4x2x5 LED Grow - Qush & Pandora's Box (TGA) and Love (Alphakronik)


Well-Known Member
Hi all! Long time lurker and on and off grower for the past 10 years or so. Just got the opportunity to begin a grow after many years so I wanted to post it to document the journey and get advice from you seasoned cultivators.

My space is super limited so I will be vegging and flowering in a 4x2x5 grow tent with a Advanced Platinum P300 light (fine for vegging for now but want to upgrade to an Electric Sky 180 or 300 to flower with & then move the P300 into a 2x2 veg tent). I plan to eventually have these two tents and a small clone box to use as a personal perpetual grow. In my 4x2, I have a 4 inch blower w/carbon filter and two clip on fans to circulate air throughout the grow space. Temps are ranging from 70-79 and humidity is between 28-50% (Colorado is dry so I am always making sure there is enough humidity in the tent until the plants are large enough to create it for themselves). I have a little Pyrex dish of water that I refill and change out with one of my tent fans blowing across it to help raise humidity.

My medium is soil and I am using FF Light Warrior to start plants off in and then am transplanting to a mixture of 70% FF Ocean Forest and 30% perlite for drainage. Water is from the tap (going to order a RO system soon) and PH'd between 6.5-7. Nutrients are just going to be the Foxfarm soil trio, maybe a little Cal/Mag as well and some molasses during flower. Plants are started in Solo cups and then transplanted to either 1 gal or 3 gal smart pots.

My plan is to run these three strains out to see which I would like to keep in the perpetual grow. I am going to take clones from each plant as soon as I am able to and then immediately flower them to prevent them from outgrowing the space. I have no need to make any of these more bushy so I will not be topping or training unless vertical growth becomes a concern. I am hoping for a high female ratio, but it will not be a problem if half are males, seeing as how my tent is pretty small. There are 13 plants total, 5 Pandora's Box, 5 Qush, and 3 Love (Harlitsu x Kimbo Kush). The pictures below are of the 10 TGA plants at 4 days from starting germ (soak 24 hr, then paper towel) and the 3 Love plants at 20 days from germ. They are all looking super healthy and happy, the Love is looking real stout and bushy and was just transplanted into those 3 gal containers. I'll prob just do 1 gal for the others to save space and money.

I'd be stoked if you all followed my grow and please feel free to offer any tips, tricks, and questions along the way. I grew a fair amount in my younger years but I am probably still around an intermediate level so I am always looking to learn. Thanks!


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Looking good so far... Look forward to seeing more.

Hi all! Long time lurker and on and off grower for the past 10 years or so. Just got the opportunity to begin a grow after many years so I wanted to post it to document the journey and get advice from you seasoned cultivators.

My space is super limited so I will be vegging and flowering in a 4x2x5 grow tent with a Advanced Platinum P300 light (fine for vegging for now but want to upgrade to an Electric Sky 180 or 300 to flower with & then move the P300 into a 2x2 veg tent). I plan to eventually have these two tents and a small clone box to use as a personal perpetual grow. In my 4x2, I have a 4 inch blower w/carbon filter and two clip on fans to circulate air throughout the grow space. Temps are ranging from 70-79 and humidity is between 28-50% (Colorado is dry so I am always making sure there is enough humidity in the tent until the plants are large enough to create it for themselves). I have a little Pyrex dish of water that I refill and change out with one of my tent fans blowing across it to help raise humidity.

My medium is soil and I am using FF Light Warrior to start plants off in and then am transplanting to a mixture of 70% FF Ocean Forest and 30% perlite for drainage. Water is from the tap (going to order a RO system soon) and PH'd between 6.5-7. Nutrients are just going to be the Foxfarm soil trio, maybe a little Cal/Mag as well and some molasses during flower. Plants are started in Solo cups and then transplanted to either 1 gal or 3 gal smart pots.

