4th week of flowering and I have spider mites...


Well-Known Member
I used AZMax as a root systemic but am sceptical about the foliar spraying as some of the buds are getting frosty. Does anybody know if this stuff is safe to spray on flowering frosty buds or should I just deal with the mites?


Well-Known Member
Do not, repeat do not let the mites go on. Use a fogger, get Floramite, use fungicde 3 with miticide, do something. If the mites start webbing up your buds, toss em in the trash....


Well-Known Member
These are out door and have about three weeks to go. Is it safe to foliar with AZMax? which is a neem oil product...or is it going to make the buds taste bad?


Well-Known Member
You are fine to use it. Read the directions on the container. It'll take 2-3 applications.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how true this is but I trust this guy...he said don't use any neem oil when you are in bud production. No systemic no foliar.. it decreases the resin prodution. only use live beneficial bacterias when in flower. I used azmax systemically and things have slowed the last couple weeks. Hopefully it will be out soon. the AG guy just want to sell their shit.... be careful.


I used AZMax as a root systemic but am sceptical about the foliar spraying as some of the buds are getting frosty. Does anybody know if this stuff is safe to spray on flowering frosty buds or should I just deal with the mites?
Aza Max 1st application usung 2oz per gallon. Ones that returned were new hatchlings and ones away while I sprayed. Most are starving like walkers in walking dead harmless so just spray em on the spot check. I use Aza Max up to week 6, like every 3-5 days till only a few left then 7 days then wait. Turn plant upside down, leaves cover buds so spray away heavy dripping, goto next plant. Put real 1oo% Olivera from health food store (not fake stuff) around stem from pot to 4 locations up and on ends of branches of buds is sticky gets em real good. I used to use molasses or liquid bee honey. I mix 3 tsp olivera to 1 pint and spray underside only 1x in week 7 or 8 bloom. Hope this helps. Mites if in a home are endless. Keep mite outta yer buds er yer smoke gets real goofy, weighs more in grams when thousands die there but hey, keep on it bro. Want more mite info? Just asl for my 2nd backup it works.


Mites had me for 2 weeks in bloom. After 2oz of Aza Max per 1 gallon soaking underside of leaves plants grew wicked with higher PH like 7.2. Try 3 tsp of real olivera in a pint of warm water, not store green oliivera, the 100% stuff and tip plant upside down leaves cover buds ad spray away. 1x will do, as they flounder around starving. Dont do Olivera more than 2x 1 week apart. I am trying a cool natural Mile Killer from a US company will know soon. Seems I have 2 or 3 great backup formulas. Keep on it bro.


Well-Known Member
mighty wash. i would not smoke buds infected with mites. you WILL be smoking mite POOP. and since the poop sticks to resin, its very difficult if not impossible to remove.
I've been a farmer ffor years and I have a formula you can spray into week 5. You have to use the original mint listerine with h202 and saturator. The mint in the listerine zaps the mites off. The saturator is there so it will holdthe spray on the plants leafs and so you you do t have to go crazy with the spray. This is a great method and you can spray weekly from 2nd week of veg so you will never see these bastards again.


New Member
Hey Kingharrod, what kind of ratio do you use the listerine and h2o2? And I’ve never heard of saturater, where do I find this? I’ve been reading quit a bit and hear Azamax is pretty darn good...I’m in week 4 moving into week 5 and I’ve noticed these damn pests. Never had them until a week or so ago