4th grow


this is my 4th grow..my yield sucks... got 4x4 ebb flow been putting 12 plants.only been yielding arounding 120 grams... i got 1000 watt buld..useing bc nutrients. keep humidity around 40% room temp 72.. strain is unknown but the high is good...what i like to know where am i going wrong???and what should i be yielding???


Well-Known Member
size of plants, and related info would help a lot (like veg time). Pics can help more experienced people identify things you might not recognize, but could point to issues.

Yield is based on multiple factors, the two most important in my experience being plant size and strain, but there are many others.

newb weed grower

Active Member
that isnt a whole lot to work with
but if u could give the following im sure someone will help u
what its been fed nutrient wise
flowering bulb and veg also a description of them if pics arent possible


Well-Known Member
Also any training which is being done?

Are you TOPPING or FIMMING or LST'ing?

The idea when growing under artificial lighting is keep smaller wider plants rather than tall single stem plants.

I would look at possibly FIMMING or SUPERCROPPING during Veg to spread out your canopy and create multiple colas.



Well-Known Member
this is my 4th grow..my yield sucks... got 4x4 ebb flow been putting 12 plants.only been yielding arounding 120 grams... i got 1000 watt buld..useing bc nutrients. keep humidity around 40% room temp 72.. strain is unknown but the high is good...what i like to know where am i going wrong???and what should i be yielding???
youve got a good set up too. its taking too long ,the process. Veg for 2 weeks, or till 12" ,in flowering as u know this hieght will double in first 4 weeks ,leaving u a tray of more uniform plants.You get much more bud to stem ratio, harvest quicker harder buds (short veg time) more harvests. Also remove lower sucker branches in the first 2 weeks of budding. And think about a strain that is mainly indica ,get a new one.


ok got bubblegum started going to start flowering when there around 12" tall...there just now clones 4" tall...how many plants should put in my 4x4 table???