd pic is natural yellowing.

That was for the 1st set of pics on page one.

But looking at the pics right above, it was suffering from a deficiency for a minute.
2 of thos pics are of the same exact leaves 2 days apart.... nute burn or deficiency? I figured some of the bottom leaves were normal yellowing... but I also knew some was not normal and was something wrong... I was gonna feed today but I think I will wait a few more days and just water it... check the progress


Well-Known Member
it aint the perlite..it sounds like you dont have a set schedule to me causing stress to your girls..water stress from being use to drying out causing salt build up, thats why you have burns on your leaves from the salt build up..the yellowing is from not feeding it enough and its a N def.


Well-Known Member
You have an ugly K and N def. stretched plants some burn, pH fluctuation damage, poor budding structure, red branches and tissue.. give them a nice feed next time but it might be to late to expect for a great harvest. Sorry :(


Well-Known Member
People say that its nute overdose, deficiency, pH etc etc this is no help, you need to take one action and see the results before considering it to be somthing else! I am sure that on your next grow just 10 percent perlite would help instead of 50 percent or what ever it is. Drying soil in two days is bad for the plant as well. You probably won't solve the problem here before harvest but you may slow it down. I can only think your grow is set up wrong, soil drying in two days can cause burns, wilting, nute lock and a whole host of other problems. My best advice is to try save these plants the best you can and to get them to finish, then work on some cultural practises for the next grow like the right soil mix that wont dry after two days, proper watering once or so a week and a proper fertilizer schedule that will not over or under toxify your bud. If there a no roots popping out the bottom of the pot id say the plant still has some nutes left in the soil before it needs fertilizing. Have you considored that perlite holds water and nutes within its honeycomb structure and this may be the problem even though someone said it was ok, also too much perlite and when you water the perlite floats and breaks the root hairs. You have a few ideas to try to save this plant but overall a good learning experience for the next grow where i strongly advise you to change almost everything and start the right way. Im sure you can finish the bud on the plants and would be tempted to just go with straight water for the next few days. My best diagnosis is maybe root problems from the perlite and ferts but anything i say here is a guess so look to the next grow and good luck. Keep us posted with what you are doing and pics of the results, will try to be more helpfull as time goes by. Good luck