45 micron Exodus kush fresh trim water extraction


Well-Known Member
Hi all

As a youth i smoked sooo much morrocan pollen (there was no weed) that by the age of 19 i swore to myself id never smoke it again and i got tired of hash in general.
Enough time has passed and i just made a batch of hash id like to hear what you expert people think of it visually, and perhaps give me hints for a better next time.

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I thin kthat was a like 6 gram chunk. Pressed it 4 times for like 15 minutes, it does get better the more evenly its 'mixed' i think. It doesnt melt though, very strong still! burns forever too.
Is it better to do it with dry trim? I like the consistency of it, reminds me of good soft hash.
I still dont like hash very much but i do like making it. Nice to have my own hash, thought if i made it with fresh trimmings wouldbe more like charas but think i just got a lot greener water.
Man to get tired of hash by the age of 19 you must not have smoke the best of Moroccan and Moroccan being kind of the lower hand of high quality hashish it is a shame that you gave up on it.
It is difficult to make good hashish if you do not appreciate it yourself, quality hashish is love, knowledge and dedication
You will know that you have quality hashish by the smell and the taste of it, it is all about terpenes preservation and the appearance is secondary.
You could press you cannoli some more using a little more heat to really fuse the trichomes in a mass of resin.
I actually got hold of pretty good stuff back in the day, the kind of pollen that would just crumble and the typical butt hash, though the good mnelting kind. I was young but i knew people who really liked their hash., I just got really tired of the dirt taste and i suppose not being able to get weed no matter how hard i tried!
Im slowly getting back into hash, and i fucking love pressing it. Have pressed a few other now that i think have turned out fucking niiice. Smells soooooooo strong and beautiful when i open the jar theyre in. Its crazy, i honestly cant describe it, it just smells like amazing kushy hash, Its really strong too i can tell now, just a bit on top of some weed oin the bong and i can seriously feel it!
I think taking tie to press and doing it several times really improves the consistency of it. I kinda love pressing it to be honest. You put some music on and rip the bong between presses.

I've been playing with drying times here lately, using the fridge for experimentation.

What is the recommended dry time between collecting resin glands and then pressing them?

I like a bit of humidity left I my hash.
There is no recommended drying time it is so dependent on characteristics of the resin, how fine the chopping, how spread out to dry, room humidity, temperature, aeration, etc.; but if you want your resin really dry let it dry longer when you think it is ready as a rule. In your case Sirdab you have to be ultra careful on the curing after pressing to be sure to avoid mold, I also leave a little humidity when I press to change the texture of the resin from sticky to waxy which is way easier when mixing with flowers for a twist.