• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

5-0 stories


Well-Known Member
well then dude there is no reason to have a drug lord attitude if you never carry drugs on you...
i agree dont bring product with you places but generally cops are there to help us so i dotn treat them like shit
the only way a cop has ever helped me is into his car after he arrested me...

420 Growper

Well-Known Member
When I was a youngster we flipped a VW bus a block from my home, we had a QP (shwag) in the glove box with a pipe.

Everything was everywhere and what is really funny is when the mULTIPLE cops were lookin at the bus they shined there flashlights right on it, and NEVER even noticed it--damn FREEZER bag and a pipe right there.

must of had donuts on there minds-my buddy casually picked it up and stuffed it down his pants when they werent lookin LOL


Well-Known Member
fuck cops. there should be no reason to be nervous at all anytime . so stop bein lil bitches and havin yer heart pound when you see lights. just think of them as being your bitch. a good state of mind when dealing with cops is to think your a cuban drug lord and noone can touch you. just never ever ever ever drive around with product on you. as long as you can follow that rule your fine.

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, what?


New Member
yeah, one tiem i was "lost" and they sent their helpful dog to find me. If they ever threatened the dog after that, I just dropped to the floor.


Well-Known Member
generally cops are there to help us so i dotn treat them like shit
That was the case when i was a kid & i truly believed that too,i looked up to cops,after having my teeth kicked in so many times by cops,elevator rides by sherriff deputy's where they kick the shit out of you,Big 4 Task Force(4 huge cop's to 1 car) kicking my ass half a dozen times i'd rather have a root canal then speak to a cop,the list of bad shit htey've done to me is endless.

Ive had way too many horrible experiences with police in a bunch of different states for bad cop's to be isolated incidents,the only people cop's are here to help is themselves,to whatever they want when ever they want.

When i was a kid cop's used to help you change a flat tire or push your car off the road,now they pull up behind you,spotlight the fuk out of you,run your name,give you a big blast of shit then squeel out to look for somebody else to harrass,leaving our ass'es on the side of the road.

I'll take a big pass on the kind of help the police have to offer.


Well-Known Member
When i was a kid alot of the cop's were cool as fuck,they didnt give two shits about people getting high,i cant count the times that a cop caught me holding & let me go.

There was a cop who's last name was Rammage,he got behind me while i was riding my motorcycle,he hit the lights & i hit the gas,it was on then,that old bastard could drive so now im getting scared,dammed old Harley didnt have enough balls to out run him real good so i hit the golf course nearby,he followed me in to the course & across the greens,he was on my ass until we came up to a bridge across a river, the little bridge was only wide enough for a golf cart, i made it across & he had to turn around,i got away or so i thought.

A few weeks later he saw me in my truck & hit the lights,i pulled right over,he searched me & found my stash,i had over an ounce of gold bud,a bunch of window payne,some Tab T's or maybe ludes,a block of hash & a log of opium,he started laughing at me,like wtf dude are you planning a party, i didnt know what to say.

He told me to pour it all out on the ground & smash it in with my boot,i tried to fake it but he wasnt buying it,he made me mash it in real good,then he told me to beat it & let me go,before i left he said,"hey fucker,i'd of got your ass if you hadnt hit that bridge ",i just smiled & said yeah,keep in mind this was in the early 1970's,nowdays its ass out for shit like that.

Another time in the very late 1970's or very early 1980's a friend of mine was murdered,we were very close friends since we were little boys,we were both rollin back then & pretty well known around town,some fuck called the police tip line & said i killed my friend over 10lbs of bud,the cop that came to question me was the same cop Rammage,he'd been promoted to homicide.

So were sittin in my house & he's running all these questions by me,im really trying to help him find my friends killer too so im telling him the truth to the point im incriminating myself for several things,i told him i'd do my best to help & i wouldnt lie when answering his questions & i didnt,he said thank you & told me that i had till 9am the next morning,then he was turning in his report & notifying narcotics about the heavy odor of weed comming from my house.

The narc squad showed up 2 days later while we were having a bbq,they did their thing,tore my house all to hell,passed around dirty pics i took of my ole lady to all the other cops,stole some cash & split,the house was clean.


