5.8" is it enough?

I thought it was the width that mattered? I can't touch the bottom of a tuna can but I can scrape all sides! lol j/k
"it turns out size does matter in the bed"

WOW! SHOCKING news !!!!!

Thank you NYDailyNews, for validating my common sense.
The Germans showed us the way to make short things functionally longer. Behold the exultant triumph that is staging. cn


so strap-on lol...........
Yes they can get off with foreplay but on the same ticket what makes a woman truly see the man as masculant or alpha is his ability to get her off with his wanker. When achieved there is a reaction in the woman that tells her if this is a good mate so all you twat lickers while you may be getting the job done you could be doing way more for her with your weenie.
What about the size of the pussy, does that matter? Haha, I think so. I fucked an older woman a while back and she had a pretty large pussy. I was fucking her and it didn't seem to do much for her so I grabbed the base of my dick and shook that shit all around in her, and she loved it. Sometimes you gotta get creative. :)
With the larger holes you can play the its out its in game. Sometimes all the way out sometimes almost out
simulates that stretching effect.