Timber 3VL - 150 par watts for $450
320W Quantum Board kit for $457, maybe not the right shape but you can get the 260w kit for $330 each. Buy one now, but another later. Either of those would be a better deal. We can only guess about the output of the Optics4 but that's kind of a deal breaker when a company doesn't provide output information. The 200w lamp I used to build had a par map similar to the one shown for the Optics4 so you can't tell much from total wattage.
Cobkits - 6 CXM22 light engines at 50w each with the right driver/s would come in under $450 and you can design the frame to your exact specs. They also sell quantum boards and slate sinks.
Or DIY with strips or Vero29Cs from Digikey and HLG drivers from cdiweb.com or onlinecomponents.com
Lots of options.