497W CFL Bubblegum Semi Stealth DIY DWC Wardrobe Grow - The Summer of Knickers


Well-Known Member
Update as usual.

The high res temps of 2 days ago really effected growth. It looks like the roots have only just started making progress again, and up top has hardly grown. Thankfuly the rest of the week is fine tems wise.






Active Member
Thanks for stoppin' by 'Ol McFunks journal, man!
Really appreciate the positive feed!

This is very cool, Knickers!
(You know I dig the cabinet:)

I'm gonna' be 'round here a lot!

Happy growing, bro!

(Name those plants?) How 'bout *Wendy*&*Lisa*



Well-Known Member
Welcome McFunk, thanks for stopping by too!

Wendy & Lisa eh? Whats the significance?

Not currently having a car is really slowing down my progress on my cabinet.. and Ive just found out that round here edison screw type baton holders are over $20 each?! I have a 65W and a couple of 48W screw in bulbs, and only lamps to run them in instead of my customer fittings :(

Anyway, not bothering with updates as the two lil ladies slowed right down after those res temp spikes, and have only just started growing again. I'll update when there is something interesting to see. Looks like 30degC+ days for a good week.. not cool!


Well-Known Member
Everything looks good brother. That cabinet is going to be really nice and those LST runts will probably do big things. +rep


Well-Known Member
Cheers mate! Yeah those LST plants should really be big enough to go into 12/12 right now, but my mate has no passion for growing, even with free clones and my assistance. Bah!

I'll put up updates today because it may be a little while before the next one after that.. Anticipated net problems lol.


Well-Known Member
Knickers, delete your EXIF data from your pictures, you took pictures with your iphone and it saved your GPS information in them. DELETE NOW unless you're legal


Well-Known Member
Not sure if I said this already but I put the lights back to 18/6 since the weather has calmed down a bit.


Well-Known Member
Alrighty well thank you for that information. Account removed!

373 views though :/ Fingers crossed I guess. It's not legal, but it's also not a serious grow and I trust the authorities to recognise this.

I'll upload pics again without stupid iphone data >:/


Active Member
Light works oyseter lights from bunnings are $8.90 or $6 if the box is damaged, they have the edison screw in light holder.

Get what im saying?


Well-Known Member
Well the plants are kickin along, but after th recent picture issue/scare I'm not feeling into this journal thing :/ I'll re-assess when I get my babies into their cab this weekend.

2rusty, could you be any more specific with brand etc? I get what youre saying and I think you could be my hero :D


Well-Known Member
LOL thanks for the idea dude, picked up 3 today. 2 of the 60w and 1 of the 75w. The 60w doesnt have an earth terminal thingo so I'm going to return them tomorrow for the 75w ones which do. Thanks again man, they're perfect :D

Anyway transplanted the 2 plants today.. unfortunately it took me the full 2 weeks to do it, so they had a bit too much root growth/tangle and untangling surely caused damage. Hopefuly they'll make it through without too much drama, and I'll chuck up a couple of pics. Tomorrow I'm building 3 new light fittings and hopefuly finding something to use as reflectors. I then need to get some pic fans to aid in cooling/ventilation, and a grill to cover the bottom openings which are just passive intakes.


Active Member
They have sheets of that dimpled aluminium at bunnings too, i see lots of reflectors made from it.
Im not sure if one side is polished or not, might be worth a look but.
Otherwise they have flat aluminium sheets, just grab one of them and some mothers metal polish and shine it up nice


Well-Known Member
Alright well heres a couple of quick snaps to update where the lil ones are right now. 17 days since they broke the surface, 4 days in their new home and since their trauma. They look to be growing again which is a positive sign, and neither is showing any signs of serious stress after losing some roots in the transplant. #1 has a 65W 6500k globe whilse #2 has a 48W 5000k globe in an effort to help #1 catch up a bit. They'e pushing out growth at all 3 nodes and at the top which is exciting for my scrog as I presume this means I'll have more developed heads when they go under the screen.

#1 on the left and #2 on the right as it has been from the beginning:




Well-Known Member
Hey Knickers, plants r looking sweet, were these Feminised seeds, or do we have to worry bout some balls?
I can only c the minnor CFLs, lets c those other pics back up buddy..


Well-Known Member
Not feminised, not concerned if I get balls, will be a happy start to my gene pool :D

Yeah I'll get pics up as soon as I can find a crack/keygen for the exif tag remover. Until then my pictures have embedded GPS location which I'm not willing to post on a public forum.