4ft9in x 2ft4in x 6ft7in SOG stealth grow room


Well-Known Member
Alright, this is going to be my first grow room design. Please do not be gentle as long as the criticism is constructive and the advice helpful. Now sit back, take a puff, and read on! Lemme know what ya think!
My plans are to create a 3 chambered growroom nearly undetectable through smell, noise, and light, and to be able to have a sea of green operation inside. The three separate rooms are a mother/clone/ and vegetative room, a flowering room, and a air purification room. The dimensions for the entire grow room is going to be 4ft9in x 2ft4in x 6ft 7 in. This will be a hydroponic setup as well. I will

The Mother Box:
Well, time for the mother box. The dimensions will be, 2ft5in x 2ft4inx 5ft 7 in. The Hydroponic system will be a drip feed system in about a 2ft by 2ft bucket that drains into a reservoir sitting beneath it. For the lights I will be using two 2ft T5 lights hanging width ways held up by a pulley system. There will be a passive intake air vent on the bottom left hand corner. To pull air out of the room will be a squirrel fan in the top right corner suspended by bungee cords to reduce the sound it makes. It will be connected to ducting that leads into the vegetative room. I will be placing the plants in rock wool and upgrading in size when needed for the clones when popping into the vegetative stage. The mothers will be placed in buckets to support their size. For Nutrients I have no idea yet. Recommendations on nutrients would be just amazing. The walls will be covered in mylar to help increase the light that reaches the plants. I believe that will be it for the Mother room. For clones a small propagation dome around 2ft will be used till strong root system formed so that it can be exposed to full nutrients same as mother. The plants will have about 2ft7in in height to grow in this room.
The Flowering Room:
Now for the flowering room! The dimensions for this one will be 2ft5in x 2ft4in x 6ft7in. The hydroponic system will be a ebb and flow. The tray will be filled with hydroton so the roots have something to attach to. The tray will be about 2ft by 2ft and the reservoir will be beneath it. The light will be a 400 watt HID with a reflector with a glass layer between the light and plants. To pull air from the room will be another squirrel cage fan again suspended by a bungee cord or hooked directly into the wall in the top left corner. (how to choose will be stated later in a question for you guys to hopefully answer for me.) Again, a passive air intake vent will be placed on the bottom right so that fresh air can reach the plants. A wall fan will be connected to the wall (very small one) to keep air flowering over the plants and keep them cooled down and so that no air settles down along the leaves. Again the walls will be covered in mylar to help increase the light reaching the plants. Again nutrients to use have not been decided upon and suggestions would be amazing. If not right away, then soon, a CO2 injector will be placed in the room as well, but for now the fans will have to be enough. The plants will have a height of about 3ft atleast to grow in this room.
Air Purification Room:
The purpose of this room is to house the ballast and to clean up the smell from the plants. The dimensions of this room will be 2ft4in x 2ft4in x 1ft. The passive outtake fan will be placed in the top left hand portion of the room ontop to keep the vent secret. (Alright, my question for the suspended bungee cord or attached to the wall squirrel fan will be explained here. I want to use a carbon filter and I want to suspend the squirrel cage fan by a bungee cord and using ducting work to push the air from it to the de-smellifier room. Now if I attach the carbon filter to the ducting will the air be strong enough to push through it and the carbon filter, or no? I do not want nor have the room for a huge fan so it will be one of the smaller models. So my question is, to be able to make use of the carbon filter, does my squirrel cage fan have to be directly connected to it, or can it be connected to at most 2 ft of ducting and still get air through? Now to continue) A carbon filter will be attached to the wall connected to the flowering room. A ozone generator will be hung on the wall to zap the air before it leaves the de-smellifier chamber as a precaution.

For those slightly confused on the process of an airflow here is another picture of it.

Now for my questions to you.
I am looking at a decent thick wood to use as walls/floors for the growbox. Any other suggestions for what I should use?
What Nutrients to use for both the Mother/Veg and Flowering room?
Is a 140cfm Dayton squirrel fan strong enough to push through at most 2ft of curved ducting and a carbon filter so that it can be supported by a bungee cord to reduce noise, or do I have to attach it to the wall so that it can push through the carbon filter?
What strains have others experienced that go well with the SoG method and with the heights given?
Thank you for reading this and all suggestions made. I will be checking this thing daily, even more then daily so if you post I will certainly reply.