My plan is to run these three strains out to see which I would like to keep in the perpetual grow. I am going to take clones from each plant as soon as I am able to and then immediately flower them to prevent them from outgrowing the space. I have no need to make any of these more bushy so I will not be topping or training unless vertical growth becomes a concern. I am hoping for a high female ratio, but it will not be a problem if half are males, seeing as how my tent is pretty small. There are 13 plants total, 5 Pandora's Box, 5 Qush, and 3 Love (Harlitsu x Kimbo Kush). The pictures below are of the 10 TGA plants at 4 days from starting germ (soak 24 hr, then paper towel) and the 3 Love plants at 20 days from germ. They are all looking super healthy and happy, the Love is looking real stout and bushy and was just transplanted into those 3 gal containers. I'll prob just do 1 gal for the others to save space and money.

I'd be stoked if you all followed my grow and please feel free to offer any tips, tricks, and questions along the way. I grew a fair amount in my younger years but I am probably still around an intermediate level so I am always looking to learn. Thanks!
Quick update - pulled the trigger on a Timber 300 watt 3VL with 3000k spectrum last night! Should be a huge upgrade from my current P300 and will rock that space come flower time. Going to pop the P300 into a 2x2 tent for vegging purposes, should work just fine. Big thanks to @RainDan for being helpful and awesome to work with. Can't wait to see what kind of fine ganja I can grow with this badass light system!
Here are a few pics of the plants from today! It's day 21 from seed for the Love and day 5 from seed for the 10 TGA sprouts. Just got a ppm meter in the mail today and holy crap, my tap water is around 500....not good. The plants seem to be very happy right now but I am planning on getting an RO filter and using that water, supplemented with Cal/Mag until I being feeding with bottled nutrients. I imagine using water with a starting ppm of 500ish will cause a lot of "hard water" crap to end up getting stuck in the root zones as time goes on... Any suggestions on a good, cheap RO system are very welcome!fam.jpeg Love Day 21.jpeg TGA Day 5.jpeg
Howdy yall, quick update here. Plants are all doing well, although I have noticed some brown/rust looking spotting on a couple fan leaves on two of the three older "Love" plants. I think it's the high PPM tap water I've been using locking out some Calcium so my plan is to flush well with distilled water with around 100PPM worth of cal mag, PH'd to 6.5ish. Leaving town this Friday so I am a bit nervous of being away from them and things getting worse but I have a buddy who will be able to come check on them and water if needed. If anyone has anything different they would do about this issue, please let me know! Thanks.Leaf spots2.jpeg Leaf spots1.jpeg
Back with another update! I gave my roommate pretty loose instructions on how to care for the plants while I was gone and he damn near killed the Love plant in the middle of my last picture haha (now on the left side of this recent picture). Somehow he let the fan blow directly on it and was late in watering which resulted in parts of fan leaves drying up (but not yellowing). I got rid of the dead parts and have since bent all 3 of those plants over to encourage some branching. Lesson learned... Back on track though and things should be rocking from here! Day 32 from seed for the Love, day 16 for TGA sprouts.file-5.jpeg
Back again! Things are getting back on track in the garden. Got my RO filter rocking & just watering with that and some Cal/Mag at around 200-300 PPM, PH'd to 6.5-7 (using the little dripper bottle thing so I just go by the color). That Timber 3VL should be arriving 10 days from now, so on that day I will take clones from the larger plants and put them directly into flower while transferring the smaller plants into my new 2x2x4 veg tent until they are large enough to give me cuttings so I can put them into flower as well. Been doing more training and bending the larger plants down to make sure I keep them as short as I can. Looks like the one that got real windburned (plant on the left) might be a male, which is fine...I could use one less plant in the tent right about now haha. Hoping for a 50-50 split on the smaller ones too...would be nice to have more females of course, but I just don't have the space. Here's a picture of the happy family this morning.file-6.jpeg
Good morning and happy holidays to you all! Just a quick update from the garden... Here is the whole group after I transplanted the little ones into 1 gal containers last night! file-7.jpeg They are looking pretty happy overall, only one of the smaller plants has been finicky & hopefully the transition from the Light Warrior to Ocean Forest will give her what she needs.

