4x4x8 room, couple questions


  • 400w Quantum T5 Badboy

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I said room to draw some attention but truth be told it's a closet. I have finally decided to stop funding the street level sketch balls and take my medicine into my own hands. I don't plan on anything extravagant but I usually do it right when I set out on a project. I have amassed more then enough supplies so it leads me to a couple questions.

1.) The closet is (4'2 x 4'6 x 8') sealed on all sides, besides the slated wicker sliding door thing that allows entrance. This will be the flowering station, so I was thinking about removing it and trying to make a hinged door or something to seal it even better in hopes of it using a ventilation scheme
I found a picture on Google-------^ to kind of show what kind of door I am talking about. I hope it'll help someone get a visual of what I will be dealing with trying to make it sealed enough to create a negative air pressure inside the closet with my ventilation scrubbing the air on its way out.

2). Lighting; I have a 400w cool tube, 400w Quantum T5 Bad boy (8 fixture), and a 600w adjustable Quantum ballast tied to a sun systems yield master hood. I am pretty sure about which one I am going to use but I am asking for your opinions in case you have similar equipment/growing area experience(s).

I myself was going to use either the T5, or the cool tube for ease of hookup as well as controlling heat issues. The cool tube of course would be best for the heat measures, but I am not a fan of the electrical consumption in comparison to the T5, as well as I have not yet been able to use the T5.

My other bulbs each have a full cycle under their belt, and I have heard bad things with these electronic ballast hooked up to HID bulbs that are still meant for an old style coil/ignition type ballast. Not limited to, surprisingly diminished output over a short period of time and/or burnouts on a bi monthly basis, and since I didn't suffer from the burn out I'd rather not try my luck again with the same bulbs.

Surely I am forgetting something but you've endured enough of my Haze induced stoned ramblings but I thank anyone who comments, and as always, rep given when and where deserved!



Active Member
Also, from cruising another RIU thread I saw a 3'11 x 3'x11x 6 tent. I feel it may be the best route, it's got the pre-ins/outs for entry, lights, and ventilation. I can set up the 3x3 tray/table, bust out a 30 plant SoG, it should fetch me enough to only have to do it once a year, ease some of my paranoia hopefully.


Well-Known Member
Well I will share some info on what I know. I have a flowering room very close to the same size as the one you have, it is a closet as well I use a 600w HPS and aircooled hood in that area. I use a scrog style grow in this "closet". I get about 16-20ozs per cycle with the current strain I am using, which is a Sativa dominant bagseed.

I would reccomend you use the best light you have available to you which would be your 600w. I too use a digital ballast, mine being a Lumatek and I have had no issues with bulbs in the 7-8 months it has been in use.

Here is a shot of the area I am talking about or feel free to visit my grow journal or my thread at https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/406226-3025watt-medical-grow-whitewidow-shark.html I have detailed how this area is cooled etc in this thread and my journal.



Well-Known Member
Mine is a "closet" I built in a corner of the basement. It's a bit under 4x4 with a 6'6" ceiling. I run a 1000W HPS with few issues, just a fan to cool. You can grow 5 or 6 big plants, or a bunch at once with Sea of Green. I usually have between 8 and 11 at once, all at different stages in perpetual harvest arrangement.



Active Member
Rep for all. Thanks for the resourceful posts.

@absolute0 - I have already subscribed to your thread, looks like you have it dialed in very nicely. Left you a couple questions over there, and wanted to say thanks here for posting kind sir!

@Barrelhse - I know basements are all around 'colder' places then the rest of the house. I know the degree difference between my first story, and second story is normally 7--11 degrees depending how much company is here. I've got to say though your ladies look like they are loving it! Gorgeous, what strain, and what medium are you using? I love the idea of a perpetual harvest, I thought/am thinking about it, it will cut down my number of plants I need to grow for a year supply! I just would think it more then comedy if I could get my years supply in one swoop of the scissors.


Well-Known Member
Rep for all. Thanks for the resourceful posts.

@absolute0 - I have already subscribed to your thread, looks like you have it dialed in very nicely. Left you a couple questions over there, and wanted to say thanks here for posting kind sir!