Active Member
a friend and i once got pulled over in e bmore with an 1/4 between us. the cop looked at it and said ladies please i really don't want the paper work. when i come back that had better not be there. he came back with a citation for a busted taillight. another time a friend and i were smokin on the way to fells point and a cop stopped us took a hit and told us to make sure we finish it before we hit the main streets. i guess it's just where you are. i know if you get caught in bmore city you're generally fine if it's less than an ounce. if you're in bmore county or any other place you are royally screwed. i think we were able to get off b/c of the combo of lazy cops and two girls. who knows? i wont be trying either again though thats for sure


Active Member
me and my guys were walkin down da block and smoking...i think we had already smoked like a ounce within 2hrs... and its like 2 in the mornin....i was bent so i told them that i was threw... i told them to stop that we was to fuckin high but they kept smokin..... a cop drives up behind us with his lights off and then gets on the loud speaker and says stop put your hands up....we were so high we didnt even see or hear him comming... he told my guys to go stand at the back of the car and asked me did i want apart of this....i told him no and went to da crib....my guys got mad at me since the went to jail on possession and i got off.... Shits Trippy man


Active Member
well my story isn't exactly dealing with cops....its the us/can border.....its the weekend just scored 1.5o going away for 2 days..rolled acouple for the road..actually 6....husband does not smoke the lovely green....so I hot boxed the truck.....as we are driving to our destination....talking, laughing (you get the picture). Missed the turn but didnt know it til we seen a sign Welcome to USA....oh crap, hot boxed truck, pot in my purse, space case, scale oh crap...took us 8 sec to air that truck, put shit away and act innocent...my husband is the man:joint:;-)


Well-Known Member
fuck the cops all they do is creep around all day bein all sneaky and shit like rats. i've had so many sound violations and tint tickets i called a cop a cocksucker to his face once and he didnt do shit he just made me stand outside my car for like 10 min tryna think of ways to search it. in my area they're gettin all undercover cars now so they're even more like rats. tbo, if someone was like breakin into my house, the last thing on my mind would be call 911. i mean cops are good for domestic disputes and stuff like that but seatbelt tickets and shit like that? cmon now sack up..


Well-Known Member
well my story isn't exactly dealing with cops....its the us/can border.....its the weekend just scored 1.5o going away for 2 days..rolled acouple for the road..actually 6....husband does not smoke the lovely green....so I hot boxed the truck.....as we are driving to our destination....talking, laughing (you get the picture). Missed the turn but didnt know it til we seen a sign Welcome to USA....oh crap, hot boxed truck, pot in my purse, space case, scale oh crap...took us 8 sec to air that truck, put shit away and act innocent...my husband is the man:joint:;-)
Sounds like your husband is one of those ppl that claim not to smoke but with a little help from his loving, hot boxing, wife you both get to pretend.
why can't ppl just be honest.


I only have one story where a cop ever let me go. It was 2 in the morning and I was driving into town to a gas station to chill with my friend who worked there. From my house to the gas station is like..3 miles tops. I had a joint and was smoking it on the drive. Right before you get into the town you go over a hill and as I was coming up the hill I notice 2 cop cars with their lights on and they had someone pulled over. I was like crap and put the joint in the ashtray and lit a cig. Had just bought the car within the past week and it was used and the previous owner had lost the title so they wrote out a bill of sale, without that though we couldn't get registration or the license plate but it had insurance and my license was good. I'm so glad I put the joint out because no sooner do I get past the cops and the pulled over car than the back cop pulls away and flips his lights on me. I was like crap man I know this guy is going to smell it. I had the ashtray shut and thats where the roach was. I was dressed up a bit bcuz I was going to see my friend and he was a guy and we sort of flirted with each other so I wanted to look good. Well the cop walks up to the window and before he even says anything he does that whole sniffing thing and leans down a little bit more and shines his flashlight around the car and my stomach drops bcuz I just know I'm busted. And he was like I'm stopping you cuz you don't have a plate so I explain to him the situation and give him my license and the insurance and then he was like "You don't remember me?" And I stare at dude for probably like a minute and I still can't figure out where I know him from so I tell him no. He laughed and then went to check my stuff and he came back he was like, "did you know your license was suspended?" I totally didn't know it and I told him that, and told him I was just going to the gas station and then I was going home. He was like well, you need to call down there and chek on your license and make sure you got that plate and then he started to walk away and he turned bak and was like "you might wanna leave the windows down on your way home" and gave me that grin and waved and went and got in his car and pulled off. I'm sitting there like damn how did I not just go to jail? But then I pulled off and as I'm pulling into the gas station, I finally remember the guy. When I knew him, he was a correctional officer at the juvenile jail while I was there one time! I laughed for like 5 minutes.


