4x4,4x8,perpetual harvest every 2 months


Hello guys.
I have somewhat math question.
I have 2 tents,
Veg tent 4x4x7 with 432W T5 (8x54W) and a flowering tent that is 4x8x8 with 2 x 600W. I want to set up perpetual harvests every 2 months.
I dont want to harvest one plant at a time, because I am going to dry/cure them in the flowering tent to avoid smells as this will be done in an apartment.
What I am planning to do is, place 12 seeds in 4gal air-pots, this will be really tight in the 4x4 tent, veg them 2 months, take clones, move them to the flowering tent and root the clones for 10 days, veg them for 2 months untill the plants in the flowering tent are ready with the dying/curing.
How does this plan sound?
Also, would 15L (4gal) air-pots be overkill for clones with 2 months veg, or would it be not big enough?
I will be using Biobizz All-Mix, jiffy pallets for clones, and full biobizz nute line for feeding.
The strains that I will run are DNA Genetics Limited Training Day, Snowcap and Purple LA.
I'm looking to get ATLEAST 300g (or 10 oz) per harvest (every two months).
Should you need more info about my setup to give me some nice advice just ask.

Thanks guys.


4 gall pots will be to small for 2 month veg. Wait a month then just veg clones for month in 4 gall pot. They will likely still root bound.
I use 3 gall pots for clones, veg 2-3 weeks. Then I transfer to 7 gal pots and veg 1-2 weeks longer then flip to 12/12.
If you plan on just growing small, decent plants 4 gall will work but like I said only veg for a month instead of doing 2 months.


Well-Known Member
I would use bigger pots. Let me first state that you don't have too. I have successfully vegged and flowered in extremely small pots. The biggest difference was the plants were small and didn't yield very much, the plants in the 7 and 15 gal containers out pre-form the others every time. Roots need room to expand and grow. Limiting root space limits the possibilities of your plants.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Hello guys.

What I am planning to do is, place 12 seeds in 4gal air-pots, this will be really tight in the 4x4 tent, veg them 2 months, take clones, move them to the flowering tent and root the clones for 10 days, veg them for 2 months untill the plants in the flowering tent are ready with the dying/curing.
How does this plan sound?

Thanks guys.
I do things quite the opposite. I put the seedlings in 12/12 asap and code and snip asap. I've done hundreds of seedlings this way and I have never failed to get a snip. I put as many as 25 clones in a 3' x 3' x 8" pot under 1kw hps. It averages about 6-10 oz's a month. You can get a crop right away using this method. And by the next crop you'll have lots of snips from the clones and the clones you don't want to keep for moms can get tossed in also.


I use 15L (4gal) air-pots, they are said to be matching the next size pots (5 gal), i was told that 1 gal per month of growth should be enough, so 2 months veg + 2 months flower = 4 months = 4 gal.


Well-Known Member
I do things quite the opposite. I put the seedlings in 12/12 asap and code and snip asap. I've done hundreds of seedlings this way and I have never failed to get a snip. I put as many as 25 clones in a 3' x 3' x 8" pot under 1kw hps. It averages about 6-10 oz's a month. You can get a crop right away using this method. And by the next crop you'll have lots of snips from the clones and the clones you don't want to keep for moms can get tossed in also.
^ that. I'm in the same boat. My schedule is set up to have 24 plants total, harvesting 6 and putting in 6 every ~2 weeks. They go from snip to the cloner for 10-14 days, then cycled directly into 12/12.

Harvesting every two months doesn't seem too much like perpetual to me for some reason :)



^ that. I'm in the same boat. My schedule is set up to have 24 plants total, harvesting 6 and putting in 6 every ~2 weeks. They go from snip to the cloner for 10-14 days, then cycled directly into 12/12.

Harvesting every two months doesn't seem too much like perpetual to me for some reason :)

I want to harvest every two months because:

1. They are in apartment and drying is only possible inside the flower tent.
2. i will be running clones of clones,, so i will take cutting before send them in flower, so this cutting has to veg for 2 months before the flower tent is ready again.


Active Member
your time frames will never hold up. too many unforeseen things happen that will delay things. i've been doing exactly what you are trying to do for 7 years now, in an apartment. same size booths, same lighting, give or take, clones , seeds, aero, drip, dwc, soil. soil the last 4 years. did bio biz for a while. your best bet is brewing your own nutrient teas if you're going to be in soil. don't waste your money on bio biz you'll just get frustrated. if you harvest before your buds are ready you'll regret it. changes in temp, humidity and nutrient levels effect growing times as well as bugs and diseases. why do you have to dry in the booth? can you clean out a closet to dry your harvest in? are you going to feed in the booths? what about drainage? spray for mites in the booth? where are you exhausting the heat/smell? what will you do with all the old dirt?