@Barrelhse - I know basements are all around 'colder' places then the rest of the house. I know the degree difference between my first story, and second story is normally 7--11 degrees depending how much company is here. I've got to say though your ladies look like they are loving it! Gorgeous, what strain, and what medium are you using? I love the idea of a perpetual harvest, I thought/am thinking about it, it will cut down my number of plants I need to grow for a year supply! I just would think it more then comedy if I could get my years supply in one swoop of the scissors.
You have defined your objective and your space. It sounds like you might be better off going for few and fatter plants in the space. This is what I did while building my SOG room. I just grew 5 plants in soil and let them veg for a long time and then flower to get the most from the plant. This lasted me about 3 or 4 months. A perpetual full time OP might not be the best for what you want, but to have a nice space to grow what ya want when you want would do you right. I like the tent idea within your closet. That would A.) Save you money on replacing the door and the time to take to install it or cash wasted on subbing that out. B.) Your door is old school thus out dated I imagine a new door in this spot assuming the rest of the house is same style, condition, etc. will draw attention to this space. C.) These tents from what I've seen and heard from people on here are sealed air and light tight depending on make and quality of tent. Even high quality doors will allow some air and light penetration. These is effected more so by quality of the install. If you don't for instance hang door jams plumb and square, you can still have a nice catch on the latch when it closes, yet still have an open gap between the door and jam stop. I would go for the biggest light for the space that you can effectively cool the space in ideal conditions. Get the environment right first, then the light intensity.
Good luck man


Active Member
How will you vent the space? You will need a way to get hot stale air out, this will pull in cool fresh air as well.

You will also need an oscillating fan moving the fresh cool air around your plants.

I'd put the 600 bulb int he cool tube, if the cool tube has a bat wing reflector over the tube.

You say you want to do a 30 plant sog, that will be tricky, where will you get clones? Can you get the same genetics? do you have another place to grow moms and clones?
You could put that t5 to use as well and it will keep your flower room full.


Well-Known Member
Rep for all. Thanks for the resourceful posts.

@absolute0 - I have already subscribed to your thread, looks like you have it dialed in very nicely. Left you a couple questions over there, and wanted to say thanks here for posting kind sir!

@Barrelhse - I know basements are all around 'colder' places then the rest of the house. I know the degree difference between my first story, and second story is normally 7--11 degrees depending how much company is here. I've got to say though your ladies look like they are loving it! Gorgeous, what strain, and what medium are you using? I love the idea of a perpetual harvest, I thought/am thinking about it, it will cut down my number of plants I need to grow for a year supply! I just would think it more then comedy if I could get my years supply in one swoop of the scissors.
Please see my grow in my sig, it may answer some questions for you about space usage, etc. I am bare-bones, no frills (not even those I'd like) so I can't really answer anything too technical.


Active Member
@flamdrags - I like the way you think. Old school, and to the point. Like you said no frills or buffer, just blunt and honest truths. The house is rather old school, was bought from an old man and his wife that use to own an Isuzu dealership, so doors on a closet would be rather blatant haha.

@fluxcap - I have a couple ideas, depending on the route I go with the lighting I will use my 450cfm inline for most of the job. Was going to try to hang the carbon scrubber and run it to one end of the cool tube, and the other end straight to the inline so it'd basically be scrubbing my air from the tent as it passed the light bringing he heat of that with it out of the tent. I could be wrong, but damn if it doesn't sound like a good idea. I have a 10 pack of afghan kush - the original AK haha - so that will be my base for genetics. I have a rather wicked cabinet I'd say and that has been my veg chamber in the past. It lit top to bottom with t5s and is beast when dealing with propagation of seeds, and the subtle love clones require to be happy and prosper. There I will keep my mother, and her chitlin as I funnel them into what I think I might do, a 3x3 tray of ebb/flow in the tent.

@absolute - your the man, I am off to your thread next, and then Barrelhse's to see what he has going on. I am sure after most of my questions are answered I will bail on the thread and set up an official grow log so if I lose you here I will be in your thread for sure :-), I'll be sure to shoot you a link to the grow log.

@barrlhse - glad you said something, I remember reading it but I didn't think it was a grow log, thought maybe an advertisement, but I am on my way there now.

Thanks again all for the kind words, couldn't give rep again to most of you but the others of you got some.


Active Member
Haha I like the way you think too sir, that's a possibility too but it would take a bigger tent then what I was after originally. Just means I'd have to leave it in the spare room instead of the spare closet, but then I'd debate with myself all day about the electricity consumption and end up being a grouchy bastard so the cons are outweighing me there.
Haha I like the way you think too sir, that's a possibility too but it would take a bigger tent then what I was after originally. Just means I'd have to leave it in the spare room instead of the spare closet, but then I'd debate with myself all day about the electricity consumption and end up being a grouchy bastard so the cons are outweighing me there.
I hear you but i think a sea of green would be better with two lights then just one if thats what you are after.