4ft by 4ft cfl


Active Member
i think you are talking about 100 watt equivilant bulbs. in that case 8 will be ok for now but really 3 per plant would b better. heck the more light the better all tyhe time. so if u have the resources then go with as much light as u can


Active Member
ok thx for the info. but yeah i saw 100w cfls /not equivilants. but ok..... oh butr yeah i might actually use a lowere watt due to cash so what watt cfls should i use maybe like 42w


Active Member
i get tired of waiting for people to reply on alot of things lol wish there was someplace to ask a question and get answered instantly

dank nug

Active Member
dont we all.

are you getting the lights at some sort of special store? i've never seen 100w cfl's on any store shelf. im not saying you're lying just wondering. anyway if you're growing 4 plants 2 100w cfls should do the trick until they get bigger. then you might have to add more...maybe not


Well-Known Member
Lumen per Watt the higher wattage ones such as the 40s would be better, but generally 23 and 27 watt bulbs are the most cost effective because thats the typical house wattage and can be bought in bigger bulk.


Active Member
dont we all.

are you getting the lights at some sort of special store? i've never seen 100w cfl's on any store shelf. im not saying you're lying just wondering. anyway if you're growing 4 plants 2 100w cfls should do the trick until they get bigger. then you might have to add more...maybe not
:eyesmoke: i think he's thinking of Big cfls 300wt. big as a car spring. sorry to the sr.growers I or we lack time and learning just to work the net. when we find a space with older tokers and ones with your ablities, the want to learn to grow,we forget to learn the where and what to. we will catch on ,i hope. :peace:


Active Member
I am actually growing bubblegum right now, and I had a 8 bulb setup (two 26w, and six 23w), one turned out to be male, but they were growing just fine if you ask me.


Active Member
im growing one plant in a 1x2x3 space and i am using 11 23w 2700k and 2 2 ft t5s and i feel that the plant could take some more but watch out for heat when you get to so many bulbs