4'x'4 Gorilla Grow Tent || Blue Dream ScROG || First Grow


Well-Known Member
Dude I've seen some things. As Einstein said, "only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not so sure about the universe."


Well-Known Member
Unfortunatly common sense isn't all to common anymore...
Yea ccc,those babys were damn near perfet for a transplant..watch em go bonkers soon!! Upping the nutes a little might be instore,but be frugal for a few more days..


Well-Known Member
another pro tip since we are getting all scientific and shit.. when you have a lot of roots around the edges of the old pot.. roots that have been "deflected" in another direction or whatever.. you want to gently loosen the dirt around them and free up the roots. Plant roots are sensitive but they are not THAT sensitive. I have seen plenty of replantings fail becuase people just grabbed this big round mass of roots shapped just like the pot they came in..and smash them into the ground.

anyways.. keep on keeping on. My home flower room is absolutely fucking BANGING right now. I'll post a pic or two if I get off my lazy ass.


Well-Known Member
I know one grower who takes a razor and makes cuts along the sides of rootmass when transplanti.g and has no problems.


Well-Known Member
I know one grower who takes a razor and makes cuts along the sides of rootmass when transplanti.g and has no problems.
I know some who do claiming it improves root structure. I would rather use a root pruning container that does the same thing better.


Well-Known Member
My dads ex of 9 years(pretty much my step mom) got her doctorate in horticulter e while she was living with us..I helped her study all those years..and we had a landscaping buisness..the plants like loraiapie(sic) and any grassy plants we got at the nursery were allways clumps of rootballs in a bucket..we would use a trowell to rip up 4 sides of the rootballs before we placed them in a hole..this was one of my first 'hands on' growing tips I ever learned...


Well-Known Member
Also I can't remember the names/terms..but studies were done on roots and their role in plant and plants deciding their fates/ways to live..basically its proposed in the tippy tip of the roots,all the way at the end is the 'brain' of the plant..microscopic time-lapsed movies show 2 root tips,both alive,'inchworming' around trying to find a way 'down' into the dirt..at the end of the roots are this bulbous part that controls all this..scientists cut off the tip of one root but left the other on..the one that got cut off went everywhere but down trying to find a reasonable place to live..the one that remained intact kept growing and 'inchworming' till it had passed the ruler measuring this and found dirt..they truley are an amazing unknown species...


Well-Known Member
sorry i haven't been posting lately. i've been completely baked since tuesday

feels good to have my herb back. i think it's time to train my plants though. today was the first time i fed them since the transplant. they're wilting in the pics due to being dry i believe. one is already 8" tall so if i want to be >12" before transferring to 7 galls i need to start training asap.

i think i'm going to top them both below the 5th node, let them recover, then start doing some lst. the goal is to keep them short and bushy for as long as i want them in 3 gallon pots (maybe another month?).
photo 1 (22).jpgphoto 2 (20).jpgphoto 3 (12).jpgphoto 4 (7).jpg


Well-Known Member
so i decided to hold off on the topping..just did this about 10 minutes ago though:
photo 1 (23).jpgphoto 2 (22).jpgphoto 3 (13).jpgphoto 4 (9).jpgphoto 5 (5).jpg

for some reason i just can't bring myself to cut anything off the plant lol...if i can keep her below a foot tall with lst i think i'll be good though.


Well-Known Member
looks awesome man, good work. looks very indica-dom. have to follow this as the one i have the leaf structure could pass as a non hybrid sativa, curious of the end results.


Well-Known Member
Keep working on bending her down. It will take a few days because you started late. Or you can just supercrop her above like the third node but there is a risk of snapping until you have a feel for how she grows.
She's definitely looking more indica dominant than my clone now but I'm curious about her leaf structure as she matures and through flower.
Now just circle her around the pot. You'll have a ton of side branches very soon.


Well-Known Member
When I plant containerized native plants..I own a wetland and riparian area restoration business, I often step on the root all and slice it once or twice with a shovel.

