460w combo leds with 20l dtw


Well-Known Member
Nice one man!! What size is it?? Sorry if you already mentioned it somewhere lol.
Here's a pic I took of the girls at church. Saying there prayers :p View attachment 4384236
The tent is 3x3 & the light is a California light works ss-275 which works well but is a tad small I'm saving up for 2 small quantum boards to supplement it , its a good sign when your plants pray towards the light like that

Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
The tent is 3x3 & the light is a California light works ss-275 which works well but is a tad small I'm saving up for 2 small quantum boards to supplement it , its a good sign when your plants pray towards the light like that
Nice!!! The clw lights have a decent rep im sure its killer.
Just gave my guys there 3rd or so and final foliar spray which is my pest preventative .
It has neem oil. Other oils. Seaweed extract. amino and humic acids. Seawead and Amino's just make there green pop!! This is with no editing or anything. Straight from the same camera. The leaves are still wet and the light is turned way down. The result is a neon green look. But its what I like to see :p
Still some yellow though hmmm any ideas? CCamPic_000009.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nice!!! The clw lights have a decent rep im sure its killer.
Just gave my guys there 3rd or so and final foliar spray which is my pest preventative .
It has neem oil. Other oils. Seaweed extract. amino and humic acids. Seawead and Amino's just make there green pop!! This is with no editing or anything. Straight from the same camera. The leaves are still wet and the light is turned way down. The result is a neon green look. But its what I like to see :p
Still some yellow though hmmm any ideas? View attachment 4384685
Youve got nice color & plant development the nutes are working I'm feeding with megacrop that has kelp & similar stuff too cal-mag is my go-to addative when things yellow I got a deal on the CLW light it was an open box I'll use this next grow to evaluate it & figure out how I'm gonna add to it its rated to flower a 3x3 this is my second grow & it works pretty well but don't yield as good as my cob light
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Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
Nice one herk! I'm onto my 5th now I think. Yer cal mag is good stuff. Anyway here's a update. At day 11 from the switch to 12/12
Sorry I left the lights on full ball :p
Just fed half veg. Half bloom nutes. And will make the switch to bloom nutes in the coming days

Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
This side view shows the stretch and how level or not so level my canopy is (so far) that's why I try keep them short. And the low penetration means to tall has proven to be a waste of grow time. They're really taking off now
Tonight they're getting no water. We have rain and they need to dry a bit :)
I'm gonna have to add a circulation fan under the canopy. Rainy events like now have it at 70% humidity it will only get worse with more foliage. The top of the tent is 50% humidity. So I'll add some air down there to balance it some what.
PS here's my trick I taught myself to help keep a level canopy. Tie down all the tallest plants a week before going into stretch. Let them go and observe them throughout the stretch. As soon as one of the tied down ones is getting shorter . undo the ties and allow it to grow straighter and cattchup.
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Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
Humidity was at 70% under canopy.
So I made this from some spare 12v fans. Perches perfectly on the rim of the pots.
Hopefully that brings it down to 50%
And ofcourse. A update on the girls. The peyotes have stretched a lot more then expected. Time to rearrange the galaxies on one side to lower a light

Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
Thanks @DustyDuke yer its filled up niceley.
I'm just starting to learn the differences between strains after my 5th run. Haha dwc was to variable. Any problems set that plant back but dtw has ran them all equally and I see how the galaxy strain branches and produces leaf like crazy and the peyote critical pheno I have stretches with gaps between nodes. It wasn't until I had 2 clones of each under identical situations. That I noticed it so Much. So I will defoliate the galaxy slightly and leave the peyote. Im currently trying to get female pollen from a peyote plant I have by spraying with sts. I'll cross it with galaxy. hash fruit, Itself (s1), its sister and a local sativa mango pheno


Well-Known Member
Thanks @DustyDuke yer its filled up niceley.
I'm just starting to learn the differences between strains after my 5th run. Haha dwc was to variable. Any problems set that plant back but dtw has ran them all equally and I see how the galaxy strain branches and produces leaf like crazy and the peyote critical pheno I have stretches with gaps between nodes. It wasn't until I had 2 clones of each under identical situations. That I noticed it so Much. So I will defoliate the galaxy slightly and leave the peyote. Im currently trying to get female pollen from a peyote plant I have by spraying with sts. I'll cross it with galaxy. hash fruit, Itself (s1), its sister and a local sativa mango pheno
Sounds like you have some interesting stuff going down mate I’ll be watching. I’ve got some sex reversal spray I’m going to breed some over summer. I really want to cross the wedding cake s1 with dark star and if possible cross that with Incredible Bulk. I will call it “Incredible Space Cake” LoL see how I go!!!

Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a killer combo @DustyDuke
Anyway here's a update on the girls. They got a PhD water tonight with only a few root additives and disease suppressing hormones.
Slight light burn where its strongest in the center. But I need that happy medium between the lowers to max yield outcome (I think)CCamPic_000002.jpg

Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
Now that's full. A very droopy sativa lookin plant? Or are you pushing them hard to hit the lowers? Or is that just how that strain grows?

Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
Thanks @horribleherk
The colours are just starting to show in my coloured strain. :) check those leaf edges in the bottom of the frame
PS that's not pm in the bottom right. Although I am watching for it. Its a necrotic spot. I think something got that plant. Its fine. To be safe I clipped it after this shot.

Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
Now we are starting to show the true colours :p
Galaxy is left. Its a green plant with the odd yellowing fan leaf near the end.
Peyote critical is middle and right. With the middle and front right being the same pheno. I popped a new bean this run to see the difference. I can see some colour. But no where near as much as the pheno#1 gets. It ends up purple. Gold. Black. Blue. Red. Green. Yellow. Anyway. Progress coming on 5 weeks. I just don't know if I can hold to the 7week mark. Person stash is low. And there already falling from there own weight hahaCCamPic_000012.jpg