4th day of flowering; Jock Horror, fem Snow White, fem AK47 autoflower; 1st CFL grow


just wanted to post some updated pics. i'm now at day 28 of flowering, day 62 from seed on all except my AK47 auto. everything seems to be coming along nicely. i do know that i still have some nute issues and possibly even some slight heat stress going on - mostly with my 3 Jock Horrors - but definitely not like i was experiencing a couple weeks ago.

here's a few group shots....



here's a couple shots of my feminized Snow White from Nirvana. this girl's always been one of my favorites in the crop! started off really strong and has always done really well despite some of the issues i've had.

according to my calendar, i still have 2 or 3 weeks left. unfortunately, the pics don't do any justice to how fat that cola is getting.... :)



and here's some pics of my other current favorite, feminized AK47 autoflower from Grass-o-matic. this one seemed to start off a little slow, but then really took off like a rocket once she started to flower. i put her through a little LST during veg.

she's at day 51 from seed and according to Grass-o-matic, they say "70 days from seed to harvest." i still have about 2 1/2 weeks left and yield is supposed to be from "20-50 gr"... we'll see!

side note: my 3 Jock Horrors are coming along, but still have a good 5 or 6 weeks left, so i'll post some pics of those a little later.



i have a question related to humidity that i'd be very appreciative of any feedback on....

i've always sort of had issues with high humidity, but once i installed an inline duct fan (for venting and to serve as a carbon scrubber) i was able to bring it down. i also have 4 fans going 24/7 and keep the door partially open as much as i can while the lights are on. this keeps my humidity around 50-55%, but i also still get a very occasional spike up to about 60%. i do have a dehumdifier that i've used in my grow area when it has gotten up to 60%, but as i have been able to keep the temp nicely dialed in at a consistent 75-78 degrees F when lights are on, it's not something i like to use cause it tends to take the temps up to around 82-84.

i know i should try and keep my humidity from 40-50% at this stage of my grow, but i was wondering if anyone has personally experienced bud rot with humidity levels at 50-55% during flowering?

thanks for any input on that.


Well-Known Member
Damn man awesome grow. Its crazy cause I am going to use a similar concept with the lighting system you used for my first grow next week. Hope mines turns out as good as yours did.


Damn man awesome grow. Its crazy cause I am going to use a similar concept with the lighting system you used for my first grow next week. Hope mines turns out as good as yours did.

thanks man. yeah, i'm really happy with how well that hood design has worked out for me. it's really versatile and helps essentially customize your lighting setup. you can go ahead and mix and match for whatever your needs and with the Y-connectors can orient some vertically, others at a 45 degree angle, etc. i also even found out that it was helpful in controlling grow room temps... i had guests staying in my house for a few days a couple weeks ago - guests i didn't necessarily want knowing about my grow - so i just unscrewed 4 of the smaller hot lights (2700K) and was able to close it up all secure and not worry about cooking my girls.

good luck with your grow!


today is day 36 of flowering. i got a 30x lighted microscope last week and was checking out my trichs. according to the calendar i've been keeping, i've been expecting to go at least another 10-11 days on my AK47 autoflower and a couple weeks on my Snow White. when i was looking at my trichs this past friday, i noticed that they were around 50:50 between clear and cloudy on most buds. it was a little less on some buds, around 30:70, while others were almost 90% cloudy.

i thought this was a little strange as i still had almost a couple weeks to go by the calendar, but then when reading another thread about trichs remembered that i had put then in total darkness for a bit before switching to 12/12 light schedule. i had them all on 20/4 since seed, then turned it down to 18/6 for a few days, and then put them in total darkness for 32 hours and then with lights on for around 7 hours (something like that anyway) before going onto the regular 12/12 schedule. i had vegged them for 35 days and after the switch they all showed sex within 3-7 days.