So one night when I was seventeen I went to my friends house. He wasnt home yet so I walked to the house next door because i was friends with the kid who lived there too(but didnt know him that well yet).The kid that lived there is named emmet and he was having a family party that night. all his women relatives were sloppy drunk and stinky. Aunts and female cousins generally middle aged and beyond. So i'm sitting there in this house while these crazy drunk bitches are dancing and fallingall over the place and i'm just waiting for my other friend to get home so i can leave. While i'm sitting there i notice emmet is gone. he was standing right beside me a minute ago. i was not going to be left alone in that horrible place so i went to look for him. i walk around the house nothing. cross the living room where the slutty wrinkle maidens danced again. no emmet. so i walk upstairs.... the second bedroom to the left is his bedroom and the door is just barely cracked and the light is off but i hear something. not sure what but voices. I do not want to be alone so i peak into the door. i cant see anything so i push it open a little more little by little until I saw it.... there was emmet(remember i dont know him that well i met him about a week before) on his bed with his thirty something,sixfoot plus, COUSIN squatting over him with his face in her butt. ok this "cousin" is no ordinary cousin. picture a large pear shaped body. white skin. jagged teeth. pretty short black hair and some bushy ass eyebrows. yes. extremely bushy brows. and the worst part is....before i turned away i caught a glance of the ugly ass bitch PEEING on fucking emmet while he was nose deep in her brown eye. I got the hell out of there and just went home. I know this is kinda out there but believe me its something i'll never forget. I didnt give a fuck about keeping it to myself so i told a bunch of my friends at school afterwards and word got to emmet that i was saying shit and he approached me and was like, "DUDE it was my second cousin man!". and i just turned around and walked away from him. moral of the story.. never judge a book by its cover?
this story has nothing to do with the cops....

well one time me and about 7 other people were smoking in a park parking lot

all just standing around the 3 cars that were parked in 3 adjacent spaces

2 cop cars pull in and park next to the only entrance / exit

fucking idiots 4 of my friends scatter, they quickly packed themselves up and bounced

which was the dumbest thing you could ever do in that situation

but they didnt pull them over, or us

another time i was at a different park in that parking lot in my friends truck

were smoking a bowl or 2 when a cop pulls on the road directly behind my friends truck and parks

so we got out and went into the tennis court, which had vines growing on the fence

we could see out, but he could not see in

we waited like half an hour for the fuzz to leave

and smoked some more in celebration

Edit: ah how could i forget this one,

was with a friend of mine who sold weed at the time

he had about 2 ounces in his pockets

stopped about 10 feet from the white line of stop sign and said "dude where is my phone" as i looked around under the seat etc

i found it and i start going through the stop sign i had been sitting at for 6 or 7 seconds

RIGHT as i start moving a cop pulls from around a blind corner, and light me up, because he thought i ran the stop sign

i wasnt high so i didnt think it was a big deal (he was the one with the weed LOL)

he comes over and asks for the shit and i said "this is going to sound pretty stupid, but i have never been pulled over before, so whats the little piece of paper im supposed to give you look like"

gave it to him, explained what happened, he send me on my way (come to think of it i wasnt supposed to have passengers but he didnt say anything

and finally, the moment that proved im psychic

at the store i used to work at, close every night til 2 am, i had 2 room mates who were also managers at the store, closing managers (good times)

well one night Greg and i were leaving and while we were walking to our cars i randomly said (dunno why i said it) "dude i think one of us is going to get pulled over tonight"

sure enough, i got pulled over for doing 50 in a 40, the dude let me go though, the only words he said were "registration, (looked at it), SLOW DOWN" and walked away

i guess im just lucky


Active Member
i cant even tell you how many times a cop just walked up to me and started patting me down without saying shit
the look on their face is so funyn when i start saying laws and statutes and shit like that by heart that they cant touch me
what are the laws an what do you say to the little piggys i got that problem an all i tell em is do you have probable cause blah blah blah an if they dont it is unlawfull for them to search me