Active Member
your time frames will never hold up. too many unforeseen things happen that will delay things. i've been doing exactly what you are trying to do for 7 years now, in an apartment. same size booths, same lighting, give or take, clones , seeds, aero, drip, dwc, soil. soil the last 4 years. did bio biz for a while. your best bet is brewing your own nutrient teas if you're going to be in soil. don't waste your money on bio biz you'll just get frustrated. if you harvest before your buds are ready you'll regret it. changes in temp, humidity and nutrient levels effect growing times as well as bugs and diseases. why do you have to dry in the booth? can you clean out a closet to dry your harvest in? are you going to feed in the booths? what about drainage? spray for mites in the booth? where are you exhausting the heat/smell? what will you do with all the old dirt?

Much like me, I'm sure he is concerned about smell during drying. The tent already has carbon filter, ventilation, etc so that is the easy obvious place to dry if possible. If drying in a closet without a carbon filter, the smell could theoretically penetrate other rooms and give your grow away. I'll be in an apartment or townhome soon and this is my biggest challenge to face, how to continue growing while maintaining stealth and not stinking up the area.

I suppose you could try a product like ono smell neutralizer in the closet with the drying buds, but if you have another round of plants starting to flower and you find out it's not working, you'll be ripping some plants down to cover your tracks.


Well-Known Member
i have done successful perpetual harvests but that's in hydroponics. it did take me about 4 years to achieve it but now i can easily do perpetual harvest every 10 weeks. 2 months will be ok for maybe some strains but i never yet done a strain that really finishes that early. i use trichome testing to harvest. it will be way harder to do the same in soil but is definitely feasible, will require lot more labor to fell and empty soil and water everything around. I am now able to take preventative measures before bad things happen and I never again see plant problems or bugs. for example,I spray pesticidesn after harvest and just before budding. I never seen bugs since i done that, and the buds are still clear from direct pesticide exposure.
as for the drying, would it be possible to build a shelf at the top of your flowering chamber to fit the drying plants in and insulate it from the light's heat beneath? maybe use the exhaust air current to vent that shelf? just a thought


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm confused. Are you gonna dry in your flower tent while other plants are flowering? I'm not bashing this idea I've done it with great results as my drying plants hung well above the lvl of my lights and didn't get anything but ambient light on them, as well as the humidty being controlled to 50% by my dehumidifer. Anyway I'm having a hard time figuring out how your gonna make this perpetual.

I've been running a perpetual ebb and flow table for the last 5 year now. Nutes have changed, and exact plant numbers have changed a few times, but the basics I run are 1k hps over a 5x5 growing area in a large reflector. I have a seperate clone/mother space where I keep my moms, and clones as I take them and get them ready for flower. I take clones, after they root(6-8 days) they go into 6inch pots and under my floros where they veg for about 1-3 weeks just depending on how fast they each grow(I'm running about 10 strains/phenos of strains right now, with 3 more about to join them). Then typically every 2-3 weeks I put about 9 plants in 6 inch pots into flower in a 4x4 flood tray. If I was running only one or 2 strains it would be much easier to get things down to harvesting exactly every 2 weeks, but I harvest whats ready when its ready, some of my plants are finishing in 8 weeks, and I have a few that are looking like 10-11 weekers. I average about 20-25g per plant on most, some come in over an oz, and I run about 40 plants at a time under the single 1k. You could easily set up a similar system, and even do it with soil if you wanted though its not as well suited. Run your veg tent with a spot for clones, and a spot for a few moms. Then every 2-3 weeks start putting clones into the flower tent several at a time. I think if you didn't veg them for so long you could then get away with using 2-3 gallons pots just fine.

You've got lots of options on how run it. I would be looking into alot less veg time if I was you though. For a perpetual grow with your limits on space and such I'd be shooting for smaller plants and more of them to still provide a good yield. With 1200 watts in flower, and having a seperate veg space getting 10 oz every 2months is an easy goal to set for yourself if you play your cards right. Like downhillbill said there are lots of obsticules and things that will come up during every grow. Good luck, and it wil lbe interesting to see what you come up with.