For those stupid fucking stoners that think you have to treat your plant like a princess and never ever "hurt" her you should know how bare root nursery plants are grown. Bare root plants are grown in sand or sawdust and when they are dormant, they are pulled out, bundled together, roots wrapped in newspaper and shipped. When I order plants they stuff about 500-1000 plants in one cardboard box. Probably 2x2x4' long. What's interesting is that after a year or less depending on the season, nurseries have this bladed machine that will cut off the root tips under the soil. It's about 3 feet long and sciccosrs back and forth. They drive next to the row of plants, lower the blade to about 12-18" below the soil and then drive down the row. This simulates transplanting and they plants are sold as transplants

These plants are then called 2/1 stock or 2/2 meaning two years old and one or two years after transplanting. They are more expensive, have better roots, and generally survive drought better.

But Jesus, don't take my word for it. Go to YouTube because everyone on YouTube is fucking brilliant ...Check out this video on YouTube:



Well-Known Member
If I were you, I would chop all the tops off. Your not really bending them down far enough to stall all auxin production. Your suppressing it, but not as much as topping it.

I'll tell you what..you do what others say on 2 plants and follow my lead on the other two and we will see how they look in flower. Post pics and I'll edit then showing wear to chop tips, etc. Trust the 41yo botanist young Jedi...his results are from experience, not theory. Then we can shut (some) of the dipshits up and get you on the fast track to banging yields


Well-Known Member
If I were you, I would chop all the tops off. Your not really bending them down far enough to stall all auxin production. Your suppressing it, but not as much as topping it.

I'll tell you what..you do what others say on 2 plants and follow my lead on the other two and we will see how they look in flower. Post pics and I'll edit then showing wear to chop tips, etc. Trust the 41yo botanist young Jedi...his results are from experience, not theory. Then we can shut (some) of the dipshits up and get you on the fast track to banging yields
well i've only got two plants so how about i follow your lead on both and we all can see how well your training methods work even for the first time nooby grower? sounds like a good test to me. i'd like to hop on the fast track to big yields.

here's the way the plants look as of 10 minutes ago. if you edit the pics i'll follow your edits to the T. if there is any specific camera angle you need me to take for the next pictures let me know.
photo 1 (25).jpgphoto 2 (25).jpg


Well-Known Member
Well you might as well try two techniques..but it's up to you really.
That angle would be good..if you could spread the plant out a little so I can seem the stems underneath.

Or a shot or two directly from the side.

Something that will let me see the branches. It will get easier when it's bigger. For now however, simply topping them will work.

What lights are you using? Please don't CFL..it will cause me to abandon you. :)


Well-Known Member
Seeing as there's only two of us giving training advice at this point I can't help but take the dipshit comment personally. We may not agree but that's just uncalled for dude.
Yes doing the bending won't redistribute the auxins as quickly as topping, but you're also not losing a lot of foliage to top it down to four branches they way you would at this point so I think it could go either way honestly. Yes is needs to be bend more but that can take a few days especially if you're nervous about being rough as a first time grower. Plants are more pliable right before lights on and the hormones have settled to the roots and come back up when the lights go on so it's really the best time of day to top and train.


Well-Known Member
Well you might as well try two techniques..but it's up to you really.
That angle would be good..if you could spread the plant out a little so I can seem the stems underneath.

Or a shot or two directly from the side.

Something that will let me see the branches. It will get easier when it's bigger. For now however, simply topping them will work.

What lights are you using? Please don't CFL..it will cause me to abandon you. :)
i will get those shots as soon as lights go on. as for the topping, do you want me to top all the tops or just the main one?

also, for veg i am using an 8-bulb t5 with mixed spectrum and 2x 400w air-cooled hps for flowering.

Seeing as there's only two of us giving training advice at this point I can't help but take the dipshit comment personally. We may not agree but that's just uncalled for dude.
Yes doing the bending won't redistribute the auxins as quickly as topping, but you're also not losing a lot of foliage to top it down to four branches they way you would at this point so I think it could go either way honestly. Yes is needs to be bend more but that can take a few days especially if you're nervous about being rough as a first time grower. Plants are more pliable right before lights on and the hormones have settled to the roots and come back up when the lights go on so it's really the best time of day to top and train.
i'm bending the girls more and more each day i'm just trying to be careful. i think it is working though because new tops are developing on both plants. thank you for the right before lights on tip. i think i will set an alarm on my phone for when lights go on today and train them straight away. good advice once again duck.


Well-Known Member
I am still following and subscribed. I have stayed pretty quiet because you guys have had everything covered as far as I can tell. Sounds like a solid setup. Can't wait to keep watching these girls excel!;)

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