4x4 tent humidity problem


Active Member
4x4x6 tent, ac infinty 6inch exhaust, air cooled hood, passive intake down low. My tebt is in the basement, don't have any plants running just yet, just testing my setup. My average basement humidity right now is 74% with temp around 78. Inside the tent humidity is around 73% with the exhaust running. With exhaust off it gets down to around 62-64% I need some tips and tricks please


Well-Known Member
Rh must be higher considering it lowers in the tent with the fan off.
Yeah higher in the basement as you would expect.
But if he's venting into basement then zero air exchange is taking place but if he were venting outside then the constant exchange of basement air would equalise with the rest of the house unless he has underlying damp issues and even then it should lower some.