I would like to thank Jorge Cervantes for his Marijuana Horticulture Guide, and also Mr. Green for his inspiration on the drip feed/ebb and flow SOG setup in I Grow Chronic.
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Well-Known Member
Wow thank you. Your comments are so welcome. I swear if more people were like you I think all us newbie growers might have a shot at being amazing commercial growers. You fucking prick. I posted those cause I was hoping that some people might have enough kindness and intelligence to possibly give me any suggestions or criticism in my grow room. It's terrible sketches I know but I did what I could with what I had. Also I do not have the money to prepare such a grow operation and was simply getting the plans out of my head before they were gone. Next time you decide to post a comment like that remember that it is jerks and bullies like you who keep marijuana illegal in the states for recreational and medicinal purposes.

Dirty Kid


Active Member
Where is the room to be located, ie basement.
For a 7 by 5 air purifaction could be handled in line. That is inside your exit ducting.
You can get ozone gens that sit inline as for the rest I am new here (Hi!) I will let others comment. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Thank you bro. Welcome to Rollitup. Most of us aren't prick like the guy who commented above so don't be afraid to ask questions. Just make sure their not questions that could be easily found on google and whatnot. ^.^ Hope you enjoy your stay and look around. Theirs a lot of cool stuff here.

what uup

Active Member
I think it looks good, but I would definitely maximize your flowering area. How many mothers do you plant to keep? How many girls in flower? That would help better to see how well you can make it fit. For sure wanna see you get the max out of your space so plan plan plan, looks good so far.


Well-Known Member
Someone mentioned getting 3/4 birchwood and apply touch cement or something of the sort to have an air tight and mold resistant wall.


Well-Known Member
No. I don't have the money for it. Thats my idea for my growbox. Me and my brother are living together and we are gonna work together on saving up for it. It might take awhile but we will video tape the entire thing, will explain what we did and will take you through every grow we have. ^.^ Atleast till it is boring and repetative. ^.^
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Well-Known Member
looks real cool..im going to do the same.. minis the purification room...but sound like a good idea....just make sure u do the math on the venting..good luck :peace:


Well-Known Member
im doing the same. but i got big dreams and a low budget(dont go great togethr). if this is ur first grow start small with 2 or three. once you get sum $ from ur first few harvests buy a grea hps setup. thats wut im doin.
i gotta 2 stacked bins and hella cfl bulbs and im growing 2 plants. ill gain experence and by a year from now ill b growing fat. sorry bout the life story, i get carried away


Well-Known Member
Hey man, in the end all that we have are our stories. :P So I don't mind hearing them. A friend of mine already went through a grow, and I got to sit through it with him. He used the stealth hydro bubbleponic system. Overpriced like mad it is. :P Anywho, he ended up killing his plants cause he put way to much gnatarol to kill a infestation of fruit gnats he had. Poor guy. Anywho, I watched him grow and he did well up until that point. Even helped with nutrients etc. To bad it didn't end well, the plants were big and strong lol.

Dirty Kid


Active Member
I pretty much have the same setup except I use soil and its finished and in use. This setup works great, my friend.

Yes, your squirrel cage is strong enough but I ran into a problem myself and maybe you can help me. I have my squirrel cage suspended on bunjee cords and a duct leading from that to up in my attic and then into my carbon filter. The only problem is that in order for me to have connected the duct to the outtake on the squirrel cage, I actually had to duct tape a duct attatchment to it, then connect the duct. Otherwise the duct would not have fit in or around the outtake area. I also had to duct tape the duct to the carbon filter... i couldnt find any attatchments for either the squirrel cage or the carbon filter that didnt require tape (lol). Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
To be truthful and honest I do not have any actual suggestions. I do have theories. One, I think the carbon filter is meant to be attached to the fan directly the part that takes air into the fan, and simply the duct connected to outake piece. Thats one part, and as for the duct work into the squirrel cage fan, there should be some pieces that would sort go from the shape of the squirrel fan to that of the ducting. I can't remember what it's called but a merger of some sort. Again, these are simple to stoned out of my mind to search theories. Take them as a grain of salt till further info is given or searched for, lol.

Dirty Kid