Pulled one of the 3 Love plants because it had sprouted some nut sacks. Fingers crossed that the last two are females! Here's a closer pic of the one on the left...file1-4.jpeg
The whole bunch are starting to get pretty stanky already...lots of tropical, fruity scents coming from the tent. Hopefully there will be some bomb flavors in there! I'm much less concerned about the strength of the high...I just want delicious tasting herbs :).
Just got this bad boy set up in the tent! file-8.jpeg

Those two larger plants are getting flipped to 12/12 tomorrow and getting clones taken right before. The other 10 plants will go to the 2x2 veg tent till I can take a cutting from each and then they will all hit the flower tent as well. Looking forward to having some fine herb around towards the end of Feb!
Here is my new smaller tent (2x2x4) which I have 9 TGA plants in. At this point they are all 29 days from seed. One of the Pandora's Box seedlings was just kind of weak so I just threw it in the flowering tent to see what happens with it. Might as well flower it if I have the space (still to be determined haha).

I have started LST on them and will top them all in a day or so. Hopefully I'll be able to take clones in the next couple weeks so that I can flower the females in the 4x2 without them getting too large!file-9.jpeg
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All of the TGA plants are doing really well...got topped and have been bouncing back well from it.


Unfortunately there turned out to be only 1 female of the 3 Love freebie beans I have grown out. I must have messed up with my ph or watering at some point because the plant has been showing odd symptoms for the last few days... Overall droopyness, curing inward of the fan leaves at the tips, brown necrotic spots or streaks on the leaves, the leaves affected have become pretty dry and brittle but still green...been looking all over and can't really find an answer for what went wrong. Any advice or experience would be awesome. I made sure to flush it with 6.5 water with just a bit of cal/mag right when I noticed the issue. Hopefully it bounces back well.

Little update...the TGA plants are killing it! Super healthy and bushy...going to be ready for clones to be taken hopefully in a week, then straight into flower they go. Will sex them out before transplanting into final containers...I know that there can be some stunting but I just don't wan't to waste a bunch of soil and pots on a bunch of males. file1-7.jpeg file-13.jpeg
The Love plant from the last update is still looking bummed out...pretty droopy no matter how far into the wet/dry cycle but at least the dying leaves are no longer progressing. Just giving it RO water and cal mag until it tells me it wants something else.
Little update from the garden since it's been a while! All the TGA plants are doing well, just on day 3 of 12/12...took healthy cuttings before flip. The already flowering plant is still slightly unhappy from whatever abuse I gave to her but is stacking up some stinky little buds at day 28 12/12. Have a nice rooted clone of her so if it turns out to be some dank I will give her a try again and will do my best not to fuck her up like I did this round...

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Update - There is now a forest in the tent...loving what's happening with these plants! Just giving around a gallon each on watering days (every 4-5 days now) with a little bit of FF Big Bloom mixed in. No longer trying to ph to around 6.5. Un-PH'd it's prob more like 7.3 but the plants seem to love it now that I'm not fucking around with the PH at all.

Looking forward to that small stunted lil flowering plant to be done so I can use the space for the others...only 10-15 more days for that one it looks like.

Day 13 of 12/12

We are now at day 27 flowering! Starting to see some nice bud development and trichome production. I gave the girls their first feeding with Mega Crop a couple days ago and they are responding well to it.

For the next watering I will be cutting my RO water with enough tap water to get my starting PPMs to 100-150. This will act as a buffer and will keep me from having to use a shit ton of PH up to correct my water. Ideally I would like to not have to PH at all if the nutrient solution comes out to around 6.0-6.3. We shall see!

Here are some buds! Lot's of smells going on in the tent already...getting a nice whiff of fresh pine scents from some of them.
