$45 for 2 hits of acid?


Active Member
I once had a deal going around in my school 10-15 a hit, but than I heard some shit about two hits for 15 so idk. My school is weird, I hear alota shit, and most of it's true, But acid I'm not sure, I've never tried it before myself, I wanna try some shrooms before acid an some more E. But E goes around my school like fucking nothing, my friend came to school with a jar (100 pills), bout it for 300, left school with 700 bucks an about 20 pills left. It's nuts. wow this is so about e not acid sorry lol
This guy is Etarded.:) I don't trust buying acid but yeah go on the road trip for it.


Well-Known Member
From my standpoint... if the acid had at least of 150mcg's full of it then yes its not a rip sort of deal. But anything less it would be a ruff stiff at your pocket!

Many blotters today are weak and need at least 3 blot's to really rocket off. So beware before you throw your dollars at it. If it's a good friend of your's and he tested the blotters then you have nothing to worry about. But if its some random ass rc chemical... then you my friend are getting taxed. Its always best to be equipped with a regent test kit ;)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
150µg/hit Shiva (print) LSD for $95 USD

so $9.50/hit for some of the cleanest, better LSD you'll ever see. You're paying too much.
wtf!!!!! thats ur friend? if it aint $3-8 i wouldnt get it.idk you guys might not get it that much where ur from but here (ohio) its about $3-7 mayby 8-10 for gels


Well-Known Member
The price is high, but if it's good shit and it's all I can find, I would pay it. You figure what you would spend if you went out to a bar for a few drinks, and to me A is much more fun! The last I got was 2 for 25. It was WELL worth it to me, but I am more concerned with quality than price.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
If you don't have some reagent test kit (preferably an Ehrlich's Modified Reagent, albeit a Marquis Reagent would suffice), how do you know what you are getting is LSD? At this point, like Ndangered said, "if its some random ass rc chemical... then you my friend are getting taxed."


Active Member
very high priced but dont feel bad. in my small town there was some weak snoopy blotters for $25 each. it all depends who you know. acid is hardly ever around where i live so when it is, its extremely pricey. even when my friends bring it from out of state it's about $15 and thats the price they pay. i even offered to pay $20 each cause i felt bad they were doing it for nothing but they refused the extra flow(this guy aint really a drug dealer, just came back to town to visit friends/family and brought back some acid since its so easy to smuggle). they just do it as a friendly favor and i do the same for them in return for weed and stuff like that. that acid was also weak. at least the 1 hit i did was. when i did 3 tho i was out of my mind. fun stuff, much safer than many people claim. just have to make sure your trip time is pre planned so you dont run into any problems.


Well-Known Member
If the standard rate was 20 bucks a hit for good acid. I wouldn't definitely pay that much. The experience alone is worth it! But when you have much smaller asking prices... then all you can say or do is reject the offer. If you're in area where acid is scarce and that's the only offer available.... then I say take up the offer you wont regret it ;)