4K flower room OMRI everything


Active Member
Well, here we are at week 8 from rooting. Its been a fast trip for sure. The room is getting ever fuller and a fan had to be added under the canopy to help with air circulation. I'm a really hands on grower and its hard for me to feel restricted in my movements while in the room, so the dense foliage is constantly rearranged so theres somewhat of a path between the plants to go around inspecting.

cleaning is a weekly thing, i would like to say its a strict on the day time frame but hey, life isnt ideal. plants have to be removed from the room entirely in order to have enough room to scrub the floors and walls up to 6'. i snapped a pic of the pineapple while she was out of her zone, u can see how she is bigger around than the washer and dryer! also with my shirt i got this really bad ass rolling tray, it fites perfectly between the hands and catches the runoff while rolling a doobie! so of course i had to get a shot of it with some blackberry and pineapple. the blackberry is named aptly as its scent is truly berries and it translates well into the smoke with a near minty linger. the pineapple on the otherhand, the smoke is very harsh IMO it should be named lemonpine cough. i should probably make clear that the pine in the tray is not the same pine as is in the rooms. the buds in the tray were grown by a friend using different genetics and a vastly different grow style than i use. pictured buds were grown with fox farms, everyone knows im very anti-FF. but in times of need a FF friend with weed... week8cutoff.jpgweek8.jpgcleanisking.jpgpinebox.jpgtraybuds.jpg paperwork.jpg


Active Member
Extremely full, been thinking about moving them into the flower room to finish vegging under 4K. I figure if the room isn't being used right now anyway..


Well-Known Member
i was cruisin by here eariler man, im subbd here just updated my thread tonight too, stop by any time. yur room looks great, and the plants are some bushes man, hahahh

i would +rep you but i cant untill tomorrow bro FULL IS GOOD!!!


Well-Known Member
hahah I was thinking... Who is this Ccoastal guy tryna take over PP's Journal? lol

That looks pretty packed in there man... looks alot like my room as far as being packed with pants. When the canopy gets too dense can it cause problems? I'm a little worried I got too much plant in such a small space?

Looks like you topped and trained out 4 tops on that 4th picture. How did you separate the 4 tops? I used a BBQ skewer and taped it to the branches and pushed them apart from each other... Let's just say I will never attempt that again lol.. Everytime I go in the room another branch has broken free of the tape/skewer and I gotta retape it LOL


Active Member
haha thanks for the love guys, ill have to do some thread rounds when i get a few mins of down time.

yeah the canopy can be an issue if i dont watch very carefully, i live on the coast (looking at the ocean as i type) so i have to be uber-vigilant in watching foliage density and monitering airflow. powder mildew is a common problem around here because of the humidity so if i were to take a long weekend the damage could be done and a week later spots would form on the leaves. fortunately pm is nothing new so a round of Serenade would take care of it but i havent had to do that yet.

in the 4th pic is the pineapple, i never topped any of these clones except 2 magoo because this is my first run with the diesel so i wanted to see its growth patterns, the pine i have some experience with but not as much as i would like so the next few runs will be closely watched in terms of growth style.

one pine clone (pictured) concentrated its growth into 4 main branches each about 18" long and filled with sub dominant branches. the other pine grew a main top but still had plenty of sub branching, it looks like a short wide christmas tree and both have a habit of sprawling out to fill any space.

i do some training, but not too much. what i do is just basically push some branches down and pull some of the sub branches up into the light to promote growth. i have used tying as a means of training before but i like this way better, similar results without feeling like im holding them back by tying them down and away from the light. like this they still have enough room to move around and find light while the sub branches recieve more light.


