$440 ounces @ Slater

I have one of our strains in there but because it's an obscure name (Upstate), I'm afraid folks won't try it (because they never heard of it)

Not sure what it hit for thc but I'd guess mid teens. It's a cheese/pine cross that's pretty delicious. For an Indica dom, it leaves you very capable of working through your day, hence the name. Anyone tried it yet? We are thinking of running it again because it's so consistent but would change the name if it's not selling.

i think you are right i think i remember upstate being around 14% THC,next time im in there i can take a look and report back to you what the percentages are.
Cheeba, spoke to them today cause i dont want my 300 to be wasted. They said they just left DOH in ri today and everything was fine. So just heads up to not be worried.
i have been warned of that place,doctors from out west set up shop here and push a bunch of recomendations for awhile.i heard the DOH is investigating them.if the DOH shuts them out they will stop signing for RI and theres a high chance your card can be revoked.just like 11th state where the DOH went back like 6-8 months on there patients and cancelled there cards.i sent them a email asking questions about how they are signing with no medical records required by law among other things.i did notice they changed there website and now want records.they never got back to me with answers.just be carefull with that place.there would be nothing worse than to pay money to get a card for it to be taken away by the state.

Never were any cards taken away..And 11th stae is still opperating fine..IF an issue arrisees they step approving them until its resolved once the card is in hand it wont be removed so I say get in on it while u can.
ouch with those prices i dont see them being slammed with business anytime soon once the novelty of being able to buy your bud in a storefront disp. wears off people are gonna come back to there senses and seek out a reliable affordable source for there meds 400+ bucks an oz is highway robbery ya compassionate my ass
Never were any cards taken away

sorry if i was misinformed.i go to the monthly RIPAC meetings and that information came from joanne.she said that during the 11th state fiasco the DOH went back maybe 6 months and sent letters out to already card holders saying there card was no longer valid.there was another consultation place that took in all those people free of charge and signed for them.
im glad to hear that 11th state and boston doctor are still operating! my card will need to be renewed in a few months.
they just gotta realize that when majority sees 400 oz or 440 oz on shelfs moving! the prices will raise an stay for awhile... look at past 2 yrs, prices went so far down its crazy. now when the one place opens up that patients are cornered to are so high you will see many cardholders price go up as well then the street will dry up cause people dont wanna pay and street prices will raise also... then everyone pays 300 before you know it as 'cheap' rather than 200 being called fair.
sorry if i was misinformed.i go to the monthly RIPAC meetings and that information came from joanne.she said that during the 11th state fiasco the DOH went back maybe 6 months and sent letters out to already card holders saying there card was no longer valid.there was another consultation place that took in all those people free of charge and signed for them.
im glad to hear that 11th state and boston doctor are still operating! my card will need to be renewed in a few months.

Cards were not taken MAYBE they were not approved until things were figured out.But they are back up and running again after winning the case.
i stopped by today to check out a couple of new items and your upstate was 8% THC

I Doubt The Upstate was tested at 8%..Unless something fishy is going on with KYG labs.Here is a picture of my UPSTATE..Same Pheno as LBH...Doesn't look like a 8% to me.Doesn't smoke like it either.Ill be testing it soon.20130423_132049.jpg20130423_183000.jpg20130423_183014.jpg
Yea, that was really weird, one parent was a high 17 and the other is a 15. Everyone who smoked it has really enjoyed it. Maybe that's the deal of the day at Slater for those in the know.
I had no idea that the prices were that high at the (compassion)centers in RI! I could get a better deal from a dealer.. WoW! The guy at canna was really praising slater and even gave me one of their flyers. He really gave a little speech about how great they are and impressive the place was. I guess he didn't consider the high prices when he was becoming impressed..
Also, prices at dispensarys in cali are just as high for quality meds so its not suprising to them being from colorado an prices prob just as high there too. Its the norm for dispensaries i guess to charge high... onyl difference was joel said himself it wouldnt be that high an now it is anyways
I just got back from California where you can get a quarter of The Grinch, or Marley's Haze, or Trainwreck, or Sour Thai for fucking $20... no, it's not HEADIE, it's HIGHS.. slightly worse than commercial but, that's a 7.0 Grams man.. and when you buy the $40 quarter you're getting headie. ......... ....... I'm done... take what you like from this... if anything.. .
kinda confused with your post... haze is $20 a quarter? so $80 an ounce. highs standing for high grade weed? which would be better than headies but is $40 a quarter?

those are both commercial outdoor if not over the border weed... what does the real home grow 20+ thc go for?

people in cali i know grow indoors an get 2400 a lb for theres an see oz on shelfs for 400$ at dispensaries.
I Doubt The Upstate was tested at 8%..Unless something fishy is going on with KYG labs.Here is a picture of my UPSTATE..Same Pheno as LBH...Doesn't look like a 8% to me.Doesn't smoke like it either.Ill be testing it soon.View attachment 2629589View attachment 2629590View attachment 2629591

im not lying bro? do you want me to buy a gram so i can take a picture of the THC%? i would take a picture there but cameras are not allowed.
for what its worth ive heard mixed things about that lab and there results.
im not lying bro? do you want me to buy a gram so i can take a picture of the THC%? i would take a picture there but cameras are not allowed.
for what its worth ive heard mixed things about that lab and there results.
Buy some let us see...Plus you'll like the meds too..lol
I was there wednsday and there was a tag on the display case with strawberry cough for 55 an eighth. No Meds on the shelf just one tag. I'll just keep providing directly to patients and save them more than half...

Oh ya $440. + 7% sales tax = $470.80... Awesome.. Wtf

Exactly same price in N.J. for 10%THC "A" and "B" swag.........