4th Indoor Grow ** Pics **


Well-Known Member
get another pic wit the plant and the coke it looks cool and yes mh veg hps flower,but u can use either or for either or,its that blue is best for veg and red best for blooms


Well-Known Member
you know its funny you mention that cause she is the lucky candidate out of 4 other purple indicas to be a Mother. in another few weeks im gonna clone 5 - 10 babies off her. the more the merrier but im on a schedule so i cant jus grow her out and wait. when you say top or fim her. can you do some more explaining? topping = cutting the top of the plant so that it grows bushier or something ? and fim ?


Well-Known Member
yes it will be alot bushier

heres toppin

fimming is just like toppin except you have to read upon it and do it right.


Well-Known Member
so if i top the Mother P.I, by cutting off the top newest growing/sprouted up leaves ... within a few days she should be bigger as opposed to not topping ? is topping a 50/50 chance or does it always work ?


Well-Known Member
it always works,just pinch off the very top of the plant,it will become bushier with more main colas and can grow to reg heights with between two and four main colas opposed to just one


Well-Known Member
so cut the top then pinch where i snipped. when do you recommend i do this ... a 1 month old ? ( im doing it to the one with the coca cola bottle in the pic) ... and i havent decided which purple kush plant i wanna use for a mom.


Well-Known Member
how come nobody off RIU has helped me out .... its been two days .... what am i supposed to do when all my plants die because the " socalled" riu gurus didnt answer my needs.


Well-Known Member
oh k this is no joke. now i really need help. i had to find out on my own that its a bug or bugs causing the leaves to be chewed up. anybody ever had to deal with Vine Weevils ? i read up on them and found out that they do the most damage at night when the lights are off. and that they lay there larvay in the soil which damage the roots. could that be why my plants are all with problems ? how do i destroy these motherfuckers :( and what caused them to come in the first place ?


Active Member
i would say use a Neem type spray?? to get rid of bugs or maybe sum lady bugs i hear there like bulldogs for our lil babyes and they wot harm the plant...try posting in the help forum the infirmary or hospital or noob area..it will prob be seen more then your grow journal :twisted: good luck man i hope u get those lil a$$hole buggs


Well-Known Member
could just be the plant or it could be fungis gnats.there larvae will bore down and eat the roots aswell,gnats are also small black and love the light so ger so me lady bugs or something


Well-Known Member
well .... you could be right cause the first one i saw .... the bulb was turned on .. and when i read up it sayed that vine weevils come out at night and do the most damage. so not sure ... but i hope what i did destroyed them .... i think i might give them one more soak down before i leave to go camping for the weekend for 3 days ... :D im trimmin a few pounds of purple kush on sunday im stoked for rub


Well-Known Member
so i think i fixed the bug problem .. .. i started feeding nutes yesturday and will continue every 3 days, watering in between. i also transplanted my two mother plants into 10 or 12 inch pots ... not sure. i put up a sheet of poly and a black sheet over top so i can keep most of the light out. if anyone actually reads this then ill put up pics


Well-Known Member
Never hurts to try some lady bugs, plus they are cheap at most pet stores and they won't harm your plants. I would try Ladybugs or Raw potato first before adding different types of chemicals.

Give us more pics and good luck on your infestation.

(found this online for you)
Adult fungus gnats fly around and are an annoyance, but they are not harmful to people. Each gnat lives for about 5 days. The trick is to get rid of the next generation, the nearly invisible gnat larvae that live in the top layer of the soil. The larvae feed on decaying organic matter. Decaying pine bark in potting mixes and decaying plants roots feed the larvae.

Try to keep the soil as dry as possible. Remove all loose soil from the surface and put a light layer of coarse coir (coconut husk) or sand or diatomaceous earth on the soil surface. These substances have sharp edges that carve up the larvae. (Recent studies indicate that fine-textured peat moss also deters gnat larvae.)

Another safe technique is to place, ½ inch slices of raw potato on the surface of the soil to attract the larvae. After a day or so, discard the slices along with the larvae inside. Repeat this until there are no more larvae in the potato.

For more serious infestations try Knock-Out Gnats to treat fungus gnats available from Gardens Alive for about $20. See


Another bio-control method is Gnat Not, a parasite that destroys gnat larvae and other soil pests. It comes on a sponge in plastic (5 weeks shelf life) that is rinsed into water and applied to the soil. For information, go to http://www.goodbug-shop.com/gnatnot.htm

Detection trick: Add a little water to the soil and then look very closely for tiny fungus gnat larvae swimming in the water as it pools on the surface. You need good light and good eyes to see them. If you don't, then your plant is probably gnat free.


Well-Known Member
thanks skinflute but i found the problem. time released nutrients in the soil i recently purchased for transplanting has cause the girls to take in too much nutes giving them nute burn. theyve been in this soil for around a week .. i posted the day i noticed the problem .. with pictures but nobody on here replied in time for me to fix it. so now ive done my best and hope in the next week to come i see a turn around for the best ... ill have an update including pics in the next few days