Well-Known Member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Ccoastal again.

updated my thread too, pics on pg 32

i had them issues with pm before too as im also by the coast in cali, but i added more airflow, adn another fan made it breezy in there 24/7 then my pm went AWAY

arik maso

Active Member
i never thought of tying branches down as taking them from the light, but that makes a lot of sense to me now that i think about it.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
Who followed who? This whole thing started in a completely different thread. YOU brought it to my journal, then talked shit because I only have one light and claimed I said shit that I didn't say. I returned the favor. Quote me claiming I'm a guru or a know it all of weed. Quote me. You can't because I didn't say it. You're sour because you got shot down and in turn, opened a can of shit. You obviously think you're better than me, prove it. Prove the weed that comes out of your garden is better than mine. Prove that there are strains that absolutely hate hydroponics. You're nothing but a shit talker that over compensates with wattage and lumens. If you didn't want trouble you should have kept the argument out of my journal. Again, you followed me FIRST.


Active Member
Back to buisiness.. took a little trip for a few days, needed to unwind for a bit and get my head right after having some issues pop up in life. So I did what I do! Loaded up the truck, grabbed some toys and hit the woods for some R&R. Spent a couple days waking up to the sound of birds singing, with the white noise of the river splashing over stones. I'm here to tell ya, theres nothing more relaxing than being in waist deep in a river, waiting for that monster steelhead to nibble ever so slightly on your bait, except for reeling that bad boy to the bank and into the bed of the truck!

When you're up in the woods disconnected from the world and faced with the utter beauty of the area in which i live, its hard to stay in any kind of a negative mood. Wether its the stresses of life, or a product of your own over-thinking, its hard to feel anything but relaxed and blissful when your face to face with the reason that people took the Oregon trail... all the way to the end!!

So after I felt like I had enough self-centering, I came back to civilization totally recharged and ready to get down to buisiness. assholes and elbows style!

Now, when you hear a caregiver say 'its time to get down to buisiness' theres only one thing that can mean.... Spending Spree! Even tho the rooms are ready and rolling, theres always room for more work right? So I got some more fans, ducting, looking into floor mats and dehimidifiers soon!

Humidity isnt really a problem, 50% average in veg room but, you can only lower the humidity by cranking up the fans, to near the humidity that the incoming air is at. Meaning that the fans can be pulling the walls apart but if your intake humidity is at 70% good luck getting it much below 65% without a humidifier lol

I came back to the rooms, looked around for about 10 minutes and decided the time was here to switch the rooms and finish the veg in the much larger flower room. The plants are LOVING it, each now has more than enough room for bottom branches to recieve more than enough light for some rightous buds to come pumping out. The D is exremely swollen at this point, I have slowed the height with regular bending of the top and all branches below have done exceptionally well in taking the resources!! The pine is also showing no signs of slowing down, each are projecting their desire to grow into large bushes just flopping with buds. Magoo are not as large as the pine or D but they are in full catch-up gear and are taking over the rooms fastly and surely.

More pics, details, traits, and great things to come!

Keep It Green



Well-Known Member
dude i need one of those vacation things, lol my head is gonna pop from selling insurance


Active Member
Here is ALL you need for a rightous vaca:

1)Sleeping Bag
2)Fishing Gear
5)Couple Fun Guns
6)A Space With Nobody Around For Miles
7)Piece Of Mind!

Some are easier to get ahold of than others ;) thankfully i live in a rural area were i can escape in 20 minutes off into the mountains, or be on the rocks at the beach fishing and always washing away stresses!



Active Member
ahh that is the must crucial lol, i guess 0)TIME should have been added to the list. thankfully i have an apprentice that is becoming more and more capable of tending crop as each day passes, he still has a ways to go but i can trust him to keep the girls alive for a few days to a week without worry... another reason i love soil!!!!!



Active Member
Wanna see something you never want to view on the caller ID of your phone?

a change of drawers may be needed after that one...



Well-Known Member
sounds like a mighty good time. I spend 4 months each year treeplanting living in a tent and it's a very good time to center yourself and get to know yourself. I return to this southern ontario city for the rest of the year and it slowly drains me... can't wait to be back out in the natural world again... Oh yea and we eat like buffets every single night!!! mmmmmmm smoked salmon buffet style...