Active Member
First time I got pulled over was me and my 2 friends. A car hit me a couple days earlier so I only had 1 head light. My friend had and once and a half and we were just driving from his house to mine(only 10min ride) So of coarse some cop sees the light and pulls me over. We looked high as shit. So first thing he says is whats that smell. I was like I dunno anti-freeze(my car leaked anti-freeze). He was like it smells like something else. I said nothing. Then he said WHATS IN THE CAR. I said nothing. Then he reach for his gun and said WHATS IN THE CAR. I was like theres a roach in the ashtray. I didnt want to say my friend had an once and a half on him. Then all of a sudden my friends says theres and once of weed in the car. The cop took all of us out and searched the car. After 15 min the cop still couldnt find the weed LOL(if my friend just kept his mouth shut) To make a long story short he only have me a seat belt ticket and took all the weed.

Second time I was smoking by my self and flying down the road. All of a sudden I come up on a down tree and a cop standing next to it. I slow down real quick and the cop signals for me to stop. So I turn on the AC to high and roll down my window. I still have a fat as joint burning so I put it down next to my leg. The cop walk over and says slow down then tells me to go. I guess he didnt
smell it.

Third time was 3 weeks ago. My friend was rolling a blunt and lost his grinder. We searched my car 2 weeks straight and could not find it. So one night at like 4am I am driving home and forget to turn on my head lights. So I get pulled over like 2 seconds from his house. I could literally still see my friends house. So the cop says you look like your drunk. So he has me step out the car and walk in a straight line and then do the ABC's. Hes like ok you dont seem to be drunk I was like no I'm just tired it is like 4 am. He has me stand to the back my car and searches it. Within 10 seconds he pulls out my friends grinder(which still had tons of weed in it) He was like whats this. I was like um it a thing that holds weed. So after about 10 min of searching he comes up to me and says so are you ok to drive you seem kinda out of it usually people get nurves. I said cops dont may me nurves. Then he just said I could go. He didnt give me a ticket or even take the GRINDER!


Well-Known Member
So about 2 weeks ago me and 2 friends are riding through town at Midnight. We come close to an intersection near Winn Dixie and cop flicks his lights on. We werent worried because none of us had anything on us, but little did we know someone who was in the car earlier left a fucking pipe under the seat. Cop asks for liscence and insurance, we ask why we got pulled over. "No Tag light". And for no fucking reason ask to search the car, and since we thought there wasnt anything in the car we agreed to the search. Cop finds the pipe immediately, but since he couldn't find any sacs of weed he starts going into the carpet and pulling up what looks like lint and grass. He's over there threatening us saying " I can bust you punks with paraphinilia and possession". We're like "Thats not fucking weed man, Thats a pipe I know, but thats not weed", cops like "This is freshly picked POT BOY!". Then he starts questioning us about whose pipe and "weed" it is, me and the chick I was with don't say shit, but the other guy that was with us must have said something REALLY fucking smart to the cop because next thing I know the cop is like "Oh, this must just be tobbacco", and throws the lint/grass on the ground and drops the pipe down a drain.

What's funny is like 30 mins after we got let go I realized that in the pages of a folder that was in the car there are some laminated leaves of my 8ft monster plant. That would have been fun to explain


Active Member
Aside from getting out of many tickets:

~1984 - Fishing for shark on a beach in South Florida at night. Cops come down to the beach and bitch us out for where we parked etc. So we head up to move the truck and the cop is like "I see MJ seeds of the floor there...you boys have any MJ in the truck?" So my friend says Yes and opens the tackle box. In the top tray was a fat joint and he gave it to the cop. So the cop tells us to go home and he drives away. (he put the joint in his shirt pocket! lol)

My friend starts to laugh and pulls the trays of the tackel box open and in the bottom (under the trays) was like a QP!