5 clones, no more dome


Well-Known Member
Took these 5 cuts exactly a week ago today. So far they look good. They've been in a dome for 7 days. 4 days ago I started burping them. First day was 30 minutes. Day 2 1hr day 3 1.5hr day 4 2hr

No wilting occurred at any time.

Took the dome off today and keeping it off.

Without further adoo... lmao
Here they are! In my newly built veg cabinet. :-D



Well-Known Member
Had to throw them out last night. Gnats made babies in the soil and the neem oil spray i have is useless. Wasted over a weeek making gnat babies cus there's gnats in the basement


Well-Known Member
Mate, didnt you try nothing besides the Neem ? Should have tried some diatomaceous earth or sharp sand as a top dress and put out some sticky traps.

Such a shame.

NUKE the basement, put out some sticky traps, and try some other sort of preventive / erradication measure.


Weed Modifier
There are alternative ways to keep gnats in check...but I quess its too late now :(

You are way too quick to react.... and didnt want to wait for proper advice? .....this was the first that ive heard you talk about having gnat issue...?

Maybe there are too many threads To follow, hard to keep up with them all???

Advised you to keep all topics in grow journal, but didn't happen....can always link threads to your journal or visa versa?


Well-Known Member
There are alternative ways to keep gnats in check...but I quess its too late now :(

You are way too quick to react.... and didnt want to wait for proper advice? .....
I know, fungus gnats are the least of anyones worries.... All you need to do is break the cycle and let them die off. Now, the borg I could understand :?:cry:


Well-Known Member
Mate, didnt you try nothing besides the Neem ? Should have tried some diatomaceous earth or sharp sand as a top dress and put out some sticky traps.

Such a shame.

NUKE the basement, put out some sticky traps, and try some other sort of preventive / erradication measure.
I have no access to the basemenr. Crazy father in law

Therefor I have to kill them up here until next month. They leave in the colder months.


Well-Known Member
There are alternative ways to keep gnats in check...but I quess its too late now :(

You are way too quick to react.... and didnt want to wait for proper advice? .....this was the first that ive heard you talk about having gnat issue...?

Maybe there are too many threads To follow, hard to keep up with them all???

Advised you to keep all topics in grow journal, but didn't happen....can always link threads to your journal or visa versa?
I've been dealing with them for over a month now. Because the neem oil spray i got wasnt any good. Had to throw them out because the infestation was that bad... :( anyways this is a mistake I have learned from.