i prefer the head-high so i snipped a few buds off the AK47 and Snow White for a little taste. daaaammmmnnnn... very nice smoke!! good, strong up high with just enough body stone to take care of some of the gut rot i've had going on lately. just the right effect i like in my bud. frankly, i could've chopped it all right there.. except i haven't done any sort of real flush lately. so i've decided that i'm gonna push a couple waterings (with molasses) on the AK, put her in darkness for about 36 hours and then harvest her this thursday. hopefully, none of the trichs will turn amber.... I'm gonna do the same for the Snow White - push as much molasses water through her as i can - and then see about taking her down next weekend.

first, a group shot and some bud shots....



here's the ak47 that is going to be my first harvest. after i burned one the samples i'd taken, i read this post:

awesome read! i highly recommend it. in fact, it's probably helped me from going into a late harvest with my first couple plants. a week or two ago, i noticed some of the calyxes on the lower to middle part of the AK47 were really fat. i didn't know what i was looking at at the time but remember noticing how they looked like the had big seeds in them. then, after checking my trichs friday (and not really understanding why there were so many that were this milky this soon), that thread got me looking again at my calyxes. they are nice and fat and coated with trichs on the top part of the main stem, but somewhat shriveled up on the lower part of the plant. i don't know how much of a time window i have on these, hopefully they'll hold out for 4 more days.

notice in one of the pics at the top you see the fat calyxes, but down a few nodes, they're all shriveled and past their prime.



here's the feminized Snow White. trichs on her are also around 50% cloudy, with no amber ones yet, so i hope she'll last another week while i push some water and molasses through her.



i also have 3 jock horror's going. they're a sativa dominant strain and take a little longer so i've just kinda left them in the back to do their thing and haven't really paid much attention to them. i think it'll be another 3 weeks or so before they'll be ready.



so what do you guys think? should i try and harvest the ak and snow white as soon as i can, or should i try and push it out a little longer and let them fatten up a little more? how quickly can trichs go from cloudy to amber, a day or two, longer perhaps?

i'm using a mostly soilless mix and using organic nutes. they got a really good flush a few weeks ago, have been on distilled water since, and i've also backed off on the nutes some. you can see from the leaves i've had plenty of nute, pH, heat stress issues, but at this point i'm not going to spend a lot of time worrying/working on that with these two on deck for harvest. i'd like to be able to let them go as long as i can while i push some clean water and molasses, but i also don't want to create a couch-lock smoke.


Active Member
Anybody who still doubts CFL technology needs to visit this post. this is the most effective lighting scheme I've seen. Good job buddy, you must be quite the reader like you mentioned before because most people are lucky to get anything on the first CFL grow. Of course I got lots of bud my first grow but other didn't...i think?

Amazing grow dude, check out what I got under way using Only 198 Watts!!


Active Member
If you don't want a couch lock man I would harvest now,
the buds/trics will mature while you cure it.

Hope this helps bro,
The plants are looking amazing.

Goes to show all those ignorant people who say CFL's can't grow dank, and quanity.

What's your guess on yeild?


Anybody who still doubts CFL technology needs to visit this post. this is the most effective lighting scheme I've seen. Good job buddy, you must be quite the reader like you mentioned before because most people are lucky to get anything on the first CFL grow. Of course I got lots of bud my first grow but other didn't...i think?

Amazing grow dude, check out what I got under way using Only 198 Watts!!

thanks for the comments. it definitely helps to start with some good seeds!

looks like you have a nice grow going too.. how much longer are you going with yours?


If you don't want a couch lock man I would harvest now,
the buds/trics will mature while you cure it.

Hope this helps bro,
The plants are looking amazing.

Goes to show all those ignorant people who say CFL's can't grow dank, and quanity.

What's your guess on yeild?
thanks for the comment and info about the trichs. i harvested the first two of my plants last week - thursday and saturday - and some of the trichs went from cloudy to amber in a matter of a few days. there were still plenty of buds that still had cloudy trichs.

not sure on yield and i hesitate to guess. i weighed one of the many colas i ended up with and it came in at 17.8g. some of the buds are close to going into the curing jars, so i'll get a better idea on yield then. i also have some pics from the harvest i should post too....